Don't Forget

  1. Don't Forget Chapter 1
    The first chapter of my first story on Mibba. This is basically just an introduction to get you into the story. The story will be told in Jayne (the main character)'s point of view. Hope you enjoy!
  2. Don't Forget Chapter 2
    13 years later, Jayne is 16 years old. And as most love stories go, all she can think about is Jacob...
  3. Don't Forget Chapter 3
    Jake is coming over Bryce's house. Jayne is excited that she finally gets to hang out with Jake again. She's going to try her hardest to take the spotlight off of Caitlin and back on herself. Where she believes it belongs. Happy reading!
  4. Don't Forget Chapter 4
    The next day. Jayne wakes up to quite a surprise...