Status: Finished .... For now .....

Diamonds in the Rough


Jasey felt Lisa reading over her shoulder. She felt the weight shift next to her and she shut her phone, slipping it back into her front pocket.

Lisa sat next to her with a puzzled expression on her face, “No reply?”

“No reply,” Jasey repeated, throwing the blanket off of herself, standing up from the couch, “I think I’m gonna go to bed.”

“No phone sex in this house,” She muttered, giving Jasey a look.

Jasey flipped her off and spun around, heading to the back of the house. She took her phone out and placed it on the table next to the bed, quickly changing out of her jeans into shorts and a tank top. She turned off the lights and was about to crawl into the bed, when the hairs on her skin rose up and she let out a slight shuddered breath.

In the dark she grabbed a hoodie from her suitcase that was still half packed and slipped it on over her shoulders, zipping it up as well. She headed back for the bed and jumped in, tossing the covers over her head.

She closed her eyes and let the warmth of her body heat under the blankets take over her. Her eyes shot open. Something smelled different; it was a rather familiar scent actually.

She raised her sleeve up to her nose and took in a breath.
Marlboro, cologne, and whiskey.

She stuck her arm out and reached for her phone on the table. She brought it back under with her and hit a button so the screen would light up. She shone the light over her chest and saw that it was a black hoodie with a switchblade V on the upper right side of her chest.

“Vengeance,” She muttered, putting the phone back out on the table.


Brian had fallen asleep on the plane a while ago and because they were high enough in the air now, Jimmy took his phone out. He tapped his thumbs against the keyboard of his Blackberry, sending the message once he was done. He got a reply shortly after.

So is Haner!
What are you stalking him?
Of course!
Classy Rev. Real classy.
That’s just how I rollllllllll!
Can I go back to sleep now?
I suppose :(
I’m tired. I’m sorry. I’ll text you in the morning.

The plane landed an hour or two later and both boys were still half asleep. They pulled their bags out of the over head compartment and stumbled out into the terminal. Brian rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and looked up at the glowing signs to see where they needed to go. There was one that caught his attention the most.

Welcome to Maine!

“Jimmy,” He snarled.

Jimmy looked at him confused, “What?”
“Are you sure you clicked the right box on the tickets?”

“Then why the hell are we in Maine and not Maryland!?

Jimmy’s cheeks turned a light shade of red as he let out a nervous laugh, “Oops.”

Brian let out a stressed sigh, running his fingers through his hair. He looked frustrated and angry. People in the terminal gave him looks and stayed as far away as possible. His muscles were tense and rage burned in his eyes. This was nearly nothing compared to what Matt looked like when he got mad. That was one scary dude.

He folded his arms across his chest and waited for Jimmy to say something. Jimmy looked around and saw a ton of witnesses just in case Brian decided to kill him right then and there. Then he looked back at Brian and gulped. He was pissed.

“Maybe we can go catch the next flight,” Jimmy suggested and Brian nodded gently.


“I can’t believe you’re leaving tonight!” Lisa said over dramatically, leaning against the door frame of her room.

“You know I’d stay longer,” Jasey smiled, “But Val would kill me if I didn’t come home and we can’t have a crazy bitch on the loose again.”

Lisa giggled, “Right!”

Jack walked past in the hall. He glanced up at the girls, but quickly looked back down when his eyes met Jasey’s.

“He’s still mad at me, isn’t he?” Jasey asked, picking up the random clothes that she had tossed on the floor during her two week stay.

Lisa nodded, “He’s in love with his best friend who’s in love with someone else.”
“I always knew Jack had a thing for Alex,” She joked. Lisa glared at her.

“Sorry,” She apologized.
“Well,” Lisa said, pushing herself off the door frame, “I’m going out with Kara to a shoot.”
“Ooooh!” Jasey sang, “Lots of dresses this time?”

“I don’t know, we’ll see when we get there!”
“If I’m not here when you get back,” Jasey said stepping away from her bag on the bed, walking over to Lisa and putting her arms around her, “Make sure you take care of the boys for me.”

“You’re always welcome here,” Lisa smiled, returning the embrace. Jasey let go and stepped back.

“And you better tell me about Brian,” Lisa warned. Jasey just smiled.

The blonde beauty skipped off down the hall and headed out the front door. Alex had taken Sebastian out on a walk with Peyton earlier and it didn’t seem like they were going to be home anytime soon.

So now it was just Jack and Jasey.

She cringed at the thought of that and went back to the bed to zip up her bag. She let out a sigh and decided that she needed to talk to Jack before she left.

Quietly, she tip toed to his door, knocking on it softly.

“It’s open.”

She opened it slowly, shutting it behind her. He was laying on the bed watching some cartoon on the TV. He looked away from the screen for just a second and saw her standing there and his face soon became full of emotions. Hurt was the most dominating one.

He reached for the remote and turned off the TV so that the room could be filled with silence.

“What do you want?” He practically snarled.
“I wanted to say I’m sorry.”

He sat up in the bed, seeming interested in what she had to say.

“We’re best friends Jack. I know we both do have feelings for each other, and I’m sorry for what I did to you.”

She looked down at the empty space between them.

“Is he at least a good guy?”

She jerked her head up after she heard this, “What?”

“Is he a good guy?” He repeated.
“He’s a good guy,” She answered.

“Good in bed?” He asked, raising his brow.
“JACK!” She scolded.

“What!” He laughed.
“Is that all you think about?” She questioned.
“Ninety-five percent of the time, yes.”

She rolled her eyes at this comment.

He stood up from the bed and stepped over to her, wrapping her in a huge bear huge, “I’m gonna miss you Jasey Rae.”

“I’ll miss you too Jacky Spazzy Pants.”

He pulled away a bit, but kept his arms around her shoulders, “Come see us next time we’re in town, okay?”

“If I don’t, I’ll never hear the end of it from Alex,” She giggled.
“Exactly,” Jack grinned.

The rest of the day seemed to pass by so quickly, that Jasey almost didn’t notice she was boarding her plane. She looked out the window at the Baltimore airport before reaching down into her hoodie pocket and pulling out her ipod. Where Would We Be Now by Good Charlotte came on as the plane took off from the ground and headed back to the sunny and warm state of California.
♠ ♠ ♠
Happy Valentine's Day! :]

I also come with good news, my "hiatus" is over. Why?
Because I went and saw Dear John with my sister and her friend. I admit, I cried for at least half of it. The other half I was busy sending emails to mself from my phone with ideas for this story. So yes, lots of cute and cliche moments are about to happen. FYI.

Oh, and I finished that video!

Again, Happy Valentine's Day!