Status: Finished .... For now .....

Diamonds in the Rough


“You guys were awesome!” Jasey screamed, bouncing on her toes.
“The kids were great!” Jimmy exclaimed, giving Jasey a sweaty hug. She wrinkled up her nose and pushed him away seconds later.

Zacky swung his guitar off his shoulder.

“So I have a mission for you,” Zacky said with a serious face.
“Listening,” She said.
“You have to talk to Brian, a full on conversation, no if’s and’s or but’s.”

“On one condition,” She grinned, “You give me a piggy back ride back to the bus.”

“Promise you’ll talk to him?” He said raising his brow at her.
“Yeah, sure promise,” She said holding up her pinky for him to latch on to, “Just give me a damn piggy back ride.”

“Promise me Jasey?” He repeated with more seriousness.

She sighed, biting her bottom lip, “Promise.”

“Alright,” He said crouching down, “Get on.”

She climbed on to his back. Jimmy ran ahead of them screaming phrases that not even Jasey could understand. They passed Valary and Matt on the other side of the stage and Jasey made a face at them. No one questioned why Jasey was on Zacky’s back and only a handful of fans saw her running away with him.

“Okay,” He said flipping her on to the couch on the bus, “I’m going back inside; you have yourself some fun in here.”

“Mmkay!” She grinned and pecked his cheek.

The bus door closed and she ran to the bunk room, changing into a pair of pink Hello Kitty pajama pants and a black cami. She pulled out her iPod and plugged it in to the iHome Leanna and Gena had got for the bus. According To You by Orianthi came pouring through the speakers and not a second later she was dancing around the bus.

But according to him I'm beautiful, incredible; he can't get me out of his head. According to him I'm funny, irresistible, everything he ever wanted. Everything is opposite; I don't feel like stopping it, so baby tell me what I got to lose. He's into me for everything I'm not, according to you.

The door to the bus opened, but she didn’t hear it, let alone was she paying attention to who walked in. She only stopped when the music did and that was because someone had pushed the pause button.

“What the hell?!” She shouted, getting the hair that she had flipped in front of her face out of her eyes.

A devilish grin appeared on Synyster Gates face. She flashed her teeth at him like she was a dog that was about to attack.

“Don’t worry, I think you look cute dancing around the bus,” He smiled, wiggling his eyebrows.
“I’m still mad at you,” She huffed.

“Jasey,” He sighed, “You don’t know how sorry I am.”
“What makes me believe that you’re sorry?”
“Because I realized that I was an ass and I fucked up. I’m sorry.

Silence and tension fell between them as those words sunk in.

Forgive and Forget …………

It wasn’t long before slight smile played on her lips, “Are you just gonna stand there or are you going to dance with me?”

She hit the next button on her iPod allowing Everywhere by Michelle Branch to being playing.

The crazy dancing ensued once again, causing Jasey to do a few more hair flips and jump up and down like a five year old in a candy store.

'Cause you're everywhere to me and when I close my eyes it's you I see. You're everything I know that makes me believe I'm not alone. I'm not alone.

As the song’s pace slowed down for the bridge, Brian came in closer. Distance was still between them, but it was closing rapidly.

His eyes locked on to hers and everything, including her heart, had stopped. The whole world was slow moving and still. She saw the regret and remorse in his eyes and felt it stab her in the heart. She needed to forgive and forget as well.

His calloused hands cupped her cheeks, making her stomach to flip flops. The bridge had just ended and the chorus picked back up; without hesitation or a second thought, he slipped his lips on to hers.

Shocked at first, she froze. But then after hearing the music in the background, she kissed him back. Her eyes closed and her arms found their way around his neck. The tip of his tongue grazed the bottom of her lip and she subconsciously lowered her jaw, allowing them to dance with each other.

The music faded away into the next song, but neither one of them was paying attention.

He pulled away from her, pressing his forehead against hers. Their breathing was shallow and their heartbeats were rapid. His hands moved from her cheeks, which were a little flushed, to her waist, holding on to her tightly.

A smile spread across her lips as well as his.

This was the first time in a while that she had been happy.

And it felt good to finally just let go.
♠ ♠ ♠
I have nothing really to say.
I'll be writing more soon.