Sell Your Soul

The Crow and the Butterfly

Charlie watched as Maria followed Matt to their now-shared room. Cali stood in the kitchen with George, munching on a few Hershey's Kisses. She set the bag down and hopped up on the counter. Charlie smiled at her.

"Where should we go, m'dear?" he asked, tangling his fingers into hers.

"Hmmm..." Cali thought. She squeezed his hand and said, "Wherever sounds good to you."

"Then get your swimsuit," Charlie replied. He grinned and kissed her.

"Bleh," said George leaving the room.

Cali jumped down from the counter. She had to keep herself from running all the way to her room and changing. Her swimsuit was a blue bikini with black polka dots and black ties on the sides. She allowed herself to change as slowly as possible, knowing Charlie was standing on the other side of the door. She threw on her Papa Roach shirt and a pair of cutoff shorts, grabbed her black flip flops, and opened the door. Sure enough, there was Charlie.

"You changed already?" she asked.

"Yeah," Charlie answered. He pointed to his black and white plaid trunks. He wrapped his arms around Cali's waist and hugged her. "Let's go."

They passed Matt and Maria's room, exchanged glances, and proceeded to laugh like they were kids. They laughed until Charlie started his little Honda, and then they were off. Cali closed her eyes, imagining the warm sand and water of the beach. She'd lived in Hollywood for a few years, but she'd never actually gone to any beach.

Cali looked out the window at the passing hills and cars and people. Everything here was so much better than her old life in Idaho. The air was fresher, and most people were less frightening. She lay her head back against the seat and sighed.

"Something up?" asked Charlie.

"Nah, I was just thinking," said Cali.

"I know how that feels. Thinking is bad for a person." He laughed a bit.

They grew silent again, but Cali rested her hand on Charlie's hand. She saw him smile, making her smile as well.
The beach was empty except for a few couples. Charlie led Cali down to the water's edge. Ignoring the long stares from the others, Charlie kissed her and put his hand on her hips. The water was cold as it rushed over their feet, and Cali squeaked. She looked down at the water, and an idea ran through her head.

She ran out to the ocean, the cold water rushing past her bare skin. She splashed Charlie, and he cringed away from the water. She was waist deep by now, but he'd have none of it.

"Come on, Charlie!" shouted Cali.

Charlie smiled and shrugged. He took a step out into the ocean, shivering. By the time he had gotten knee deep, he discovered the water wasn't too cold. He looked around for Cali, but she was nowhere. He took another step, and something grabbed his leg.

"Holy shit!" he yelled.

Cali popped out of the water, giggling, and said, "You scaredy cat." She pulled her long, brown hair away from her face and smiled.

Charlie touched her belly button ring and said, "I'm not scared of you." He slid his hand into hers. She kissed him, but was soon interrupted by Charlie splashing water at her.

"Charlie!" she screamed.

He ran further out into the ocean, yelling, "Whatcha gonna do about it?"

Cali ran after him and tackled him into the water. They sat so only their necks were above the water. He looked into her green eyes and touched his lips to hers. She smiled, allowing his tongue to find its way into her mouth. He pulled her closer, and she touched the back of his neck. They stayed like that for awhile before Charlie pulled away and looked into her eyes again.

"Let's get something to eat," he said. "Where to go?"

"There's always Red Lobster," said Cali. "That's where Maria works." She winked and Charlie laughed.

"Red Lobster it is," he said.

He kissed her again before they stood up and, hand-in-hand, walked back to the car.
♠ ♠ ♠
Fell asleep in the middle of writing this so if there are errors I'm sorry!

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