Status: hiatus

Weaving Destinies

Easier to Run

I ran down the streets, screaming for help. Glancing over my shoulder, I saw Alec coming closer and closer. I remembered how fast he was when he first kidnapped me and figured with a choke of fear that he should catch up to me in a matter of seconds.

My eyes darted wildly around as I ran, working my way through the crowd. I suddenly recognized where I was, and I knew exactly where I could go for help.

I ran into a building and sprinted past the receptionist without waiting for her okay. I threw open the door to one of the offices down the hallway and was relieved to find that Julia Elgin was alone.

“Julia! You have to help me!” I exclaimed. She looked up from her computer in alarm.

“Livvy? What’s wrong? What are you wearing?” she asked, furrowing her eyebrows in concern. “Your parents said that you’ve been missing!”

“I can explain later, but there’s someone after me! You have to help!” I begged. She heard the urgency in my voice and nodded, grabbing her purse and standing up. She briskly led me from the office, not even bothering to lock the door behind her, and took me through the hallway to a rear exit.

Julia unlocked her small black car, and I hopped into the passenger’s seat. She quickly buckled in and started the car. She pulled out of the parking lot and drove skillfully through the crowded city streets.

“Now, tell me what’s going on,” she commanded.

“There’s this guy named Alec. He was at school, and then he kidnapped me and took me to some other planet called Torm. It sounds crazy, I know, but I haven’t been taking any medication or doing drugs or any of that! I wish I knew how to explain it!” I moaned, holding my head in my hands. Julia tightened her grip on the steering wheel and glanced at her rear-view mirror worriedly. Noticing her expression, I asked, “What? Is something wrong?”

“For your own good, I advise you to not look behind us,” was her simple reply. I obeyed and looked straight ahead.

“Alec is following us, isn’t he?” I asked.

“Yes, I believe that young man is Alec,” Julia replied, although she still sounded perfectly calm. I groaned and leaned back against my seat.

“Why did he kidnap you? Did he tell you why?” Julia inquired.

“He said something crazy about me being his true love or soul mate or something. He is absolutely insane! He tried to make me marry him!” I indicated my wedding dress.

We were on the highway now. Surely Alec couldn’t follow us this far. I tried to take a few deep breaths, but my mind was still racing. The rational, wise Julia seemed to be just accepting this as fact, and she didn’t look like she wanted to call the police.

She didn’t say anything as she finally took an exit and turned into a neighborhood of small, beige houses. She pulled into a driveway and said to me, “Get out of the car.”

“What?” I stared at her.

“I said get out. I knew this day would come, and I’m prepared. Inside of my house, there is a white door. Use this key to unlock it.” She gave me small key. “Go inside of the room and open the wooden chest sitting in the center. There will be a bag inside. Take it. Inside of that are a few simple things, including clothes in your size. Change into them if you like, then come back outside with the bag. Hurry! I’ll hold the boy off as long as I can!”

Without question, I ran inside and did exactly as instructed. Inside of the chest was a small drawstring backpack made of green cotton. I opened it and found things such as a toothbrush, hairbrush, lots of clean clothes, an extra pair of tennis shoes, and other things I would need if I was going on a trip or a long journey. I decided to change into a pair of jeans and a t-shirt.

Once changed, I ran outside again. Alec was nowhere in sight. Julia motioned for me to hurry to her car. I raced to it as fast as I could, but suddenly Alec jumped out seemingly from thin air. I dove into the open car door and slammed it shut. Julia threw her foot on the gas pedal, and the car was off like a shot, leaving Alec in our dust.

She drove on the highway for a little while in silence, and I squeezed my eyes shut. Finally, I asked, “Julia? Where are we going?”

“It doesn’t matter,” she sighed quietly. I opened my eyes, and she turned to me with sympathetic tears in her dark green eyes. “You can’t escape.” Her words seemed to stop my heart.

“What do you mean?” I asked nervously.

“Fate is inevitable, even for you, oh great Weaver. Everything will be much easier if you accept not only what has happened but what must come. Remember that your family loves you and always will. Whatever happens, follow your heart,” she said gravely.

“Julia, what are you talking about?” I nearly shouted.

“The detour. There’s construction just around this turn,” she explained.

“But it was fine yesterday…” my voice trailed off as we made the turn. I discovered that Julia was right yet again. She always seemed to be right. The traffic-jam was amazingly large, and we were forced to come to a complete stop.

“No…” I whispered, feeling that this was the end. Julia pushed her long black hair out of her face and turned to look at me again.

“He will get you if you stay here,” she said. “It is better if you accept your destiny, but you should not be forced to do so. If you want any chance of taking your time with this, get out of the car and run.”

“But…” I started to protest.

“You heard me!” For the first time, a sudden ferocity had worked its way into Julia’s voice. “I wish the best of luck for you! Believe me when I say that you will be safe with him, but you must discover this for yourself. Now go before it’s too late!”

I opened the car door and ran as hard as I could, my hand clutched around the bag. I ran blindly, not caring where I was headed. I had the distinct feeling that although I could not hear or see him, Alec was close behind.
♠ ♠ ♠
(title credit to Linkin Park)

Happy Wednesday! I should be walking dogs at an animal shelter right now, but it's pouring. It's so hard to get anything done when it's raining. I just don't want to leave my room.