Status: One shot - finished

Turn Right

Turn Right.

Kevin paced the room again and again; he’d been sent a letter. The letter had been written neatly, sealed with, as she said a kiss and left on the old rocking chair by his balcony door. It was defiantly a shock to come into the room and find it on the chair after he’d been away for 2 weeks.

After opening the letter, Kevin had begun pacing the room. As the sun began to set, the moon beginning to raise in the sky somewhere, Kevin sat down. Kevin had loved Isabelle for many years now and to find out that she shared this same love, that she too had managed to hide from the other for many years, made Kevin’s heart beat faster than it ever had, his knees wanted to buckle under his weight and his eyes wanted to fill with tears, he wouldn’t let it happen though.

Meanwhile, Isabelle paced her room. She’d told Kevin in the letter that she would see him at 11 o’clock, when she came over to spend the night while her parents got on their flight to France. Isabelle was spending a few days with Kevin and his family while her own were going on holiday, a holiday that she had refused to go on.

“Kevin dear, make up the spare room for Izzy.” Denise called up the stairs.

“Ok Mom.” Kevin called back, walking into the spare room and beginning to get it ready for his best friend to stay in.

Kevin made the bed and put towels in the en-suit bathroom before opening the window to let some fresh air into the room and leaving it, the door closing silently behind him.

“Oh my Izzy, you’re early!” Denise exclaimed opening the door.

Kevin’s head snapped up, looking around the corner of the kitchen door where he was currently situated, munching on a piece of cold pizza.

“Izzy!” He yelled around a mouth full of pizza.

“Kevin!” Izzy replied with as much happiness.

Kevin pulled his best friend, the love of his life for so many years, into his arms. Izzy returned the hug, smiling hugely; she knew Kevin had read the letter.

“Come on Iz, I’ll show you to your room.” Kevin smiled, taking Izzy’s hand and lacing her fingers through his.

Everyone knew of the love struck teens feelings for each other and now, after many years of hiding these feelings, the two would finally share their feelings.

Sitting down on the old creaky rocking chair in his room, Kevin smiled. Izzy was next door, settling into her room for the next few days. He held the letter in his hands tightly, fearing that it may just vanish into thin air if he didn’t do so.

The door opened slowly, Kevin was, once again, shocked by Isabelle’s actions. She walked into the room, a smile on her face, her favourite baggy pyjamas, consisting of a pair of jogging bottoms and one of Kevin’s old shirts, hanging loosely from her shoulder.

“Paul Kevin Jonas, as you already know, I’m in love with you. Simple as.” She smiled, walking over to Kevin slowly.

“What you don’t know is that the only reason I’m actually here is to make sure you love me too.” She grinned at him, kneeling down on the floor in front of Kevin’s knees.

“Izzy, what do you think?” Kevin asked, looking down into Isabelle’s deep brown eyes.

“I don’t know that I may have just made myself look like the biggest fool ever.” She said, sighing and beginning to stand up.

It was Isabelle’s turn to be shocked this time as Kevin grabbed her waist, pulling her down onto his lap. The chair rocked back slightly, creaking loudly as it did so.

“Izzy, love used to sound like a stupid thing to me, that’s until I actually fell in love with you. I always thought I’m stupid, that you would never be there to love me back, but I was wrong, so trust me, I’m the biggest fool ever.” Kevin smiled; capturing Isabelle’s lips in their first ever kiss.

Kevin smiled as he felt Isabelle’s arms wrap around his neck, drawing the pair closer together. Pulling away, Kevin sighed a happy sigh.

“I don’t think I could have asked for a better ending to the day.” Kevin grinned while Isabelle hid her face from embarrassment.

“I love you Kevin.” She said, moving her face to look at Kevin in the eyes.

The only light in the room was coming from the small lamp on Kevin’s side table at the other side of the room. Kevin grinned at Isabelle.

“I love you too Isabelle.” He smiled, using her full name and not her nickname for the first time it years.

He thought the use was appropriate at that moment though, the moment where they first told each other that they love each other properly after the first of many kisses that they would encounter in their lives together.
♠ ♠ ♠
So this is short and hopefully sweet.
Comments would be lovely.
Lauren xo