Status: Finished .... For now .....

Diamonds in the Rough


“To Avenged Sevenfold!” Someone shouted, raising their shot glass in the air. Everyone else in the bar had done the same. Quickly they swung their heads back and took the shot.

Crew men, best friends, tour mates, and just about anyone within hearing distance were at Johnny’s bar tonight. Music was blasting and alcohol was flowing. Bodies were swaying and drunken dares were being performed. This was the ultimate party spot, well besides the lake of course.

Jasey was talking to Valary about which of them could do more shots of tequila when she was tapped on the shoulder by someone. Turning around she was annoyed, but when she saw the person behind her she screamed.

“Leanna!” She shrieked, throwing her arms around the golden brown haired girl.

“Been keepin’ my boyfriend out of your panty drawer?” The bleach blonde said walking over to them.

“Gee!” She let go of Leanna and latched on to Gena.
“So you and Val stuck it out for the last to weeks?” Gena smiled.
Jasey nodded, “It was uh, interesting to say the least.”

“Oh really now?” She inquired.
“Yeah,” Jasey said sheepishly, looking across the bar at Brian and Zacky.

“I want to know everything,” Gena grinned, putting her hand on Jasey’s knee.


“So now he knows you love him and you know he loves you,” Gena summarized.
“Basically,” Jasey said setting down her empty glass that used to contain a margarita, “I don’t know if he means it or not though.”

“You know he means it Jase, its Synyster fucking Gates we’re talking about here. He broke up with Michelle for you. And don’t get me wrong, she’s one of my closest friends, but if he really got over you, he would’ve moved on with her.”

“I guess,” She shrugged, “There’s just part of me that feels like this is all just a game to him.”

“Well with the way he’s been looking at you for most of the night, it’s not a game to him. Otherwise he’d be looking at you like you were a piece of meat.”

Jasey giggled at her comment, “Thanks Gena. At least I know I’m not a grade A cut.”

“Nope, you’re more likely going to be ground beef than a t-bone steak.”

“Leanna, stop staring!” Valary shouted.
“What, oh sorry. It’s just so shiny!” She smiled, looking back up at Valary’s face instead of her ring.

“THAT’S WHAT I SAID!” Jasey added, “Shiny things are so easy to be distracted by!”

“Both of you are out of your minds,” Valary said shaking her head at the two of them.
“What can I say,” Leanna grinned, putting her chin on Jasey’s shoulder, “Great minds think alike.”
“Both of you have ADD,” Valary concluded.

“I thought I heard you yelling over here.”
Jasey turned around, “LACEY!”
“It’s so good to see you again!” The girl said wrapping her arms around Jasey’s torso.

“Well you could’ve stuck around for a little while longer with Gena and Leanna,” Jasey said.
“Hey,” She shrugged, “When work calls, it calls.”
“And then you tell them to shove it up their ass,” Jasey said with the most serious face she could manage to put on.

“I say we get another round of margaritas!” Leanna suggested.
“I agree,” Valary nodded and signaled for the bartender to come over.

A few minutes later each of the girls had a drink in hand.

“To the Avenged girls,” Valary said raising her glass in the air.
“To the Avenged girls,” Gena repeated.

All five of them tapped their glasses together and took a drink.
♠ ♠ ♠
Can't study. Too distracted.
This story has been on my mind a little too much.

And I have a question for you all. Actually a couple.

1. Are Zacky and Gena still together? I read somewhere that they weren't.
2. Are Johnny and Lacey still together? Again, I read and well, heard, that they broke up back in 2008.

I know that Rian and Kara broke up. If you don't know who they are, that's alright.

Oh well, back to my studying. More than likely I'll end up writing again.