Sell Your Soul

So Happy

Cali leaned back in her chair. The joint everyone called "The Underground" was not yet set to the full concert effect yet. She twirled a piece of her hair around her finger, watching as the floor was swept- though it would just be dirty again at the end of the night. Maria helped a radio station guy set up the merch booth, but Cali did nothing. Instead, she stood and walked backstage.

Charlie and Dillon stood in the hall, each with a beer in hand. Another guy from the radio station stood asking them questions. Charlie saw Cali coming down the hall.

"Hey, Steve, this is my girl Cali," he said, grabbing Cali's hand.

"Ladies and gents, Charlie Scene's girlfriend, Cali!" said Steve in his radio personality voice. "Cali, what can you say to the listeners?" He stuck his mic out.

"Umm, well, I can tell you these guys are as crazy as they seem," replied Cali. "And it's definitely going to be a great show tonight."

"Excellent, thank you Cali! Now we head over to Funny Man for a different side of things." Steve turned to Dillon.

Charlie said quietly to Cali, "You look hot tonight, sweet thing." He pulled her away from the other two.

Cali looked down at her outfit. She had taken one of Charlie's bandana and, with the help of Maria, tied it around her chest over a pink and black lacy bra like it was a tube top instead of a bandana. She was wearing blue skinny jeans with chains connecting the zippers on the front and back pockets, and she had stolen Maria's pink studded belt. She kicked the floor with her pink and blue Osiris shoes and smiled.

"You look good in pink," said Charlie. He snapped the strap of her bra lightly against her shoulder and kissed her cheek.

"I'm glad you think so," sighed Cali. "Maria says that too, but I hate pink."

"She's right though."

"I know..."

Charlie sensed her discomfort and said, "I got a surprise for you tonight."

"Really? What is it?"

"If I told you, it wouldn't be a surprise. You'll just have to wait."

"When will I know?"

"Oh, I'm pretty sure you'll know. Code words to watch for are 'hold on', okay?"

"Alright. Don't drink too much, and I'll have a surprise for you, too." Cali winked and kissed him.

"I got a pretty good idea of that surprise."

"Oh, do you now? We'll just see about that."

Cali took his beer and took a drink. He smiled at her, and her heart skipped a beat. Steve tapped his shoulder, and he looked away. Cali bit her lip and casually touched the ring on the left side of her nose. Charlie looked back at her.

"Cal, they wanna do some pics, and I gotta go. Be back here before we go on, 'kay?" he said.

"Sure," Cali replied. She turned to leave, but Charlie stopped her.

"Wait," he said. He took a marker out of his back pocket and uncapped it. He moved her backstage pass out of the way and touched the marker to one of her breasts, making her jump. He chuckled a bit and wrote Property of Charlie Scene. He kissed her and said, "So everyone knows."

Cali laughed, kissed him back and thought, Sign "Charlie Scene" on your girlfriend's tits.

Maria was the first to notice. "No way," she said, pulling Matt's stocking hat further down over her head. "He didn't."

"He did," laughed Cali. "He wants us back there before they go on. He says he has a surprise for me too."

"Like this wasn't already enough?" giggled Maria. "You should get that tattooed."

"You know, I might just do that." Cali wrapped her arm around Maria's shoulder as the lights of the venue dimmed and the first people filed in.
♠ ♠ ♠
Got dance tonight, but I might update afterwards.

Comment? Yes!

Annoying some of my friends with "El Urgencia" XD