Cheated Hearts


"It's okay to be scared."

My whole life I had been told this. I had been taught that fear was a source of motivation, an inevitable part of life. Fear was natural. This, Dear Reader, is a lie.

I would voice my fright to the World and it would respond with plastic whispers and condescendingly sympathetic smiles; it would calm me down, actually.

I guess it was when I expressed my fear through my actions that people seemed to get scared of me. It was when people saw the true horror that was etched into my wild and desperate attempts at succeeding in life, all motivated by my resolute fright of failing my future. I was pulled into a million fucking directions.

This is not about angst. This is not about coming of age. This isn't even about love... most of the time. This is about her.

This is about Harper Summers and how she ruined my life.

It's okay to be scared.
♠ ♠ ♠
"Cheated by the opposite of love."

-Yeah Yeah Yeahs