Status: Chapter 1

He's my brother's greatest bestbud.I hate him.Or so i thought?

Chapter 3

"shawty like a melody in my head that i can't keep out got me singin like na na na everyday...." I look over from my bed to see my env touch going off and see eva's blonde hair brown muddy brown eyes (weird combo for colors i know!) looking back at me.

"hello?" i say groggily

"heyy babe! did you hear? Jesse is having a party at his mansion of a house, since his parents are going to be out of town for the weekend! We are going right?!" she says a little to loudly for my liking, since I did just wake up!

"uh h*** yeah!"

"ok great I will be over at your house in 30! Make sure you take a shower, because we are going to doll you up!"

"ummm great...bye" I say as I hang up

I get up out of my bed, with its ah-dor-able polka dotted bed cover, and go into my bathroom. I slip off my clothes and turn on the shower. I don't know what it is, but every time I get in the shower I feel so relaxed.


" what? Did I just say that in my head?"


"Huh? what? oh forget it! I must be going crazy!"


"and why would I care if the it is coming?"


"Oh not you too! I get enough of this from Eva! I do not like him. Therefore, do not care if he is coming!"

"Izzy?" I hear Eva say. Gawd she is already here!

"yeah coming!" I get out of the shower and wrap one of my towels around my chest and walk into my room, when I see Eva with her....oh crap....pack.

"Eva you brought the pack? Whyyy?" I whined

" I told you I was going to doll you up! Now sit down close your eyes and chill! k?!" She says while yanking me into my pink/black/white chair in front of my 3 angle mirror.
"huh. Finally! you are done!" she says at last

I open my eyes and look back at of pair of striking blue eyes that look like mine, but d*** she did a good job!

"You like?"

"Actually I do Eva! You did good lollipop!" I say with a wide smile on my face

"Don't I always sweet tart?!" She responds playfully

"i get to pick my outfit out though sargeant?" I say while walking to my walk-in closet (it is huge!)

"sure...of course!" She walks up next to me "but, I might have some input"

I end up picking out a strapless pink/black/white (catching the drift for my favorite colors?) dress that hits me a little above my thigh. I then grab some heeled sandals with black on top that wraps half way up my calve with strings. Since, my face was previously done I didn't have to worry about that, and I grabbed a black/white headband and seperated my bangs and rest of my hair and put it in the middle.

I turn around to Eva and ask "Good enough for you?"

"Sweet Tart you look pretty darn hawt!" she then high fives me and we walk down stairs.

Unfortunately, my brother was going (that is not the bad part) therefore it was too!


I heard the girls walking down the stairs, so I looked up from my env touch. When I look up, I immeidiately saw Isabella. She usually looks pretty even with no make-up on and in an oversized t-shirt, but she look phenomenal tonight! She looked so good I got a feeling that I would have to watch her extra special tonight.

"heyy baby!" I say to her with my smirk I know she hates.

She just rolled her eyes and walked to Jason car arm in arm with Eva.

"dude clean up your drool!" Jason says chuckling

"Shut the H*** up man! Besides what would I be drooling over?!" I say a little to defensively

"Man I am not blind!"

"I know, let's go party! though, we are probably going to have to keep a close eye on her tonight" I whisper the last part

"Yeah I know man" Jason started walking to his car and I followed.
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Well there is a nice long chapter for you peoples! Hope you like it and comment on it! The sooner the better, because the next chapter is the PARTY!! haha lol :)