Status: Finished .... For now .....

Diamonds in the Rough

Thirty Nine

“Thanks Zack,” She said and leaned over the counsel between them, pecking his cheek before stepping out of the yellow Ford truck he owned.

“Remember the show tonight.”
“I’ll tell Val, but I will definitely be there at seven.”
“Call me and I’ll get Matt to open the door.”
“Alrighty! See ya!” She said before turning around and heading into the studio.

When she got inside, she made her way down the hall to the studio that the band was in. Lacey was standing outside of the door as Jasey rounded the corner.

“You don’t want to go in there,” She warned.

Jasey looked at her questioningly, “Why?”

“Brain’s tracking and he’s yelling ‘fuck’ every two seconds. We try and give him an opinion on how it sounds and he won’t listen,” She explained.

“Typical studio Brain,” Jasey chuckled, “Remember last time when they all refused to shave until it was over?”

“And those whole two months I refused to kiss Johnny?” Lacey smiled.
“Then the cutting of the beards ceremony.”

Lacey bursted out laughing, clutching her sides as Jasey started laughing too.

On the last record, Johnny didn’t shave until it was over. By the end of it, he looked like a homeless man who needed a shower. Lacey wouldn’t even touch Johnny until he cut it off. So when the day finally came, there was a ceremony in honor of his beard getting cut.

They went as far as buying a cake for him and putting war paint on his face as he got it cut. The whole scene was hilarious.

“I hope they don’t do that again,” Jasey said after catching her breath.

“Me too,” Lacey added.

Jasey sighed and leaned her back against the wall next to Lacey. She stuck her nose up in the air and sniffed it, making a disgusted face after.

“You smell like sea water.”
“I went surfing with Zack,” Jasey said closing her eyes.

“You actually went surfing?” Lacey said in shock.
“Yep,” She said, popping the ‘p’.

“But you won’t go surfing with Brian or me?” She said sounding offended.

“Lace, you don’t even surf anymore.”
“I could if I wanted to!”
“I love you dearly sweetheart, but you haven’t been on a board in years, you probably don’t even have the balance for it anymore,” Jasey explained, with her eyes still closed.

“Are you saying I’m top heavy!?”

Jasey snickered, “That’s exactly what I’m saying.”

“I will prove you wrong Miss Jasey Rae!” Lacey challenged.

“I would love to see the day you get back on a board!”
“How bout tomorrow morning?” Lacey proposed.

“Ehh, I can’t. I’m going to a show tonight.”
“Who’s?” Lacey asked, furrowing her brow.

“All Time Low and Runner Runner,” Jasey said, “They’re all in town and I told Zack I’d come.”

“Where at?” Lacey inquired.
“Chain Reaction.”
“So they’re a small band?” Lacey concluded.

“Yes Lace, they aren’t Nickelback or Good Charlotte,” Jasey sighed, “They’re some of the coolest guys you’ll meet though.”

“Well,” Lacey said pulling out her phone, “You might want to get home if you’re going to go there tonight. It’s almost four.”

“Fuck!” Jasey groaned, pushing herself off of the wall.

“Let me go tell them we’re leaving,” Lacey said doing the same and opening the door to the studio. She returned seconds later with her keys in hand.

“You’re actually gonna go to this with me?” Jasey said a little surprised as she climbed into the passenger seat of Lacey’s car.

“It’s better than listening to your man candy scream and watching Jimmy have a spazz attack with Pinkly,” She said, firing up the engine.

A shower and a change of clothes later, Lacey and Jasey were both let in the back door by none other than Matthew Flyzik.

He led them to the All Time Low dressing room where the boys were getting ready.

“Ahem!” Jasey coughed and they all stopped what they were doing.

“JASEY!” Lisa squeaked, jumping off of Alex’s lap to go hug her.

“Your own girlfriend likes me better,” Jasey snickered and stuck her tongue out at him. He retaliated by sticking his finger up in the air.

“This is my wingman Lacey,” Jasey introduced when Lisa had let go of her.

“Wingwoman” She corrected, shaking Lisa’s hand, “Nice to meet you.”

“Nice to meet you too.”

“So when’s show time?” Jasey asked after she had given each of the boys a hug. When she got to Jack it was a little awkward, but they both put it aside. Lacey watched them carefully and made a mental note to ask about it later.

“Twenty minutes,” Flyzik said, poking his head in as if right on cue. The door opened wider and revealed another person standing behind it.

“Hey guys, can we borrow some towels, Pete stole all of ours,” A tall man with hazel eyes and dark hair said. His eyes scanned the crowd before him, suddenly locking on to Jasey’s for a split second. It felt like forever to her with his glare burning a hole in her.

“Yeah, here,” Zack said tossing a few his way. He left once he had them in his hands.

“Are you okay Jase?” Lacey asked, looking concerned about her friend.

Jasey’s breath got caught in her throat as she tried to comprehend what she just saw.

“I’m Ryan,” He introduced, extending his hand for her to take.
“Jasey,” She said shaking his hand.
♠ ♠ ♠
I got bored with the old layout.
I like this one a lot better :]

And .... Uh oh.....