Status: hiatus

Weaving Destinies


“Okay, so start explaining,” I said, staring across the table at Alec. I was dining with him alone tonight and decided that he could start explaining things.

“Where do I begin?” he sighed. “Well, to summarize it, I suppose I could say that since the beginning of time, two universes were created. Both were very similar and intertwined with portals to travel between them. But a long time ago, an evil creature called Nayan was created. In order to prevent Earth from being destroyed as it seemed Torm would be, the portals were sealed off. Everyone’s memory was erased, but the royal family of Torm retained their memories. Eventually Nayan was destroyed, and his ashes remained here in the palace. In the process, a portal was also opened, which was how we are able to travel to Earth and back. But now I am afraid Nayan is back in a different form. I do not quite know how it happened, but Callagroth was somehow created from Nayan’s remains. Now he threatens the existence of Torm and even Earth if he should happen to find out about it.”

“So you said that another portal was reopened? Don’t other people know about it?” I asked.

“No. As far as I know, the royal family and you are the only ones who possess this knowledge.”

“Okay. So how do you explain me to all of the Tormans? Surely they don’t accept that you’re marrying a random, ordinary girl who appeared out of thin air!”

“Of course not. I said that you are a princess from the Tribe of Legends.”

“The Tribe of Legends?”

“Yes. Many memories of Earth could not be erased, so myths formed from anything unexplained. We say that these come from the Tribe of Legends, a remote group of travelling people who wander about Torm searching for peace and happiness. They are said to be very mysterious and strange, leaving magic in their wake like dust on a trail. But no one really knows if the Tribe of Legends is real or not.”

“So it could be the same on Earth? I mean, we have myths about mermaids and centaurs and stuff too.” I had already found out that such creatures actually existed on Torm.

“Quite possibly. One can safely assume that since things such as that could not be erased from the Torman mind, it would affect the Earthlings as well.”

“Okay then. That clears up most of my questions, I guess. But just one more thing, how can you be sure that I am really your soul mate? I mean, my name is not even Faith!”

“I know because when I first saw you, I knew that I wanted to be by your side for eternity. Even if you are not called Faith, I will have faith in you and trust that everything will work out. I promise to always love you, no matter what happens,” Alec said, reaching across the table and touching my hand gently.

“Ew. You’re ruining my appetite,” I wrinkled my nose in annoyance, pulling my hand away. “Well, you really will be by my side forever unless we can figure out a way to destroy Callagroth. I mean, it shouldn’t take that long, should it?”

“When Nayan was born, he haunted generations of Tormans. Callagroth is even stronger than Nayan was and will take longer to kill,” Alec replied with a sigh. Great.

I slumped down in my chair and groaned, “I’ll never get back home, will I? Instead I’ll be tied to you by some magic spell for the rest of my life and end up dying after an encounter with Callagroth!” Even if this entire thing only took a week, I’d be in a massive amount of trouble if I ever went back to Earth.

“I am sorry, my dear. If there is anything I can do to make it up to you…” Alec offered.

“Stop calling me all these pet names,” I glared at him. “But I… I have another question.”

“What is it?” Alec looked me straight in the eye, fully listening and prepared to hear whatever I had to say.

“Well, when we first met, you were so… different than you are now. I mean, you seemed sterner, even a little violent at times,” I said.

“I do apologize for my vile behavior!” Alec exclaimed guiltily, turning away. “I expected you to recognize me as your soul mate when we first met, and I also thought that you were from Torm and knew about it. Then when you started acting strangely, I thought that you were simply toying with me. Playing with another’s feelings is something I cannot stand, and I have to admit I was rather furious with you. My dear mother explained everything to me once I brought you here, and I repent for my actions. But seeing as you did not return my affections in the least, it broke my heart. I felt pain as I never have before, and it blocked my vision. I did not truly realize what I was doing until I looked into your tearing eyes. I had thought to see hatred, confusion, perhaps even rage, but I did not think I would see what I did. Fear. Seeing fear in your eyes shocked me beyond compare. I could not bear seeing you like that, so tearful and afraid. So now I apologize yet again for my horrid behavior. I hope that you can forgive me.”

“I… um…” my voice trailed off. He had somehow worked his way to my side of the table and was now on one knee in front of me. Staring down at his bowed head, I saw a tear drop down and hit the stone floor.

“He… he’s crying? You’ve got to be kidding! What a hypocrite! He has to be faking this,” I thought in disgust. It looked genuine, but it was just so… dramatic! Maybe he was just trying to get that stupid kiss. Either way, he clearly wasn’t going to move until I said something. I finally rolled my eyes and said, “It’s okay.”

“Thank you, my Faith,” Alec lifted his head and looked gratefully into my eyes. His lips brushed softly against my hand before he stood up. I made a point of wiping off the back of my hand with my napkin.

A few hours later, I collapsed into my bed and sighed. It was absolutely gorgeous in here. Alec was in the next room over, connected by a door. It was as far away as the spell would allow and even involved a little furniture moving to make it work. Alec said that we would leave tomorrow in pursuit of Callagroth. I wasn’t sure if I could fight like he said I would have to, but I would have to give it a try.

I wasn’t in perfect shape, but I hoped it wouldn’t take too much to get me back to my peak physical condition. I used to be an intense volleyball player. Madison and I trained year-round, making sure we were lifting weights and running even if we didn’t have a chance to get some girls together to play. We had both been on the junior varsity team our freshman and sophomore years with hopes of making varsity this year, but it went without saying that I wouldn’t make the team this time. I hadn’t even tried. All of those girls hated me.

“Poor Sophie!” they had wailed at the beginning of the season. “How will we ever win a game without her?”

I didn’t know that much about Sophie Carson my freshman year. I knew she was considered one of the most attractive girls in the school. I knew she was the only sophomore on varsity volleyball and better than the seniors. I knew she spoke Spanish and French and wanted to work for the U.N. someday. I knew that all the boys in the school were in love with her, and all the girls (secretly or not so secretly) hated her. I didn’t know if the girls hated her because all the boys were in love with her or for other reasons, but she always seemed friendly and cheerful whenever I talked to her. She could be a few fries short of a Happy Meal though. For Valentine’s Day, she sent all the girls on the volleyball team a red construction paper heart on which was written:

“Roses are red, violets are blue. You’re on the volleyball team, and I love it.”

Sophie never went anywhere without at least one member of her entourage, which usually consisted of Kiyoshi Gardner, Kristi Austin, and Paula Pollard, all freshman. Madison said it was because all the sophomore girls already hated her.

The first time I saw her darker side come out, I just happened to be walking by after school while she talked to Kiyoshi.

“Is that your project?” Sophie stared at something in her hands with a look of disgust and amusement. “Oh, honey, that looks awful. It’s really not you.”

“What… what do you mean?” Kiyoshi asked, looking stunned.

“Well, you’ve just never been that good at crafts, you know? It looks like something your sister would make,” Sophie shrugged. “I don’t know if you’re cut out for this job.”

Kiyoshi looked at the ground, blinking rapidly. I assumed that she was trying to hold back tears.

“Can you believe that?” Madison hissed in my ear as we watched from a short distance.

“What’s going on?” I asked her.

“Kiyoshi has an interview today at an elementary school. They’re looking for high school students to assist in some of the classes,” Madison explained in a low voice. “You’re supposed to bring an example of something fun you’d do with the kids.”

“Wasn’t that Sophie’s job last year?” I asked. “Wasn’t she fired?”

“Yeah, she apparently wasn’t very good at it. Got too frustrated while helping the kids with their homework or something,” Madison nodded. “That, or she wasn’t prepared for the days she was supposed to teach a lesson. I can’t remember which one. Maybe both.”

Sophie walked away, and Kiyoshi leaned dejectedly against her locker, looking sadly at the colorful object in her hands. Madison and I walked over to her.

“That’s adorable!” I exclaimed, and it wasn’t just to make her feel better. She had made a caterpillar from different colored fun foam circles with pipe cleaners for antennae and googly eyes. Each circle had a different letter of her name on it. It was really cute, and I couldn’t believe that Sophie had insulted it.

“I thought the kids could make nametags for their desks,” Kiyoshi smiled weakly.

“They’d love that,” Madison said with the utmost seriousness.

“But Sophie was just saying-” Kiyoshi protested.

“Sophie is a self-centered bitch,” Madison interrupted. “Go to that interview and knock ‘em dead.”

“You’ll be great,” I assured Kiyoshi. She took a few more minutes to examine her nametag, and she gave us quick smile and walked out of the school.

About a week later, we heard that she landed the job. She kept it all through her freshman year and the beginning of sophomore year until word got out about my incident and her involvement in it. She was deemed unsuitable to work with children and promptly fired.

None of the girls on the volleyball team seemed too heartbroken that I wouldn’t be playing anymore. I couldn’t try out again. It would just remind me of Madison and Sophie and everything that had happened.

I squeezed my eyes shut, trying to forget all the times that Lucas had helped me practice.

“The power should come from your legs. That’s it! Good job! Don’t forget to follow through!”

I groaned and pressed my pillow against my ear, like I could block the sound of his voice that was only in my head. Would he miss me now that I was gone? Would he regret ignoring me so harshly? Would he ever forgive me?
♠ ♠ ♠
(title credit to Lady Gaga)

So by now you can probably see that the format is kind of the same as Lunar Effect, only the flashbacks are less relevant to the present and more of an alternate storyline.

I've been feeling kind of crappy this week (I actually threw up this morning), but yesterday I told my viola prof that I wasn't feeling well, and he said, "So what are you going to do about it?" And I was like, seriously? I don't know! When you're sick, you're sick! I didn't do this on purpose!