Sell Your Soul


"I can't believe Maria wasn't at work," said Cali. "She never misses unless she's sick."

"Maybe she's feeling sick for Matt," laughed Charlie. He pulled the car to a halt in the long driveway of the house. Cali stepped out first and waited by the front door as he turned the car off and locked it.

He touched her waist and kissed her again. She leaned into him, and they stood there for a moment before the door opened. Dillon stood in the doorway, his arms crossed. He tapped his foot, and Charlie and Cali turned to look at him.

"So I got one pair on my couch and another on my front steps?" said Dillon. "You guys need to keep it in your pants."

"Nice to see you too, Dillhole," said Charlie, patting Dillon in the chest.

"Maria and Matt are here?" asked Cali.

"Yeah, they've been all but having sex on my fucking couch," said Dillon.

"I'm going to kill her."

"Please do. And while you're at it, take Matt too."

Cali stomped through the door and down the hall to the living room. Sure enough, Matt was laying on top of Maria, making out. Cali stood by the back of the couch, waiting for one of them to notice her. Charlie and a disgusted Dillon walked past her, Charlie kissing her cheek. Matt looked up and saw the three of them.

"Wanna get off my friend?" said Cali.

"Cali, go away," said Maria.

"Matt, it wasn't a question, get off her," commanded Cali.

Matt stood up reluctantly, Maria following him up.

"Why aren't you at work?" asked Cali.

"Same reason you weren't at college," retorted Maria.

"You never miss."

"I do now. I took a sick day." She crossed her arms and leaned to one hip. Matt left her and walked to the kitchen.

"Whatever," sighed Cali. "You took a day off work to make out with your boy toy. He's not even your boyfriend."

"Cali, shut up," hissed Maria.

She followed Matt into the kitchen, leaving Cali, Charlie, and Dillon standing in the living room. Dillon shook his head and said, "That wasn't awkward at all."

"I'm going to bed," said Cali.

"Already? It's like eight," protested Charlie.

"I know, but I really don't want to deal with Maria's shit," Cali replied.

Charlie followed her up the stairs to her room. She stopped outside her door, and she looked back at him. He grinned. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed his cheek. He hugged her tightly, and she smiled.

"I'll see you in the morning then, Cali," whispered Charlie.

He was halfway down the stairs when Cali said, "Stay."

Charlie turned around. "What?"

"Stay. Please?"

"You sure?"

Cali nodded. Charlie came back up the stairs and kissed her. She opened her door, and they fell through. She felt Charlie's hands slide up her shirt, untying her bikini, as they fell to the bed. He pushed her further into the bed.

Dillon passed by and said, "Ugh, Scene, you could at least shut the door." The two of them smiled at him as he pulled the door shut.
♠ ♠ ♠
Short, but sweet right?

Comment purdy please!