Status: Finished .... For now .....

Diamonds in the Rough

Forty Two

“Ya’ll are invited to come hang out with us at Zacky’s for drinks!” Johnny announced to the group that had gathered in the dressing room.

“And how will poor old Zacky feel when a ton of people show up to his house?” Jasey questioned, looking at Johnny like a mother would when she was scolding her kids.

“I already called him,” Lacey said stepping in, shutting her phone, “He said to stop at the store and pick up some more JD and beer if we were coming over.”

“Party it is then,” Jasey smiled.

“And how the hell are we supposed to fit in our cars?” Brian asked. That was something no one had thought of.

“Rental cars!” Lisa shouted, and Lacey giggled.

“Alright, so you boys go shower or whatever and I’ll write down the directions,” Jasey said, “Give me a call when you’re coming so I make sure that the creepers don’t come to get you at the door.”

“Creepers?” Alex asked a little worried.
“They don’t bite,” Jasey smirked, “At least not that hard.”

She scribbled down Zacky’s address and gave it to Rian, who seemed to be the more responsible one of the bunch tonight.

She spun around and was met with the puppy dog eyes of Johnny. He didn’t have to say anything to Jasey because she knew what he wanted.

“Go with Lace,” She smiled and his eyes lit up, “Just no dirty business!”

“Same goes for you!” Lacey retorted, digging her keys out of her purse. Johnny pulled his keys out of his pocket and spun them around his fingers. Lacey tossed the other set of keys to Jasey, which she missed by a long shot.

“You coulda got that!” She laughed.
“No!” She snapped, bending over to pick them up.

Lacey just shook her head, “You guys go buy the booze. You’re better at it.”

“Oh thanks Lace,” Jasey said with sarcasm.
“Just don’t drink it in the car,” She reminded before heading out the door with Johnny to his car.

“You are not driving this time,” Brian said taking the keys away from her.

“But it’s Lacey’s car!” She whined.

He ignored her and walked out to her car, hitting the alarm button and unlocking it. Jasey huffed and followed him over to the car, climbing inside and driving away.

A quick trip to the store and almost two hundred dollars later, Lacey’s car pulled into the driveway of the Vengeance Mansion.

Jasey saw that the door to Zacky’s bedroom on the balcony was open. A devious look was on her face when she got out of the car.

“I’m home mother fuckers!” She screamed at the top of her lungs. Almost immediately, Gena came running out the door, stopping at the railing of the balcony.

“Jasey Rae!” She scolded, “We have fucking neighbors!”

“And that doesn’t stop you and Zacky,” She said quietly, but Gena couldn’t hear.

“What’d you say?”

Jasey smiled up at Gena, “Nothing! Now come get the door for your booze!”

She shook her head and walked back inside the house, opening up the front door a minute later. Brian had already popped the trunk and grabbed a case of beer. Jasey did the same, wrapping her arms around the cardboard box and heading up the steps to Zacky’s house.

“VENGEANCE!” She shouted upon entering.

He poked his head out of the dinning room, “You better get out there and go find your bottle of JD in the car before it becomes mine.”

He jumped up out of his chair and ran out of the house, almost running into Brian who was carrying his second box.

Jasey continued her way into his house, turning into the kitchen and setting the box down on the counter.

“What’d you say to him?” Brian chuckled, putting his second box next to Jasey’s and his first one.

“That his best friend was in the car and it would be mine if he didn’t help,” She laughed.

“Sneaky woman,” He smiled, trapping her against the counter with his arms on either side of her. His warm brown eyes met her icy blue ones and it would be a lie if she didn’t say she got a little lost in them.

“You know what they do to sneak people?” He asked, slowly leaning closer to her.

“No Mr. Haner, I do not,” She replied, moistening her bottom lip with the tip of her tongue.

He raised his brow, “You’ll never know,” He said right before their lips connected. Her arms moved up around his neck, tangling her fingers in the ends of his hair at the back of his neck. Softly hit bit down on her bottom lip, asking her to lower her jaw, which she gladly did.

“Uh hello, there are other people in this house,” Gena said, coming up from behind them, making her way to the fridge and pulling out a bottle of water.

He pulled away from her quickly, letting go of the counter and pecking her cheek before heading back out to the car so that he and Zacky could finish unloading the car.

Jasey sucked on her lower lip, gazing down at the floor as Gena just gave her the all knowing look.

“Jasey’s in love with Brian,” She cooed.

She looked up at Gena and smiled.

“Brian and Jasey sitting in a tree,” Gena sang. Jasey’s eyes went wide and blushed.


“Gee! Shut up!” Jasey hushed.

“First comes love! Then comes marriage!”


“Then comes the baby in the baby carriage!” She rushed, running away from Jasey, who was now chasing her around the house like a mad man.

They ran past the front door that Matt and Valary were now entering. Matt had a confused look on his face when he saw Jasey run past him at full speed trying to catch up to Gena who ducked under the table.

“I guess Brian and Jasey are here,” Valary giggled, watching Jasey pin Gena to the floor.
♠ ♠ ♠
So I finally made a layout that I like! :D
I'm very excited about it, as you can tell.
Anywhoo! Updating from my front porch, because it's beautiful out!
I have to take my final driving test for drivers ed tomorrow, so i better go study that shit!

Happy St. Patrick's Day!
Grab a Guiness and raise it to the drum god!