Status: Finished .... For now .....

Diamonds in the Rough


It was now close to five in the morning and the two of them were still wide awake. The alcohol had worn off a while ago, but that didn’t affect them. Valary, Leanna, and Lacey all called Jasey around the same time and Valary had asked if Jasey still wanted to come home. Jasey turned her down and spent the rest of her night with Brian watching as many movies as they could cram into the DVD player.

It was now approaching five-fifteen AM and Jasey was still laying on top of Brian’s chest with his arms wrapped around her waist. He was watching The Hangover and at one point she was too, but now his nose ring caught her interest.

“Would I look good with my nose pierced?” She asked thinking out loud.

He turned his head and looked at her a little confused, “What?”

“Would I look good with my nose pierced?” She repeated.
“Sure?” He answered, sounding more like a question than a statement.

“I think I wanna get mine done,” She said still eyeing the small ring.
“I thought you didn’t like needles,” He said now paying attention to her spur of the moment decision.

“I’ve gotten my ears double pierced. I think I can handle a one more.”
“Are you sure?”

She nodded.

“I take it you want to go right now?”
“If I don’t go now, I’m going to back out of it,” She explained.

She slid off of him and stood up in front of him. He got up as well and walked into his room, meeting back with Jasey in the living room with two of his hoodies in hand.

“It’s gonna be cold out,” He smiled, handing her one. She blushed a little and slipped it over her shoulders.

He led her out to his jet black Ford mustang. He told Jasey a long time ago that he would’ve much rather have had an Audi than a mustang, but either way he still looked good in it.

She laughed at herself when she remembered that night.

“I just have one question,” She said as he pulled out on to the main road, “Is it gonna hurt?”

A smile spread across his cheeks; letting out a light chuckle.

“Stop laughing at me you bastard!” She hissed, smacking his shoulder.
“Hey! No hitting the driver!”
“I’ll do whatever I damn please!” She stated, crossing her arms over her chest, sticking out her tongue at him.

“Oh that’s mature Jasey,” He said in a sarcastic tone.
“And you love it.”

He shook his head and pulled into the parking lot of a tattoo shop. Probably the only one open this early in the whole state of California.

“Hello, what can I do for you?” A rather tall man with plenty of colorful tattoos said.
“She had a bright idea this morning to get her nose pierced,” Brian explained. Jasey turned around and gave him a look that she rarely used.

“Alright well,” He said before ducking behind the counter, “Just fill these forms out and we’ll get it done for you.”

The colorful man handed her three forms to fill out and a pen. Jasey stood there and filled them out, questioning why the asked such random thing some times.

Sex: Well obviously I’m a female, I have boobs.

He came back and took her forms when she was done, putting them in the office in the back.

“Right this way miss,” He said leading her over to a huge padded chair. She sat down in it and almost immediately her heart beat accelerated. She was on an adrenaline rush and was scared out of her mind.

Little known fact about Jasey Rae; she really did not like needles at all. When she got her ears double pierced she screamed and cried. That was when she was ten.

Now she’s twenty one and getting her nose pierced.

“Is that guy your boyfriend?” The colorful man asked. She shook her head.

“Best friend?” He asked again, “Or just some stranger you convinced to come in with you?”

She laughed, “Both. He’s my best friend who convinced me to come in.”

“Well that’s always good,” He smiled, holding up a box with a bunch of different nose rings, “Pick the one you want to start out with.”

She chose a simple white crystal stud. For something that was going to have to be in for two months, she wanted something that could go with everything.

He pulled the ring out from the little box and put it in the gun, cleaning the tip of the stud with a sterile gauze pad.

“I’m going to put it right here,” He said putting the tip of the ring where he had planned to on her nose.

“Okay,” She said a little uneasy.
“It’s only going to hurt for a second, promise,” He said with a warm smile. She nodded and closed her eyes.

“Take a deep breath in,” he instructed. She did so and felt the tip go through her flesh.

“There, all done,” He said moving the gun away from her face. He wiped off the blood from the piercing and handed her a mirror to look at.

“I think mine looks better than Brian’s!” She joked.
“You can change it in about two months.”
“Alright, thanks.”
“You’re welcome,” He said with a smile.

She hopped up out of the chair and walked back into the main room of the tattoo shop.

“Damn Jase,” Brian said, clearly shocked.
“Looks good, doesn’t it?” She said turning her head to the side so he could get a better view of it.

He leaned close to her ear, “You look ten times hotter with that in, you know that?”

Upon hearing that, she began to blush a dark red.

Brian took her hand in his and walked her out to the car. He opened the door for her and shut it once she got in, walking around to the other side. Shutting his own door, he leaned over the counsel between them, cupping her cheeks and catching her lips with his own.

“What was that for?” She asked surprised once he pulled away.
“I couldn’t hold back anymore,” He admitted.

She smiled and leaned back against the seat.

“I should probably take you home,” He said sounding sad.
“Yeah,” She sighed.

The engine roared to life and he pulled out of the parking lot, turning on to the road that went to Matt and Valary’s house.
♠ ♠ ♠
I don't really know what the point of this chapter was, other than to show she got her nose pierced. Which I kinda want too.

But anyway, if you haven't already, you should check this out.
Clicky Me!
I'll warn you now, it's going to make you cry.