Live Life

Chapter one

Lying in my bed, wishing the world would freeze. That would be a dream come true. But of course those don’t happen, unless you’re in a fairytale, which I’m not. Sadly.

In less then 5 minutes would be my 17th birthday, and I would also be moving. Of course my mom told me she was sorry that we were moving on my birthday, I told her it was alright. Wasn’t like I was going to have a party anyways.

I was happy to where we were moving too. Hell I’ve been wanted to live London since I was 15 but why all of a sudden she decides to move. Well one thing is because of her work, and second she didn’t listen to when I told her I wanted to move to London. But I didn’t want to leave now. I was in a good relation. My longest yet. a year. And we just made love two weeks ago. And I didn’t want to leave Daniel. He was nice enough to wait till yesterday to break up. God I’m going to miss him. Him telling me he loves me whenever he gets a chance. Whispering sweet things into my ear, giving me butterflies. And best of all the way that he gets me a to laugh just by looking into his eyes. Telling him goodbye was the hardest thing I had to do. Just like I had to say bye to my dad when he past away.

I heard a knock on my bedroom door, and wiped away the tear that was making its way down my face.

“Thought you were still up” my mom said as she made her way to my bed and laid down beside me like she use to do when I was younger.

“When am I not up?” I laughed and looked at the time. It was 12:09.

“Happy birthday dear” my mom said and gave me a kiss on the forehead.

“Thanks mom” I smiled at her then looked around the room. It looked different without all the posters and stuff hanging on the walls.

“I’m going to miss it here” my mom said.


“ This move would be great for us Amber. And don’t forget all the British boys, which you love” she said happen trying to lighten the mood. I laughed.

“True, but I’m going to miss my friends and Daniel,” I told her.

“Dear, I understand. You’ll find someone else. There’s a whole other world out there waiting to be explored. So live life before it smacks you in the face” she smiled at me and kissed my forehead and got up.

“Go to bed, you’re waking up early tomorrow, well later, since its already tomorrow” she joked. I looked at her funny.

“Wasn’t funny?” I shook my head no.

“Well your just a old grump and doesn’t know whats funny” she said.

“Me old? You shouldn’t be talking your 34” I told her with a smile on my face. She knew I was joking.

“Whatever, I’m going to sleep before I fall asleep standing”. She told me.


“Night” she called back while walking out my bedroom door. I turned off my lamp and got comfy in my bed. And before I knew it sleep took over me.
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Tanya Felton