Status: Finished .... For now .....

Diamonds in the Rough

Forty One

Runner Runner played two more songs before ending their set with So Obvious. Jasey and Lacey had both pulled Johnny and Brian into the back of the crowd at one point during the night. All four of them were jumping up and down and having a good time, not caring whether they knew the words or not.

For once, there were no fans running up to them at a concert.

“All Time Low is next,” Ryan said out of breath into his mic as the band behind him held out the final note to the song, “We’re Runner Runner. Come hang with us by our merch table,” He rushed, trying to get some air into his lungs.

The drummer hit the drums one last time and the live music stopped flowing through the air. A mixed CD slowly increased in volume over the house speakers and half the kids in the room left to go meet the band.

The gap that was left between the stage and the back wall was quickly filled in as the All Time Low fans pushed each other up against the stage.

Johnny tapped Brian on the shoulder, tilting his head towards the doors that led outside.

Brian bent down to Jasey’s ear, “We’re gonna go out and smoke,” He said, letting go of her hips.

She looked over at Lacey, who was listening to Johnny tell her the same thing. She nodded at him and then looked at Jasey, who looked a little scared.

Jasey looked back up at Brian, “I’m coming with,” She said sternly. No way in hell was she going to stay there alone after the look that Ryan had given to her up on stage.

Brian laced his fingers with hers and followed Johnny out. Lacey had gone off and ran back behind the stage to find Lisa before ATL came out.

The minute they were out the door, Johnny had already dug his cigarettes out of his pocket. Jasey let go of Brian’s hand so he could retrieve his own.

Johnny stood in the middle of the back parking lot that was pretty vacant for it being a full show. Then again, most of All Time Low’s fans were from the ages of thirteen to twenty. That age gap explained the lack of cars.

Brian fumbled around with his lighter, turning the end of the cancerous stick a glowing red. A grey cloud blew past his lips as he leaned his back up against the brick wall of the building.

“This place hasn’t changed since we were here,” Johnny commented, taking another inhale and slowly letting it out.

“Nope,” Brian chuckled, “I wonder if they still remember us.”
“I bet they do,” Johnny added, “We were the fucking best band to play here! We made a shitload of money every show.”

“And then we spent it at the bar,” Brian smiled, putting the stick back up to his lips.

Jasey was rather quiet due to the events from earlier. She kept trying to remember when she had met Ryan other than at the bar, because he did look familiar to her.

Then it clicked; Zack’s garage when they were still doing demos and needed a practice space. Zack had invited Jasey to stay the week out at his place while her parents were on the East coast.

“Hey,” Brian’s voice called out, pulling her from her thoughts, “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing,” She mumbled, looking down at her shoes, jamming her hands in to the front pockets of her jeans.

He tossed the last bit of his cigarette on to the ground, smothering it out with the bottom of his shoe. He took another step towards her, wrapping his arms around her smaller frame.

“Something’s wrong and you know it,” He pressed, “Tell me and I’ll try to make it better, please?”

“I thought I saw you walk out here!”

“Shit,” She cursed, pulling away from Brian’s embrace.

“And you brought your friends,” He said in a sarcastic tone, glancing over at Brian and Johnny, who had now stepped closer to Brian, before locking his eyes back on Jasey.

“What the hell do you want Ryan,” Jasey said, not really wanting to hear what he had to say.

“I want you my dear and I know you want me too.”
“Ryan, get over yourself,” She said rolling her eyes, “Just because we met twice, doesn’t mean I want you.”

Ryan came closer to Jasey, standing barely two feet in front of her. He looked straight at her, “Don’t deny what you feel Jasey.”

“Ryan, please stop,” Jasey begged, “You’ve made this all up in your head! I am not in love with you and you are not in love with me!”

He took another step towards her.

“Get away from her,” Brian snarled, balling his fists up next to him.

“And what are you going to do pretty boy?” Ryan teased, taking another step closer to her. She looked over at Johnny who wasn’t really sure of what he should do. But when her fearful eyes met his, he stepped in to intervene.

“Dude, just leave her alone. She’s happy with someone else,” Johnny said trying to convince him to just go.

“She needs to be happy with me. That’s the way it’s supposed to be.”

Jasey’s angry eyes flashed up at Ryan, “Are you fucking psycho?”

“Maybe I am. Maybe I’m not,” He smirked.
“Even if I wasn’t already with someone else, I wouldn’t date you,” She hissed, narrowing her eyes at him.

“Then who is this guy?” Ryan inquired, now finding it amusing.

Brian stepped forward.

Ryan let out a loud laugh, “Oh you’ve got to be kidding me!”

She leaned her back up against Brian’s chest as he placed one of his hands on her hip, keeping the other in a tight fist.

“You still don’t fit in with them,” Ryan remarked, giving Brian a dirty look.

“That’s okay,” Jasey retorted, “He’s my boyfriend and that’s all that matters.”

Ryan opened his mouth to speak, but quickly shut it when Brian cocked his head to the side and gave him that know it all smirk. Ryan retreated back to the building leaving Johnny, Brian, and Jasey to be.

“So I’m your boyfriend now?” He questioned, still standing behind her, but leaning over her shoulder to look down at her.

Her face turned a light shade of red as she nodded. He smiled and placed a light kiss on her lips.

“That makes you my girlfriend.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Please excuse my absence.
Forgive me?

Also, check out a new story I started
Fall From Grace