Status: hiatus

Weaving Destinies


“Alec? Explanation please?” I asked impatiently as I followed him through the winding corridors. “What exactly is this party you supposedly forgot to tell me about?”

“It is nothing. Just a small gathering with a dance and feast with only perhaps three hundred people or more,” Alec replied hesitantly.

“Three hundred people is a small gathering?” I repeated, dumbfounded. “You’ve got to be kidding me! There’s no way you would invite that many people just because you’re bored. Something’s going on here that you’re not telling me about!”

“My beloved, if I ever keep anything from you, it is always for the best,” Alec responded. I stopped walking and crossed my arms. Not noticing I had paused, Alec continued on until I heard a small thud. He turned around slowly, holding his nose.

“That is really more painful than it looks,” he winced as I smirked in satisfaction.

“I’m not moving until you talk. Tell me the truth!” I demanded. Alec sighed and walked towards me. Grabbing my hand, he led me to a door.

“I will explain everything later. I promise,” he offered. I sighed and accepted his answer. What choice did I have? “I will be in the adjoining room preparing for tonight. I suggest that you do the same.” And with that, Alec went into the room next door. I pushed open the oak door and stepped inside. Closing the door, I discovered that I could hear voices from Alec’s room.

“Your Royal Highness, there you are!” a male voice exclaimed.

“Yes, Charles, I have indeed arrived,” Alec’s voice floated through the surprisingly thin walls. His voice dropped to a murmur. “Is what Hachi said true then?”

“Hachi? That traitor who claimed to be your most loyal advisor but was in reality just a spy for Callagroth and a shapeshifter at that?”

“Despite the fact that she betrayed me, she often spoke the truth. As for her final words…”

“Yes, it is true. The people of Torm are severely upset about the cancellation of the marriage. They feel that you need to take control and force her to marry you.”

“Charles, you know I cannot do that.”

“I understand, but it does seem a little odd that she doesn’t love you.”

“I am doing all that I can to win her affections. Until then, do you believe tonight’s plans will work?” Alec asked in a low voice. Their voice level dropped lower than I could hear.

I felt slightly hurt. I was just another pawn in their political game. I sighed and turned to the vanity mirror in the room. I sat down in the chair in front of it and stared at my reflection. I squinted as the reflection seemed to blur and change.

Suddenly, I realized that it wasn’t a trick of light. My reflection really was changing!

I watched in horror as my face transformed into Madison’s. Her eyes still burned with black hatred, and her hair was as fiery as ever. I stumbled backwards as her lips curled in a terrible smile.

I trembled in fear and shock, feeling like someone had just dunked a bucket of cold water over me.

My door suddenly flew open, and my maids walked inside, laughing and talking to each other. I turned around, staring at them with wide eyes.

“Faith, why are you so pale?” Nicole asked as they stopped talking.

“Are those tears?” Genevieve leaned forward to look closer. I glanced over my shoulder at the mirror. It was completely normal.

“I-it’s nothing,” I stuttered, trying to compose myself. “Then… are you here to help me get ready for the party?”

“No, we’re here rob you,” Lucia rolled her eyes sarcastically.

“Lucia!” Katherine exclaimed sharply. “That is no way to speak to her Serene Highness!”

“I don’t care,” I smiled. “I don’t feel like a princess, and I certainly never have.”

“Are you excited?” Clarissa asked, her brown eyes twinkling. She looked more eager to go to this party than I did. I briefly wondered if there was any way to disguise her as me and have her go with Alec. Then maybe they could fall in love, and it’d be like Cinderella, and…

But I was stuck with Alec. Stupid spell. Stupid Callagroth.

“Not really,” I admitted. “But I need to talk to you guys about something.”

I carefully explained what had happened that afternoon. Their eyes widened as they heard our plan.

“I… I would be honored!” Danielle was the first to speak once I was finished.

“I’ve never studied magic,” Rowena said seriously, looking worried. “Maybe you should find someone else.”

“No. I want you guys to do this for me, but only if you really want to,” I replied. “Once you’re done helping me get ready for the party, would you at least talk to Gregory Ingraham about this?”

“Oh no! The party!” Cecilia exclaimed. “I completely forgot! What time is it?”

They all began talking at once, flying around the room gathering things.

About an hour later, I was wearing a long pale blue gown with sleeves that fell around the shoulders instead of on top of them. The bottom of it was loose and swirled around when I spun. My hair had been tucked into a loose bun at the back of my head, a gold tiara somehow attached to my hair. I wore fancy high-heeled shoes that shone as if made of gold.

“Wow. I don’t actually look half bad,” I murmured, looking at myself in the mirror. I had managed to put on weight on Torm, and I looked normal again. The color of the dress brought out my eyes, and my hair was miraculously shiny and silky. If I didn’t know better, I would actually call myself attractive. The maids sighed happily and looked at each other in an exhausted manner, satisfied with their work.

A small knock came from my door. Rowena walked over to answer it.

“Hello?” she asked, opening the door a little and peeking through. “Oh, I’m so sorry, your Royal Highness!”

She quickly backed away and opened the door to let Alec in. He wore his gold crown and was dressed in a black uniform with gold braiding around the shoulders, exactly what I would expect for a medieval prince, and I could see the delight and amazement in his eyes when he first looked at me.

“My darling…” he said a bit breathlessly, coming over to me. I had to admit to myself that he looked rather handsome. I blushed slightly and hoped he didn’t notice and get the wrong impression. My maids gathered in a gossip group and began to giggle in their insane way. I glared and shooed them out of the room.

Turning back around, I almost ran into Alec. He had been standing a little too close for comfort. We both took a step back to put some distance between ourselves.

“Uh…” I tried to break the silence but failed. Alec was the first one to speak in a proper language.

“My love, you look splendid,” he said, coming towards me again.

“Don’t I?” I grinned, finally finding my voice again.

He offered his arm, and I took it.

“Shall we?” he asked. I smiled and nodded. We left the room together, and through a window, I could see that it was evening already. He led me to a grand staircase, and below that, I saw a very large ballroom filled with people who looked considerably more royal than I felt. I hesitated, but Alec was by my side and silently encouraged me to continue forward. I felt my face grow hot as everyone turned to stare at us when we descended the staircase slowly.

“Their Highnesses, High Prince Alec and High Princess Faith, have arrived!” someone, probably one of the servants, announced loudly before a fanfare of trumpets filled the air.

“Yeah, I think they’ve figured that out already,” I thought, putting on a very large and very false smile for everyone to see. Finally they all managed to return to what they were doing after we finished our grand entrance.

“Now what?” I muttered to Alec from behind my fake smile.

“We dance,” Alec responded, making me face him and placing his hands around my waist.

“Uh, problem. I don’t know how to ballroom dance,” I whispered awkwardly, unsure of what to do with my hands. I chose to put my left hand on his shoulder while holding his left hand with my right. Alec put his right hand on my waist. I had danced only a few times with Lucas, but that was always salsa or tango. If I tried to do any of those fancy, slightly racy moves here, a lady or two might faint.

“Is it not custom for girls to learn at a very young age how to dance?” Alec asked as the live orchestra began to play.

“Nope,” I gave him a smile to show him that I’d rather die than be here right now.

“Then I suppose you will have to do the best you can,” Alec said, taking a step towards me. I instinctively stepped away from him.

“Well done, my love,” he smiled.

“I was supposed to do that?”

“Yes. Follow my lead, and you will be fine,” Alec said reassuringly. It really wasn’t too different from what I had learned with Lucas, only slower with less spins and no fancy tricks.

“See? You are doing fine,” Alec’s smile widened as he noticed that I was dancing more confidently.

“Yeah, but I still feel like an idiot,” I muttered, triggering a small laugh from him. He leaned closer to me as I leaned away. Suddenly I felt myself bending backwards. It took all of my self-control to keep from yelping as I dipped in the center of the ballroom. I managed to right myself, with Alec’s help, and end up much closer to Alec than I would have liked. I gazed into his deep blue eyes and found it hard to breathe. I tried to remind myself that he was just using me for political gain, but it felt like my brain was stuck.

It all stopped in a moment. The music, the feeling that I was floating, the dancing, everything. I finally looked away as the guests broke off a little and began to mingle. A man came up and began a conversation with Alec, so I looked for someone else to talk to. A very large lady made eye contact and waddled over.

“It’s such an honor to meet you, Princess Faith," she said loudly. “I’m Lady Eleanor of Cumig.” Before I could say anything in response, she kept talking.

“I’m so interested in the Tribe of Legends! Everyone always thought it was a myth, but you’re living proof that they’re real! You have to tell me everything about the Tribe of Legends!” She looked eagerly at me.

“Oh man, I’ve got to get rid of this woman,” I thought, backing up slightly. My eyes darted desperately around as she continued to gush. I spotted a man leaning in a lonely way by himself on the wall. He looked very shy and could probably use some company.

“Lady Eleanor, have you met this fine young gentleman?” I asked in a grand manner, gesturing to him. I was quite proud of my skill at getting rid of people. Eleanor paused midsentence, staring in the direction of the man. She advanced forward slowly, strange for her outgoing nature.

“Honey?” she asked timidly. The man looked up and saw her. Happiness filled his eyes as he ran over to her. The two embraced, and all around began to clap and cheer. I stood a little off to the side, completely confused, as people congratulated the couple.

“How fortunate,” I heard a familiar chuckle from behind me. I turned around to see Alec standing there.

“What just happened?” I asked.

“You have just witnessed the meeting of two soulmates. It was love at first sight, and all are happy for the two that have met each other at last,” Alec explained with a smile. I watched the couple again, seeing how perfect they seemed together. I had never really seen love at first sight in work before, and this amazed me.

“So that’s it? They’re just suddenly in love?” I asked. “And they’ll get married and live happily ever after?”

“This is most certainly a joyous occasion!” an important looking man said loudly. I recognized his voice as the Captain Obvious who had announced our entrance. “Let us toast the two engaged couples!”

“Two?” I thought.

“First, to Lady Eleanor and Lord Richard! May they live a long and prosperous life together!” the man shouted. All with wine glasses raised them, and a slight cheer rippled through the crowd.

“Second, to his Royal Highness, Prince Alec, and his beauteous bride, her Serene Highness, Princess Faith!” Everyone turned to smile at us as I slowly looked at Alec.

“Alec, is this by any chance an engagement party?” I asked in a low, threatening voice.

“Yes,” Alec admitted softly.

“You promised that you weren’t going to make me marry you!” I hissed through clenched teeth. “How is this any different? Who are you really lying to, the world or me? Well, here’s a newsflash for you: you can’t make me love you!”

I stormed from the room, Alec in close pursuit. I couldn’t believe this. How had I ever let myself even begin to like him? He acted like he was in love now, but I was certain that the moment he got a ring on my finger, he would never pay attention to me again. I had let myself forget that, and I didn’t know if I was angrier at him or at myself.

“Faith! My darling, please wait!” Alec called after me as I ran down the hall. I refused to answer and instead stepped inside my room, locking the door to keep him out. I leaned against it, furious tears pricking at the corners of my eyes. This was exactly what he promised he wouldn’t do! He had promised no more engagement or marriage against my will. How could he betray my trust like this?

“Please, Faith, listen to me,” Alec begged from the other side of the door.

“Go away!” I yelled childishly, my voice cracking slightly.

“You know I cannot do that, my beloved. We are stuck together by the spell.”

“Then at least shut up!”

More than ever I wished for that stupid curse to just go away. I just wanted to be alone. I wanted to never see his face again. Was that so much to ask?

“My love, the people of Torm are upset,” Alec said. “They want us to be married, but I know I cannot do that to you. I thought perhaps this would be a way to compromise, letting them believe that we were still engaged and that the wedding was put off for a later time because of Callagroth.”

“You thought that by the time we had defeated Callagroth I would love you, didn’t you?”

There was a slight pause. “Yes, my dearest. This is what I had hoped.”

I felt mad all over again. I wouldn’t fall in love with him, I vowed. Just to spite him, I wouldn’t!

“Faith, I beg your forgiveness. I am trying to be as fair as I can. If you wish for me to tell the people the truth, I will. I realize that I was mistaken in betraying your trust.”

I considered this. We could keep fighting all I wanted, but it probably wouldn’t fix anything, especially if I couldn’t get away from him. And public opinion probably was really important. He needed to make sure they all still supported him.

I finally took a deep breath and unlatched the door, opening it.

“No, I’m the stupid one,” I sighed. “You’re just trying to make everything work out and make everyone happy, and I’m just messing everything up.” I looked into his sad, troubled eyes, and for a short moment, I was genuinely sorry that I wasn’t in love with him.

“If you need to tell everyone that we’re engaged, I understand,” I added. “You can tell them that if you think it will help, but I’m leaving once we defeat Callagroth. I’m going back to Earth, not marrying you.”

“Say no more, my love. We will find a way to make everything all right. I promise,” he smiled kindly.

“Thanks,” I managed to smile back at him.

I had sufficiently calmed down, so Alec and I headed back to the ballroom. We had both already formulated an excuse to why I ran off in case someone asked. We rounded a corner, but we came to a sudden halt.

“Oh my gosh!” I whispered. I stood still, completely stunned, as Alec hurried forward and knelt beside the body of the servant.

“Dead,” he announced gravely after checking for a pulse. I had figured as much. There was so much blood, too much for the man to have survived.

Alec and I exchanged glances. What if this wasn’t the only one?

We ran down the corridor and found another dead body and then another. The hallway forked into two paths, one leading to the ballroom and the other leading away from it. I glanced down the hallway leading away from the guests and saw another corpse. They seemed to be making a morbid trail, but where was it leading?

We sprinted down the hallway, and I wasn’t sure if I wanted to find out.
♠ ♠ ♠
(title credit to Akon)

Sorry it's a day late. Last week was an insanity of finals, Antonio's birthday and graduation, and now more stuff. It has been crazy. Crazy. I am too tired to even think.