Status: Finished .... For now .....

Diamonds in the Rough


“Why won’t you just talk to him?” Val asked, refusing to let this just pass.
“I don’t want to talk about it,” Jasey muttered, giving Val the death stare.

“Cradle to Grave Jase, you tell me anything and everything,” She reminded with a stern look on her face.

“This is something we don’t need to talk about that’s within audible distance of the person I’m speaking about,” Jasey hissed, letting a murderous look be shown to Val.

“Alright then,” She said throwing the blanket off of them, grabbing her Mac book off the table and pulling Jasey’s out of her bag. She handed Jasey hers and fired hers up, then she opened AIM and signed on, sitting back down next to her. Jasey rolled her eyes, but did the same thing.

ValXO: spill.
JaseyRae: this is complete and utter bullshit. I don’t want to talk about it.
ValXO: don’t give a fuck. Tell me what’s going on.
JaseyRae: I hate you, you know that, right?
ValXO: I love you too
JaseyRae: Alright, well, I guess I’ll start from the beginning. He and I were just sitting in the dressing room the other night and we started talking.

ValXO: Talking, eh? Well that’s good.
JaseyRae: Sure. Whatever.
JaseyRae: Anyway, we started talking about the old times, before all this shit between us happened and how we were like best friends. Then he said he wished it was like that again. I told him if I could go back and do it all over again, I would. He said he would too and he would just keep us as friends seeing as how awkward it is now.

ValXO: So he regrets his past then?
JaseyRae: I’m not sure. After he said that, I asked him if by some miracle we got back together, if it would be any different. He said that if we were to get back together, we’d probably end up the same way we have been. Broken and bruised.

ValXO: Owch.
JaseyRae: Yeah. So that’s why me and syn aren’t speaking to each other and why the glances keep getting tossed around.

ValXO: Do you still like him?

Jasey looked up from her screen at Valary with an ‘are-you-fucking-even-asking-me-that-right-now’ face.

JaseyRae: You can’t really get rid of the person who stole your heart.

Valary turned her head towards Jasey. She opened her mouth to speak, but quickly shut it, letting her fingers do the talking.

ValXO: Did you ever tell him that?
JaseyRae: Tell him what?
ValXO: that you loved him ………

Sadness returned to Jasey’s eyes as she looked at Valary.

ValXO: Well maybe that’s what you and him need to talk about. Just because he went out with my blood related sister doesn’t mean he got over my true sister. I’ll talk to him for you if you want.

JaseyRae: Thanks Val.
ValXO: Anytime.

“What are you doing?” A sleepy Johnny Christ said, coming out from the bunk room to grab a bottle of water from the fridge.

“Talking,” Valary stated.
“To each other?” He asked confused, until he saw the mac books on their laps, “On computers?”

“Things are just better not said out loud Christ,” Jasey added. He just shook his head and walked back to his bunk.

“If you need someone to lean on, I’m here,” Valary smiled, “Or you can take Matt. He’s a good listener too.”

“Thanks Val,” She said with a half smile, giving her a light hug.

“Alright, well I’m off to bed,” Valary said, sliding the macbook off her lap and standing up. She took Jasey’s for her as well and put them back in their bags by the table. Valary shut the door to the bunks behind her, leaving Jasey alone in the front lounge.

She didn’t really feel like going to bed yet and the bus had only been on the road for an hour or more. It was going to take at least another four to get to Los Angeles where the next show was. It was tradition for Avenged Sevenfold to do three to four shows in California on any given tour.

She reached for the remote and turned on the TV, popping in The Nightmare Before Christmas and soon falling asleep.

The bus was dark when she woke up. Her phone backlight nearly blinded her when she went to check the time.

Three Fourty-five

Groaning, she tried to roll over on the couch and fall back asleep, but that failed. Frustrated and heartbroken, she got up from the couch to see if they had stopped. Lucky for her they did.

Noticing that the bus driver was missing, she figured he went back to sleep in his bunk. Sighing to herself, she tip toed over to the front door and opened it quietly, stepping out on to the asphalt parking lot and sitting down next to the bus.

She began playing with the tiny rocks on the ground, seeing how far she could throw them. Her IM conversation with Valary was still fresh in her mind.

ValXO: Did you ever tell him that?
JaseyRae: Tell him what?
ValXO: that you loved him ………

She knew she couldn’t avoid that subject, but she was going to try at all costs. She just wasn’t ready to bring up something so big to someone that meant so much to her. Love was a scary thing for Jasey, mostly because she never really had fully experienced it.

Sure she had her moments with Brian when she thought she loved him, but she never was really ‘in love’. But how could she tell when she’s never experienced it before.

Love was such a funny word that had so many meanings. It was easy to confuse it with just about anything.

A light breeze tickled her skin as she realized that she was only wearing skinny jeans and a thin cotton top. She was getting cold, but she wasn’t ready to go back inside just yet.

The bus moved behind her and the door was flung open.

There stood a very tired looking Synyster Gates with a pack of cancerous sticks in hand.
♠ ♠ ♠
So yes, I have been updating quite frequently, but come Monday it's all going to change.
I wish I would've gotten the creativity to write sooner in the break, but i guess that didn't happen.
But then we have finals in a week and a half and a few days off after that, so i can continue my epic story then.

Comments are well appreciated, just sayin'. :]