Status: Finished .... For now .....

Diamonds in the Rough


Jasey climbed into her bunk above Matt and Valary’s, pulling her knees up to her chest and continuing to cry out. Jimmy must have heard her muffled cries, because next thing she knew, he was standing at the side of her bunk with his head poking through the curtain.

“What’s wrong Skippy?” He asked, sounding like a concerned big brother.
“Everything is just fucked up,” She answered, pushing back all her hair on her forehead into a ponytail held in her hands.

“I’ll wake Zack and get the cookie dough,” He said and she nodded, climbing out of her bunk and heading for the back lounge.

That’s what she loved most about being part of the Avenged Sevenfold family. They always knew what to do when something was wrong. To Jasey, they were all her older brothers, well except Brian of course.

Matt was the older, defensive one.
Zacky was the comforter.
Jimmy was the funny one.
Johnny was the shithead that everyone hated to love.
Val was the sister.

“Rev said you were in here,” A shirtless Zacky said, leaning up against the doorframe with half shut eyelids. He rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and noticed that hers were red and blood shot and that her face was a bit puffy.

“What’s wrong baby girl?” He cooed, sitting down next to her on the leather couch.

“Everything in my life is fucked up,” She said, bringing her knees closer up to her chest.

“What makes you say that?” He asked, rubbing small circles on her back.
“Because I’m in fucking love with Brian,” She admitted so boldly.

She leaned on to Zacky, burying her head in his chest. For having no shirt on, he was still pretty comfy.

“We don’t have cookie dough, but we have Cheetos and Oreos,” Jimmy announced, walking in to the room, but stopping when he saw Jasey crying even harder.

“I think we’re going to have to wake up Val and have her break out the stash,” Zacky said. Jimmy agreed and went to wake up Val.

“Jasey,” He spoke softly, trying to pull her off of him, “Jasey!”

Her eyes looked up at him; every thing she was feeling was being screamed through her blue eyes. Her body was physically drained, but her mind was running on overdrive.

“Jasey you have to listen to me, alright?” He asked. She nodded.

“I know I’m not the best to give advice, but when it comes down to you and Brian, I think you should at least try to be his friend. He seems so lost without you,” He said, giving her a crooked grin, only to get a weak smile from her in return.

“You set me and Gena up and Jimmy and Leanna, so if anyone’s got the magic touch, it’s you.”

“Well she wasn’t happy, but I have some,” Jimmy said, finally returning with the good stuff. He handed a bar of Hershey’s Cookie’s and Cream chocolate to Jasey and she tore open the package.

“He just, He just gets to me so easily,” She huffed, “I don’t know what it is I even see in him.”

“From what Val has said about this subject before, you think he absolutely gorgeous and that if he ever got a girlfriend, you’d be crushed and go out with Zack,” Jimmy said, breaking a small piece off the chocolate bar.

Jasey shot him a death glare and Zacky let out a light chuckle. She felt her cheeks burning and her ears were almost on fire.

“Don’t worry Jase,” He said holding on to her tighter, “I’d go out with you too if I wasn’t already with Gena.”

“Jimmy, remind me to kill Valary later,” Jasey had asked kindly before eating another piece of chocolate.

“Will do,” He nodded, leaning against the door frame.

“Ugh,” She groaned, “Why does he keep doing this to me?”
“Because he’s Syn?” Zacky had answered, hoping her was right.
“Well yeah, but he’s just so … stupid! I don’t know why I feel like this towards him, but I just do,” She said in frustration, putting her head back on Zacky’s chest and just sitting there.

“You know Jase,” Zacky spoke, pulling her up off of him, “This would be a lot easier to do if you didn’t smell like my best friend.”

Sheepishly she smiled and looked down at what she was wearing, completely forgetting that she had his dark blue hoodie on.
♠ ♠ ♠
I meant to post this yesterday, but things got busy.
I have a list on a post-it note of what I'm supposed to write next, so I'm trying to go off that for now.
It might be a couple days till the next chapter, school starts tomorrow and I have a bit of homework to do, not to mention practicing for my final driving test in drivers ed.
So, I will return soon, I promise.
Still tell you friends about this story. It'll make me smile. :]