Status: Finished .... For now .....

Diamonds in the Rough


“Avenged Sevenfold will be here as soon as I send this text!” Jasey announced to the small crowd that was beginning to form. She hit the send button and waited for the boys to come out. Brian had walked off somewhere after he and Jasey had made their deal. He probably went to go find the guys or meet some new bands, but who really knows with that boy.

“I want today to be over with already,” Jasey complained, sitting down on the chair.

“Me too,” Val replied, twisting the cap off her half empty bottle of water and taking a drink.

“But hey, Indiana sure isn’t as hot as Arizona,” Jasey joked.
“Are you talking about the people or the weather?”
“You have a boyfriend!”
“Okay, when you have a bunch of shirtless guys around all day, you just sort of have to look,” She said in a childish tone.

“Well…” Jasey began, trying to think of an argument against that, “You got me on that one.”

“Hello ladies!” Jimmy greeted, giving them both little hugs.

The girls pushed the rest of the boxes that were close to the table back up against the back “wall” of their tent. The guys all took a seat in the chairs provided by the venue. However, they were not as comfy as the ones the girls had.

A line started to form and soon kids from all over the crazy place were showing up. Some were actual fans; some just wanted autographs, thinking that they would be worth something on eBay.

In between signing his name, Brian would spin his head around and make faces at the girls. Johnny soon caught on as well and did the same. Zacky noticed too and started joining in on the fun.

Those three were like the three stooges. You could get them to do just about anything.

“Make sure the monkeys don’t escape the zoo,” Jasey told Val and got up from her chair, leaving the merch tent and walking to the end of the line.

Val gave her a questioning look and Jasey just laughed it off.

She found herself talking with fans and making friends with a few. She was surprised that people even knew who she was.

“Jasey, can I ask you a slightly, more personal question?” A girl with choppy short, layered red hair asked. She nodded.

“Are you and Brian going out yet?”

Jasey shook her head, “Nope.”

“Well I think you guys should,” She said in a serious tone, “With the faces he keeps making at you and the way he jumps on the message boards sometimes, I think you should give him a shot.”

“I’ll take it into consideration,” She smiled, but then that quickly faded, “Wait, you guys talk about me on the boards?”

It was the girl’s turn to nod this time, “You’re one of the top ten posts on there. Few people call you a bitch on there, but we all respect you. We think you’re prettier than his last girlfriend too.”

“Do you talk about Val?”
“We used to,” The girl paused, “Everyone used to hate her,” She laughed, remembering the silly fights that went down on there, “But everyone grew to love her. We all want to meet her and give her a hug for putting up with all our bull shit.”

The line was getting closer to the table.

“Ah well hey, I don’t usually do this, but you seem like a cool kid,” Jasey smiled, holding out her phone, “Put you’re name and number in there and we’ll talk again. I need some eyes for me out there.”

“Seriously?” The girl asked with eyes as wide as cookies.
“Awesome!” She said, pulling out her phone as well. The girls traded numbers and waited for the line to move again.

Little did the red haired girl know, she was about to get a hug from Val.


“Are you boys just gonna stand around, or are you gonna help pack your shit up?” Jasey asked, hands glued to her hips and a little pissed off. But hey, the heat has that effect on people.

“Nah, you guys look hotter carrying those boxes than we do,” Johnny said, adding in his two sense. Val gave him a look that could kill and after that, all the boys were helping.

“I don’t get why we don’t have a bus and roadies to do this shit,” Jasey muttered, tossing another box into the trailer.

“Because buses and roadies cost money,” Val said.
“We have money.”
“Not after the last Vegas trip no we don’t.”

“Thanks guys! Thanks for blowing all out money for an air conditioned bus in Vegas!” Jasey shouted, throwing her arms up in the air, before bending down to pick up another box.

“Here,” Zacky said taking it from her, “You go sit in the van, and take Val with you.”

The two girls were relieved from box duty and went to sit in the back seats of the van, but it was more like passing out for them. They only woke up when they heard the engine roar to life and the side door open up.

Groggily Val climbed out and jumped up in the passenger’s seat next to Matt. Last night Brian and Jimmy drove and everyone almost ended up dead when they tried to race another car. Needless to say, they won’t be driving for a few days.

Jasey sat up in the back seat and rubbed her eyes, trying to wake up a little.

Jimmy and Johnny took the bench right behind the driver and passenger seats, leaving Brian to sit in back with Jasey.

And if you’re asking, yes there are usually three benches in there, but the third one was removed so they had somewhere to put more stuff. Who know boys were such premadonnas.

“You can go back to sleep,” Brian said, closing his eyes and resting his head against the side window.

It was a hot day for all of them. Even Johnny and Jimmy passed out once they got inside of the van. However, the weather man was calling for rain in Missouri tomorrow, so that would at least be refreshing if it rained for a little bit.

Jasey smiled at the thought of rain tomorrow and how good it was going to feel.

Her eyes opened slowly and looked around at everyone sleeping. Then she looked at Brian, who looked to be at least half asleep.

“Syn?” She whispered. She got a grunt in return.
“Can I lay on you?”

She didn’t get an answer, but instead he zipped up his hoodie and lifted up his arm, putting it around her shoulder and pulling her into him.

She rested her head on his chest and closed her eyes, trying not to overdose on him.
♠ ♠ ♠
As if you couldn't tell, I'm in love with this story.
And while I was writing, I was listening to I Won't See You Tonight (Part One).
Now I can't listen to that song without crying.

"Don’t mourn for me, You’re not the one to place the blame"