Status: Finished .... For now .....

Diamonds in the Rough

Thirty Eight

A month had passed by and the last weeks of June were coming to a close. The band had gone back to the studio after locking themselves in their own personal caves for a few weeks to record some new things. Whether or not these songs will ever be heard by their fans is still a mystery.

Things between Jasey and Brian had been repaired for the time being, but the chances of them staying fixed were slim to none. Both of them had egos too large for either one to handle, but that’s why they were perfect for each other.

Lately while Brian had been in the studio, Jasey had gone surfing with her cousin Zack Merrick, bassist for All Time Low.

She pulled herself up on the board with all the strength she had left and sat on top of it, just wading in the water. She stared at Zack in awh as he came rolling in on another wave. The water he was riding on took the both of them and pushed them back to the shore.

“I’m never gonna be able to do that,” She said picking up her board and putting it down on the sand so she could sit on it.

“Doesn’t your boyfriend surf?” Zack asked, sticking his board in the sand behind Jasey. He came back around and pushed her over so he could sit next to her.

“He’s not --- Hey!”
“What?” He said giving her a stupid look.
“Older people are supposed to be nice to the little people!”

“And the younger generation is supposed to respect the elder generation,” He challenged, grinning at her.

“You’re four years older than me!” She argued.
“My point,” He concluded, turning his head to look out at the water and the beach that was now filling up with families that had come to spend the day there.

“Remember when my mom dragged us here for the whole day and we hated this place?”

She nodded, “That’s only because you wouldn’t let me use the fucking shovel!”

“Because you do not have the strength to dig a moat,” He explained, raising his arm and flexing his muscles.

“And when you were seven you didn’t have those,” She reminded.

“What about the time you brought you friend … Valary?” He said, struggling to remember her name.

“The girl you were dead set on asking out, but never did?” She asked, referring to when they were seventeen. He gave her the death glare in response.

Jasey looked back out at the water, “She’s engaged if you were wondering.”

He nodded and pulled his knees up to his chest, resting his arms on top of them and looking out ahead. Jasey put her palms flat against the sand behind her, resting all her weight on them, stretching her legs out in front of her.
Silence fell between them as the beach filled up with more people.

Little kids were running away from their parents to avoid putting on sunscreen; a decision that would regret later. Teenagers were rolling out their towels on the upper half of the sand, staying far away from the children so they could plug in their iPods and get that dark tan they were dreaming about. Volleyball nets were being set up and coolers were being dragged on to the beach from the cars parked a short ways away.

A typical Saturday beach event for family gatherings and family outings.

She smiled at the sight before her. It reminded her of her own childhood and her summers she spent with her best friends.

Zack spoke up, “What are you doing tonight?”

Jasey snapped out of her thoughts, “Huh?”

“What are you doing tonight?” He repeated.
“Nothing that I know of, why?”

“Alex and Jack are going to be in town tonight,” He said and immediately Jasey groaned. Zack gave her a puzzled look, which usually meant that she had to start explaining.

She shook it off and asked another question, “Is Lisa coming?”

He nodded.

“Well, at least I’ll have her and Val by my side.”

“We’re actually playing a show at Chain Reaction tonight,” He said giving more details, “I was kinda of hoping you’d come see us.”

Her eyes lit up when he said this, “Of course I’ll come see you!”

“Runner Runner is playing before us if you want to come see them,” He informed.

“Have I heard them before?”
“You might have,” He shrugged, “They were with us a couple times when we played shows here.”

“Oh, okay.”

“Well come on,” He said standing up, holding her arm out for her, “We have to get you back to the studio before your boyfriend notices your absence again.”

“For the last time! He’s not my goddamn boyfriend!” She snarled as he helped her up.

“But you want him to be,” Zack mocked. A smug expression hung on both their faces.

That, she couldn’t deny.
♠ ♠ ♠
You'll know who Runner Runner is during the next few chapters.
Promise. :]