Status: Finished .... For now .....

Diamonds in the Rough


Tour life was anything but boring. Of course we’ve read all those stories online about how much fun it is, but you never truly get the full experience until you’ve been in a fifteen passenger van driving across the country with your best friends.

She was best friends with Valary DiBendetto ever since kindergarten when they had to take naps. The two of them fought over the same carpet square every day, and soon they bonded instantly over it. The two of them grew up together in middle school and survived the halls of high school. Valary was just a year older than her. This mystery girl was Jasey Rae.

Together they were inseparable. They were best friends from the cradle to the grave.

Val met Matt her junior year in her music theory class. They hit it off right away and were destined to be best friends forever. Little did the rest of the world know, they were going to be something more. Much more.

You see Matt was in a band that Valary was growing fond of. In between classes he would have her read some of the things that band had come up with. She always knew they were going to get big one day, it was just going to take some time.

She had also become close friends with the rest of its members which included Brian, Jimmy, Johnny, and Zacky. Together the five of them, including Matt, formed Avenged Sevenfold, a hard-core punk sounding band. They were different that’s for sure.

Jimmy was an absolute maniac on and off the drums. Johnny could bang a bass like it was no ones business. Zacky could dress up in just about anything and you’d still want to hug him. Brian had the fingers of god and could play anything your heart desired. Matt was the voice of the band, whether he was screaming lines to the song or singing melodic melodies. Together they were unstoppable.

Valary had invited Jasey to a band rehearsal two weeks before they were set to play at Chain Reaction. When Jasey arrived that night, she didn’t really know what to expect.

Musically, she knew. She was the one who had set up the band’s myspace page since none of them were very good with technology.

Physically, she had no clue what they were like. They only wanted to post their photo of their logo as their profile picture.

So here was the natural blonde, gone to a dark brown, with crystal blue eyes, sitting on a broken freezer with in her best friend’s boyfriend’s garage, listening to them play. At the same time she was trying to keep from staring, but even that was proving to be difficult. But hey, what’s a girl to do when you have five unbelievably gorgeous men standing in front of you?

From then on, Jasey Rae was officially part of the Avenged Sevenfold family.

And to be honest, she wouldn’t have it any other way.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is filler-ish i know.
Hang tight, more is coming.
Promise. :]

And throughout the story,
may you remember the rev and all his glory.
live it up in the afterlife, and we'll live it up down here for you.