Sell Your Soul

Lose It

Cali sat between Charlie and Dillon. Charlie had his arm around her, and he occasionally leaned down and kissed her. Matt casually looked around, but everyone knew he was watching for Maria. Cali took her straw wrapper and flicked it at him. He looked at her, and she smiled sweetly.

"I'll ask for her," she said.

"I don't know what you're talking about," replied Matt.

"Bullshit!" laughed George. "We all see you watchin' for your little toy."

"Shut up, asshole," snapped Matt.

A waiter, Kyle, approached the table and said, "Hey, Cali. Bring some friends tonight?"

"Yeah, this is my boyfriend, Jordan, and Maria's boyfriend, Matt," Cali replied. "And their friends, Aron, George, Jay, and Dillon."

"I'm not stupid," laughed Kyle. "I know who they are. Maria told me."

"Speaking of who," said Cali, "can we have Maria tonight?"

"Oh, she's actually working the bar tonight. I'll let her know you're here though."

"Thanks, Kyle."

He took their orders, and Matt leapt up. "I'm gonna get a drink. Anyone else?"

"Drink? Hell, why not?" said Dillon. He stood and followed Matt to the bar.

Cali and George laughed, but Aron shook his head.

"You girls are tying them down," he said, taking a drink of his beer.

"Sorry," laughed Cali.

"I don't think he's going to get a drink," said Charlie.

George reached across the table and patted Charlie on the head. "Atta boy, Scene," he said. "A little late, but at least you got it."

"Did I miss something?" Charlie said in Cali's ear.

"Yeah," replied Cali. "But it's okay. You're still cute." She kissed his cheek.

"Y'all better not do that while I'm eating," warned George. "Unless you wanna see what I'm eating after I've tried to eat it."

"Deal, George," hissed Charlie, kissing Cali on the top of her head.

"Hey, Cali," said Aron. "Would you and Maria mind working at our show tomorrow night?"

"There's a show tomorrow night?" asked Cali.

"Yeah, at The Underground. Just kind of a thing for the radio station."

"Oh, sure! I'll ask her so she doesn't bite your head off."

"Gracias, mi amiga."

"What will we be doing?"

"Probably working the merch thing for a while or just being backstage figuring shit out."

"Cool! I'll definitely do it!"

She reached across and gave Aron a high five, and Charlie chuckled. He leaned his head back against the booth. He listened to Cali talking with Aron and George, and he thought, I've finally found her. Someone who doesn't care who I am, and someone who can talk like a normal person.

Cali tapped his chest and said, "Charlie? You gonna eat, hun?"

He looked up and saw their food had arrived. "Sorry," he said. "Musta drifted off." He glanced at Cali, taking a bite of his lobster. She smiled at him and reached over to his plate.

She grabbed a piece of lobster and said, "I shoulda got this instead."

He offered his plate to her, but she turned it down. He shrugged, knowing she did want to eat it. He took a bite of her salad and said, "Trade me."

She smiled and switched plates. He kissed her cheek and looked up at George. George pantomimed gagging, then took a shell from his crab legs and threw it at Charlie.
♠ ♠ ♠
Been listening to Hollywood Undead more to help me.

Is it working? I can't tell...

Comment!!! :D