Status: Finished .... For now .....

Diamonds in the Rough


“What the hell is that!” Valary shrieked.
“It’s a piece of glitter,” Jasey replied sarcastically, rolling her eyes, “What the fuck do you think it is? I got my nose pierced.”

“Well I can see that!” Valary answered, folding her arms over her chest, “Did Brian convince you to get it done?”

“No, I wanted to get it done for a while now. He just kinda helped me,” She shrugged.

“What in your right mind were you thinking?” She asked, narrowing her eyes at the stud in Jasey’s nose.

“I wasn’t,” Jasey laughed, “Sometimes it’s best not to think and just to do.”

With that being said, Jasey walked past Valary and up to her room.

Matt and Valary’s house wasn’t as ‘plain’ as Brian’s. It had a little more color to it. There were many shades of yellow, orange, and red throughout the whole house. The only room that was a complete different color was Jasey’s.

Her room was a dark shade of purple with cream colored curtains and a black comforter set. She had her own bathroom that complimented her room.

She took off what she was wearing from last night and replaced it with a plain grey t-shirt and a pair of black cotton shorts. She closed the curtains on her windows and flipped the covers of her bed over, crawling in underneath them and closing her eyes.

“Oh no, you don’t get to sleep,” Valary said rather loudly, walking in to Jasey’s room.
“All I want to do is sleep Val,” She groaned.

“You can sleep after you tell me what happened,” She said, sitting down on Jasey’s bed Indian style.

“Can’t we wait till after I take a nap?”
“Why are you even up at six thirty?” Jasey questioned, throwing her hands flat against the bed and looking at Valary.

“None of your business,” She said quickly.
“You were spying!” Jasey accused.
“Was not!”
“Then why the hell would you till be awake and not asleep with Matt?” She asked, cocking her brow at her.

“Maybe I didn’t want to sleep,” Valary retorted.
“Liar!” Jasey said narrowing her eyes at her.

“Alright fine! I was worried about you!” Valary admitted, “After Gena came back saying that you went home with Brian after the fight, I got a little worried.”

“I’m all in one piece,” Jasey said gesturing to herself, “See.”

“What exactly happened?” Valary asked, sounding concerned for her best friend.

“Well,” Jasey sighed, “There was this guy named Ryan. He looked familiar. I think he may have been around my cousin.”

“Yeah, I think so. Anyway, he started hitting on me after you all fucking abandoned me!”

“Hey! I went to pee!” Valary said defensively, “I came back and you were gone!”
“Peeing does not take twenty minutes,” Jasey sneered, “But whatever.”

“So this guy starts hitting on you ……”
“And he tried to get me to go home with him claiming that I wasn’t having any fun and I didn’t look like I fit in.”

“Well with that nose ring you sure fit in now,” Valary joked. Jasey shot her a look.

“Brian came in and I guess he heard us and swung a punch at him. Then this Ryan guy hit him and it just went on from there. Gena saw it all happen and took us home.”

“And you two had dirty, hot, sweaty sex till this morning.”
“Did not!”
“But you would’ve liked to,” Valary smirked.
“Shut up!” Jasey hissed. Valary just smiled evilly.

“So your lover boy beat some kid up and then convinced you to get your nose pierced,” Valary concluded, “Wow Jase, you sure know how to pick ‘em!”

“And you picked the macho man who is afraid that everyone is out to get him.”

“Yeah, well, what can you do?” She said, laying down next to Jasey on top of the blankets.

“You’ve really been worried about me all night?” Jasey asked, turning her head to the side to look at Valary.

She stared up at the ceiling, “Uh huh.”
“You love me that much?”
“You’re like my little sister Jasey, of course I love you,” Valary smiled, looking at Jasey as well.

“So you wouldn’t be pissed if Brian and I had hot, dirty, sweaty sex?”

Valary gave her the death glare.

“I’ll take that as a yes then,” Jasey giggled.

Silence filled the air between them.

“What exactly did you two do last night?” Valary asked curiously.
“We watched a shit load of movies.”
“Yeah, uh huh, I’m sure you ‘watched’ them,” She said using air quotes around ‘watched’.
“We did!”
“Whatever,” Valary sang.

“Can we just go to bed?” Jasey begged.
“Yeah,” She sighed, crawling underneath the covers as well.

“You’re making dinner when we wake up,” Valary mumbled, closing her eyes.

Jasey giggled and closed her eyes to get some sleep as well.
♠ ♠ ♠
I meant to post this days ago, I just got caught up with riding and driving on the backroads at our campground. Note to self: do not drive on another icy hill.

And it's official, I'm out of APUSH. I have a life again!

Again, I'm sorry for this bein so late.