Your Song



"Are we there yet?" Shane asked in his little kid voice for probably the millionth time.

"Shane we just started driving!" I said laughing.

On this very lovely day in the very early freaking morning Jeff, Shane, Matt, and I were on our way to the airport. In the car Jeff was driving, with Shane in the passenger seat and Matt and me in the back seats.

We were headed across the ocean to the UK for some shows and I was really excited. I'd wanted to go to London ever since I was little and that was our first stop.

"Are we there yet?" I asked suddenly bouncing in my seat.

"Hey! That's my thing!" Shane said turning around in his seat to pretend-glare at me.

I stuck my tongue out at him, causing Jeff and Matt to laugh. Shane made a face at me before turning back around.

Shane, Jeff, and Matt started talking about how Shannon was saying how much he missed the WWE and was thinking about coming back. I sat back in my seat and looked out the window. I felt Matt's hand on mine and habitually laced my fingers through his.

"What are you thinking about?" he whispered in my ear.

"Stuff." I said turning to face him.

"Just stuff?" he asked scooting closer to me.

I smiled. "Just stuff."

He smiled back and pulled me onto his lap – neither of us were wearing our seatbelts.

"Have I told you I love you yet today?" he asked leaning his head down so that there was practically no space between us.

"No." I said wrapping my arms around his neck the best I could in the small space we had. "Maybe you should tell me..."

"Or I could show you." he said before kissing me.


"... and it would be awesome if Shannon came back." Shane was saying. "If he got on SmackDown we would all be on the same brand. It would be like back in the OMEGA days... only better."

"Yeah." I said looking in the rearview mirror. "I think we lost Matt." I was able to see Matt and Zarah kissing in the backseat.

"Ew. I think I can hear their lips smacking." Shane said. He looked back and laughed. "You know, Jeff, they don't seem to be wearing their seatbelts..." he said.

I smiled and started jerking the steering wheel, causing the car to swerve all over the road. I heard tumbling and groaning from the backseat and looked in the rearview mirror again. Matt was now lying on top of Zarah, both of them wearing looks of surprise.

"Hey! No sex in the backseat!" Shane yelled.

I laughed as Zarah's face turned beet-red.

"Sorry Zarah." I said as we pulled into the airport parking lot. "But it was just too easy to pass on."

"Jerk." she said in her kid voice.

"I love you too sister." I said sliding into a free parking spot in the long-term parking area.

We got out of the car, grabbed our bags, and made our way into the airport. We didn't make it very far before we were attacked by some fans. We ended up stopping in the middle of the airport for a swarm of fans....

I finished taking pictures with some really talkative teeny-boppers and turned to watch Zarah. She was finally starting to get used to people coming up and asking for her to sign something or to take a picture with them.

I watched a teenage boy, maybe around seventeen, hit on Zarah. He asked her to sign his shirt and kept trying to flirt with her. Knowing Zarah, she probably couldn't even tell he was flirting....

I looked over at Matt and saw that he was glaring at the boy; obviously I wasn't the only one who saw what was going on. I looked back at Zarah and the boy in time to see Zarah laugh at something he said and the boy turn and wink at his friends. Matt was probably getting pissed by now. I just hoped he remembered how clueless Zarah could be at times.

Shane must have seen what was going on too, because he suddenly got everyone's attention and told our fans that we had to leave and get ready for our flight.


We were all set to go and were now waiting for our flight to be called.

I sat down next to Matt who had been in a rather pissy mood ever since our fans left. I had no idea what could have made him like this....

"Matt." I said taking his hand.

He didn't say anything. He merely took he hand out of mine and turned his back to me.

"Matt." I said standing up and walking around to the other seat so that I was facing him. "Matt." I said as he turned away from me again. "Matt!" I grabbed his face and turned it so that I was looking into his eyes. "Matt, what's wrong?" I asked.

"You were flirting with that guy back there." he finally said, sounding majorly pissed.

"Which guy?" I asked. "There were, like, four or five of them. And I wasn't flirting with any of them!"

"Yes you were!" he said, looking like he could kill someone. "That guy with the Slipknot hat started flirting with you and you fucking flirted back!"

"How could you say that, Matt?" I said letting go of his face and taking a few steps back. "I would never flirt with another guy. I love you too much! And besides that, I didn't even know he was flirting! You know how clueless I am with that sorta thing!"

I turned my back to him and started walking away. I was almost to the little girls' room when I heard footsteps behind me. A second later I was scooped up into Matt's arms.

"I'm sorry." he said.

"It's okay." I said, knowing he really meant it. "I really need to be able to tell when someone is flirting with me... it makes me feel stupid sometimes..."

He laughed. "I love you." he said.

"I love you too." I said before kissing him.

"Guys," Jeff said coming over to us. "Didn't you hear? Our flight is boarding."

We broke apart and followed Jeff and Shane to the plane, Matt still carrying me bridal-style. He finally put me down when we reached our seats.

"Yay plane!" I said sitting down in my seat by the window. "Nap time!"

"But you slept till noon!" Jeff said taking the seat in front of me and leaning over the back to talk to me.

"Don't make fun of me." I said. "I didn't want to get up till two but Matt made me."

Matt took the seat next to me and Shane took the one next to Jeff. I waited until the plane took off before asking one of the flight attendants for a pillow and trying to get comfy.

"Oh I see how it is." Matt said as I leaned my head against the window. "My shoulder's not good enough for you!"

I laughed and moved so that my head was resting on his shoulder. "Happy?" I asked looking up at him.

"Not entirely." he said smiling.

"Well maybe this will help." I said smiling.

I leaned up and kissed him.

"No sex on the plane!" Shane and Jeff suddenly yelled.

Matt and I broke apart blushing and looked around. Everyone in the first class section of the plane was staring at us.

"Thanks guys." I said sitting as far back in my seat as I could.

"Your welcome!" they called back laughing.
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I would just like to say that I am majorly BUMBED about Hurricane Helms being released from the WWE. But I am going to continue writing about him in my story like I have been because, in my opinion, he did not deserve to be released! I'm really hoping that Hurricane Helms decides to join Jeff Hardy and Shannon Moore on TNA... or that WWE realizes what a stupid mistake they made and rehires him soon! :]