Status: Finished .... For now .....

Diamonds in the Rough

Forty Three

“Jasey you either have a vibrator in your pocket or your phone is going off,” Gena stated as Jasey sat on top of her stomach. Gena rolled over and Valary helped her up off the ground and up on her feet.

She jumped off of her and pulled her phone out.

Alexander William Gaskarthhh!

She smirked as she hit the green button and accepted the call, “Hello lover!”

“Greatings dorka,” He replied, “We’re gonna leave the venue now.”

“Did you shower?” Jasey asked. She could hear Lisa shout a ‘yes’ in the background.

“Lisa says we showered,” Alex chuckled, “Jack however, I’d be worried about.”


Jasey giggled, “Tell Jack I said I brought dancing shoes for him.”

Alex repeated the line to Jack.

“Just ring the bell and someone wandering around will come answer,” Jasey said, turning around the corner to the living room where Gena and Valary were.

“See you soon babe!” Alex sang before ending the call.

Jasey pulled the phone away from her ear, hitting the red button as well.

“So now what do we do?” Gena asked, sitting with Valary on the couch. Gena’s arm was slung over Valary’s shoulder.

“What is this!?” Jasey exclaimed, faking that she was hurt, “Are you cheating on me!?”

Gena and Valary both tried to hold in their laughter.

“I’m telling Matt and Zacky!” Jasey hung her head low, “I thought we had something,” She said quietly to herself. She moved over to the other couch and sat down on it, bring her knees up to her chest and burying her face in them.

“I heard Jasey screaming,” Lacey said now joining them in the room. She looked at Jasey first and then at Valary and Gena on the opposite couch.

“Did you guys break up again?” She asked.

Gena opened her mouth to speak, but quickly shut it. Valary however, spoke up for the both of them, “Jasey found me and Gena together and now she’s all upset about it.”

Lacey tilted her head to the side and let out a sympathetic ‘awh’.

A little while late, the boys of All Time Low had arrived. Zacky and Johnny had already challenged Jack and Alex to four games of beer pong, winning all but one.

The alcohol was freely flowing and music was playing in the air. Lacey, Gena, Leanna, Valary, Jasey and Lisa had all been outside on the patio, drinking whiskey shots and playing I Never Ever. They weren’t completely wasted yet, but they were a little buzzed.

Jasey had been leaning on Lisa’s shoulder since the last question she had answered. Lisa kept eyeing the pool’s blue-green glow.

Lisa sat up straighter, shrugging Jasey off her shoulder. She leaned over to Jasey’s ear, covering it with her hand, “Let’s go swimming,” She whispered, letting go of her. Jasey’s eyes lit up and she nodded. The girls stepped away from the group and started peeling off their clothing, discarding it next on to the chairs that they were sitting on.

“What are you guys doing?” Leanna asked, taking another sip of her drink.

“We’re going swimming,” Lisa said as a matter of factly.

“That actually sounds like a good idea,” Valary said, standing up and pulling off her shirt.

Lisa and Jasey waited for Valary to undress before heading to the edge of the pool. All three of them linked their hands together.

“On the count of three,” Jasey said.

“One… Two… Three!”

They jumped in, disturbing the calm surface of the water with a huge splash. Each one of them came up giggling and smiling.

“Come on!” Valary shouted to the other girls, “It’s not cold!”

Lacey sighed and pulled her shirt up over her head. Leanna and Gena soon gave in too. They all jumped in just like the other three had.

Jasey took her arm and slammed it into the water, splashing Valary and Lacey in the face. They retorted by splashing Jasey back, but hitting Gena and Lisa in the process. Leanna stayed away from them and played ref for them.

“I told you I saw them go in!” Jimmy shouted, coming out on to the patio with the rest of the boys trailing behind them. The girls stop splashing around.

Jimmy’s eyes attached themselves to Leanna’s figure under the water. All of the guys stared at the half naked girls in the water.

“Well are you boys just going to stand there, or are you going to come in?” Lisa asked.

They all nodded and started stripping of their clothes, leaving them where the girl’s had.

Jasey’s eyes were glued to Brian as he slowly removed his shirt. She bit down on her bottom lip when he walked over to the edge of the pool, standing there. He knew she was watching him.

“What are you afraid?” She teased.
“No,” He said. He leaned forward and dove into the water next to her, swimming under the water up behind her, sweeping her up off her feet. He cradled her in his arms as he came up from beneath the surface.
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Sorry It's taken me a while. I haven't really felt well.
Spring Break is next week! I'm excited!
I am also excited for April because I am going to Madison, WI for a horse expo.
I can't wait! :D

I'll shuddup now.