Status: Finished .... For now .....

Diamonds in the Rough

Forty Five

“Are you going to wake up?” Jasey cooed in Valary’s ear.

“I’ve been up,” She sighed.

“Can’t spend a night away from Matty Poo?” Jasey sang, getting up from the couch to stand up and stretch.

“No,” Valary snorted.
“Well come on,” Jasey said standing in front of her and extending her arms out towards her, “We’ve got a wedding to attend.”

The whole day was chaotic in some respect. The hair and makeup people had arrived an hour after the girls woke up. Matt had gotten Valary and the whole troop a celebrity stylist to do their hair and make up. Each of the bridesmaids had their hair in curls that fell over their shoulders. A section on each side of their head was pinned to the back so that it would not fly in their face later.

Valary’s hair was curled and then put up in a loose, yet elegant updo. A few strands fell out, but it looked amazing on her.

The makeup was a simple warm shade of bronze and dark brown, complementing each of the girls’ skin tones.

Next came the dresses.

The bridesmaids wore a simple, short, fuchsia dress that matched the flowers that were going to be going to the isle. It was Valary’s dream to have her wedding on a beach, which she was getting, but it was Jasey’s idea to add a little splash of color by making the theme of the wedding pink and black. Hence, the fuchsia colored dresses.

“You guys ready?!” Valary called out from Gena and Zacky’s bedroom.


She cracked the door open and took a peak out of it before swinging it open all the way and walking out into the hall way. A gasp came from all of them as Valary stood in front of them.

“You look…” Leanna began.
“Amazing,” Gena finished.

“Here comes the bride,” Jasey sang with a smile on her face.

Valary blushed a little, “Thanks guys.”

“You ready to get hitched?” Lacey asked. Valary nodded.

“Well then,” Jasey said latching her arm on to Valary’s, “Shall we?”

“We shall,” Valary grinned. Leanna, Gena, and Lacey all gracefully made it down the stairs in their fuchsia dresses and black flip flops, while Jasey and Valary came down the steps singing ‘Here Comes the Bride!’


“You nervous?” Brian asked, poking his head in the guest room where Matt was changing.

“A little,” He shrugged, finishing tying his tie.

“Hey, at least you know she won’t run out on you,” Brian joked, trying to lighten his mood.

“What if she doesn’t want to actually marry me and just said yes because she felt pressured to do so?” Matt questioned, looking at Brian with confusion and fear in his eyes.

“Matt!” Brian snapped, “She loves you! That’s why she’s marrying you!” He explained, trying to get it through Matt’s thick skull, “If she didn’t want to marry you, she would’ve left a long time ago.”

A smile crept up across Matt’s cheeks, “Thanks Bri,” He said pulling him into a hug.

“You’re welcome.”


“Oh Valary honey,” Her mother cried, giving her daughter a gentle hug, “You look absolutely wonderful.”

“Thanks mom,” She smiled.

“And you all look wonderful too!” Mrs. DiBenedetto said, turning her attention to the rest of the girls. She turned back to Valary, taking her hands into hers, “Matt’s going to die when he sees you.”

“There’s my beautiful daughter!” Mr. DiBenedetto called out, entering the room in the banquet hall building where the bridesmaids and bride’s family had gathered. Matt and the rest of the guys were across the hall in another room similar to the one the girls were in.

Valary’s father kissed her cheek, “He’s a lucky man to be marrying my daughter.”

A soft knock came from the other side of the door.

“Come in!” Mrs. DiBenedetto answered.

“We’re all set up outside, so come out when you’re ready,” The photographer said, poking his head in.

“Alright, thanks!” Valary replied and stepped away from the mirror, “Ready for pictures ladies?”

A chorus of ‘yes’ and ‘hell yeah’ were spread around before the door was opened and they made their way outside. There was a pink rose and white lily arch set up for the photos on the beach. Another alter was going to be made out of this one once they were done with pictures.

The bridesmaids got their pictures taken before Valary, taking single shots first, and then group shots before Valary did her single photos, ones with her family, then ones with all the girls and their pink dresses.

They were in the middle of the final group shot when the boys came out. Matt’s eyes were glued to Valary and didn’t leave her until he reached her. He kissed her cheek and wrapped his arm around her waist, mumbling words to her as he continued to kiss her forehead.

The photographer didn’t hesitate to snap these moments as they happened.

“You look good in bright pink,” Brian whispered from behind Jasey. She turned around with her bare feet in the sand and smiled at him.

“You don’t look too bad yourself,” She commented, wrapping her arms around his neck. He kissed her briefly before being called for pictures.

Once all the guys had their pictures done, the girls were added in.

Valary and Matt stood in the middle while all the girls stood on her side and the guys on his. Then Matt’s family was added in and Valary’s too.

After the larger group shots, the smaller ones were taken. Those too were followed by couple’s shots as well as ones with each bridesmaid with Valary.

Each couple did a similar version of the same pose, the groomsman in the back and the bridesmaid in the front with his hands around her waist.

“Congratulations to you both,” The photographer said shaking both Matt and Valary’s hands, “I’ll make sure to send these in right after the ceremony and reception.”

“Thank you so much!” Valary said.
“No problem,” He smiled, “You have a very beautiful bridal party,” He said looking over at all the girls.

Valary giggled, “That’s why I couldn’t pick a maid of honor. They all are.”

“Well,” He said pushing a couple buttons on his camera, “I will see you when the ceremony begins,” He finished before heading off back into the building.

Matt put his arm around Valary’s waist again, “So I guess this is the last time I can say, I love you Valary DiBenedetto.”

“I guess so,” She smiled, reaching up on her toes to kiss him softly. He moved his hand to the small of her back, helping her keep her balance.


Matt smiled into the kiss before she pulled away laughing.

“Oh Johnny,” Jasey sighed, “When will you grow up?”
“When you admit your love for me,” He smirked, walking away with Lacey back into the building.
♠ ♠ ♠
I am now officially on Spring Break. :)
And I really want to go to Huntington Beach.
No, not to go see the guys, but I want to lay out on the beach and maybe, maybe try to surf. I've always wanted to learn how.

Anyway, enjoy the next few chapters. They will be long, and cheesy, and romantic.
But that's just the mood I'm in. :]

Bridesmaid Dresses
Valary's Dress