Status: Finished .... For now .....

Diamonds in the Rough


Jasey’s eyes opened a few hours later due to noises in the bunk room. And get your head out of the gutter people, there was no sex going on! Or was there?

She tilted her head up and saw Brian still sleeping. She moved her head and laid back down on his chest. How they went from sort of sitting on the couch, to completely laying down with her on top of him, is still anyone’s guess.

“Morning,” He smiled, feeling her move on top of him.
“Morning,” She said with a cheesy grin plastered on her face.

He looked around, squinting at the sunlight that was coming from outside.

“What time is it?” He asked in a hoarse voice, still full of sleep.

She pulled her phone out of the pocket of her hoodie, “Two fifteen.”

“Okay,” He said, allowing his eyes to shut again.

“Bry,” She whispered, flipping over so her she was face to face with him, “Don’t you have sound check?”

“Don’t remind me,” He grumbled, still keeping his eyes closed

“Uh no,” She said in a motherly voice, “You have a job to do and fans to please. It’s the last show and you’re going out with a bang, so you need to go to sound check.”

“Zacky can do it for me,” He said with a slight smile, opening his eyes just a little.

“Fine,” She said cockily, “But I won’t be the reason you were late.”

She put her arms on either side of him to push herself up off the couch, but he tightened his grip around her middle.

“And where do you think you’re going?” He said slyly, coking his brow at her.

“Let me go!” She shouted.
“Don’t think so,” He smirked, pulling her down towards him and leaving a few butterfly kisses on her neck leaving her in a fit of laughter.

“B-Bri- Brian!” She struggled, “Stop!”
“Don’t want to!” He challenged, continuing to leave kisses on her neck, now tickling her sides, causing her to become short of breath and squirmy.

“Please!” She begged.
“What was that?”
“Please stop!”

“Why?” He asked as he stopped kissing her neck, but still tickling her sides.

“Because…… I love you!” She screamed, not fully realizing or thinking about what she had said.

He stopped and a devilish grin appeared on his face. She was still sitting on top of him, attempting to catch her breath. Once her brain began to function again, her face went from a rosy color to a deep shade of red.

“What did you say?” He teased, unwrapping his arms from her waist.
“I didn’t say anything,” She lied. He cocked his brow at her once again.

“I’m serious!” She said with wide eyes.
“Okay…” He sang, sliding her on to the couch and getting up.

He walked over to the door to the back of the bus, but stopped before opening it, “I love you too Jasey Rae.”

He shut the door behind him, leaving her dazed and confused.

“He didn’t,” She said quietly to herself, shaking her head.

A smile broke out on to her face seconds later.

He said he loved her.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm sorry this is short, but the house is empty and instead of partying, I am going to study for finals.
Feel free to come over later and beat me over the head for even thinking to do that.

On a slightly different note, there is this story I would like you to check out. It would mean a lot to me, and the author if you contributed. You can read my wonderful experience as well as others too. click here

Okay wow, I really sound like a telemarketer there or something of that nature. Hopefully I'll update soon, again, I'm sorry it's short. Education is making my brain lazy.