Don't Forget

Don't Forget Chapter 4

I wake up to the sun shining through my same old dirty window. I squint as my eyes fail to dilate on time and cover my face with my hand. I roll over despite the sun, trying to ignore it. I curl up and nuzzle my head back to where it was. I inhale deeply. I smell the faint scent of must and old spice cologne. I smile at the mesmerizing scent as I close my eyes.

I sit up quickly at the familiar scent. That was Jacob’s scent. I look down beside me to see a shirtless Jacob soundly sleeping next to me. My eyes grow wide at the realization of the situation. Before reacting, I look down at my bare chest. I snatch my covers and wrap myself up in the green fabric. It smells like him I thought. Stop! He’s lying in my bed and we’re both naked! How did this happen? I stand up still wrapped in my comforter, pulling them away from Jacob. I look over at him again and realize that I took away his only censorship. I sit down next to him and cover us again. I whisper into his face “Jacob,” he smiles. “Jacob! Wake up now!” His eyes slowly open, a smile still lingering on his lips. His eyes grow wider while looking at me. He didn’t say a word, and honestly, he didn’t need to. I knew exactly what he was thinking. I may have been thinking the same thing. “What exactly are you doing at my house Jayne?”

“You’re house, Jacob? Take a look at where you are smart ass,” my sarcasm almost stinging my own lips. “I didn’t know that your room had posters of hot guys on its walls. Thanks for letting me know though.”

“What-what am I doing in your room? I-wasn’t I at Bryce’s place? Oh yea…I think I remember. I came over here to tell you—oh my God.” Jacob took hold of the green comforter and lifted it slightly. Quickly looking back up, his eyes closed he repeats, “Oh my God.”

“So I guess I was right, we were thinking the same thing. Why didn’t you leave? You came over here at like four in the morning and I told you to leave! What the hell are you still doing here?”

“Well I’m guessing it was for sex. But that’s just a guess, assuming we’re both naked.”

“Shut up Jake. You don’t think I’ve realized that by now? Where are my clothes anyway? They’re not in here…ugh they’re probably still in the living room.”

“Yeah, that’s probably where mine are too. Jayne? I hope you’re not mad at me for this. You know it wasn’t all me. You kissed me back.”

“I know. But I wasn’t really planning on it going any farther than that. I just got wrapped up in the moment and before I knew it, you were--well, here, and I was, you know. I couldn’t stop. I know that if I really wanted you to go, I would have made you go. This wasn’t just your fault. It’s mine too.”

“Well, I’m glad we’re at least on the same page then.”

“Yeah, I’m gonna go and get my clothes downstairs, then I’m gonna take a shower. I’ll grab your clothes too so you don’t have to walk through my house all, naked and stuff. There’s a lot of windows in my house…”

“Ha, thanks Jayne. You know…I could help you…”

“Funny Jacob,” I smirk at him. “I lost my virginity last night to you. Some “alone time” would be nice.” I stand up, not really caring if Jacob sees me naked. He had all last night anyway--whether he remembers it or not. I feel his eyes staring a hole in my back. I turn around, slightly revealing the side of my breast. He lifts his eyebrow with a crooked smile to match. If I didn’t know any better I would have sworn that he was blushing. “What? Don’t look at me like that. You had this all last night.”

“I know. You’re just, so beautiful. I knew I remembered something from last night, and what I do remember,” he gets up from the bed and walks towards me. He puts his hands around my waist and whispers the remainder of what he had to say in my ear, “was amazing.” I can feel the goose bumps rising on my arms and the hair standing up on my neck. It’s unbelievable that the simplest of his touches did this to me. I can’t stand how much he has me wrapped around his finger; it’s so easy for him. He spins me around and pulls me closer, his hands on the small of my back. “I’m glad that my first time was with you too. You’re the only one I trust with my virginity.” I can hear the smile on his voice. He is talking into my right shoulder, his breath dancing on my skin, making my blood boil. He brings my face to his again, just to lightly rub the tip of his nose on mine. “I would kiss you, but I wouldn’t want to kill you with my morning breath.”

“I’m fine with morning breath,” I almost plead. “You barely have it anyway.” He chuckles lightly deep in his throat at my lie.

“Go get our things and take a shower Jayne. Meet me at Bryce’s house--and, let’s not tell him about this. I don’t want him to be mad about me for taking his cousin’s virginity. It might make things awkward.”

“Alright. I won’t.” I open my door and start down my stairs. Jacob opens my door and looks down the stairs at me. The sun was hitting his body perfectly. I couldn’t help but stare. He’s truly beautiful, and football season is only helping him…
“Jayne?” he calls down to me. “Yeah Jacob?”
“I--I love you, Jayne.” My heart accelerates the second those three words fell from his lips. I’ve been waiting to tell him I loved him ever since I knew the meaning of the word; and he’s telling me first.

“I love you too, Jacob.” I’m surprised how easily that came out. My voice didn’t crack, I didn’t stumble over my words, maybe it’s because I’ve said it so many times in my head without him knowing. I love you Jacob.
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Kinda short or whatever, but i like it. comment? gracias readers <3