Status: Chapter 1

He's my brother's greatest bestbud.I hate him.Or so i thought?

Chapter 2

I turn over on my side and look at my cell phone. Ughhh it's 3 am! When I hear some whispering at my door from Jason and Carson.

"Ok. It looks like they are asleep. Let's give it 5 more minutes and then we will go in." I hear Carson say as they go back into Jason's room.

I start conjugating up a plan and go downstairs to the kitchen. I grab the bowl of pudding we have in the fridge and sneak back up into my room. I then place the pudding right by me and Eva. Then, I laid back down and was "asleep".

I kept one eye partially open and saw Carson coming in with a cup full of ice cubes. So immature!

"ok! I will put down Isabella's shirt, and you can put it down Eva's." Carson I mean it says. Why I am calling him by his name I do not know!

I could hear become nearer, when I hear squish! Victory!

"What the h*** did I just step in?!!' Carson yells

"haha. Think you can pull a prank on the prank master? Well you just got played!" I say through my laughter

By now Eva was up and looked really confused.

"What is going on Izzy?"

"Oh nothing. It just thought he could pull a prank on us and he stepped into my trap of pudding!" After I said the last part, I broke out into another fit of laughter.

"Dude, she got you man!" Jason says to Carson while giggling like a little girl.

"Oh shut the H*** up man!" Its says as he walks out of the room.

"Who's your baby now it? haha" I scream after him

"Nice one sis!" Jason says as he gives me a high five and a hug

As you can imagine Eva and I got basically no sleep after that, because we kept replaying it in words and thoughts.

The next morning I woke up, and I looked over to Eva who was, not surprisingly, still asleep.
I go downstair and I see it on the couch asleep still. Haha! I am going to pay the price again for even thinking about pranking me!

So I went into the bathroom and got some shaving cream, and went back out. I sprayed a good bit in his hand, and used my medium length, curly, brown-blonde hair to tickle his nose. I get up off the couch, and like I planned, he uses his hand to try to stop the itch. I start laughing again, because he got it ALL OVER his face!!

"huh? What the?" he says waking up

"oh crap!" i say as he looks at me and starts to get up

"oh i am going to get you this time Izzy!" he yells

"ahhhhh!" I start running to the door, but once again he catches me up in the kitchen!

Boom! We hit the floor with me, of course, on the bottom.

"Comftorable?!" I ask him

" oh yeah!" and lays his head once again on my chest

ughh not again!

"you know what Izzy. I want to try something. And this position will be perfect for it!" he says with his smirk! oh how I hate that smirk

"What do you want to try sweetie?" I say with sarcasm and a plastered smile. Even with all the comotion, Jason and Eva are not up!

"I want to kiss you. To see what it is like." and with that he leans in and his lips makes contact with mine

It started out sweet, but there was like this connection and it starts to become a little more fiery.

"Wait stop!" i say pulling away trying to catch my breath

"Not bad for a monster" he says getting up

"Whatever it!" I say and punch him in the arm

"do it again and it will hurt a lot worse." i say looking at a quick glance at his sensitive area to let him know what I meant.

"Ok bitch sure!" he says and walks back to the couch and lays down.

I go back up stairs, but something about what he said hurt. I mean he calls me b**** all the time, but it hurt this time a bit.
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Well, I hope you guys like! Though please comment! If you don't I probably won't update for a little longer! I know I sound a little desperate, but comments are very helpful; so please do so!! :) Taylor