Thy Bood Tasted So Sweet

Chapter two

Woken up to more arguing once again. Her eyes flutter open slowly letting the harsh white rays of the sun blind her momentarily. Another woman no doubt. He never had the attention span although i was the only one that he kept. I sigh as i sit on the edge of my bed. The cool drought from the window catches me. Goose bumps erupt from my pail skin. Shivering i stand up in my full naked Glory. Walking down stairs to my master.

I was at the stairs so almost close i could hear his yelling more intensely. Than a gunshot. I ran back to my room and dove under the bed. This couldn't be happening. My love my life. How was i to live in a world that was not his. If they found me id be dead. I sighed and looked over my shoulder. My breaths came in gasps. I heard the murder leave and i walked down stairs. Touching my masters face. A tear ran slowly down my face. I had hated him. And now i loved him. I was his. Since i was twelve and now.. Now he was gone. police arrived and saw me covered in blood sobbing by his side.
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