Sell Your Soul

I Am Hated

Charlie rested his lips against Cali's neck. She smiled, letting the lights of the street illuminate their car in the dead of night. Maria drove, one hand on the wheel, the other tangled in Matt's hand. Cali closed her eyes and drifted off.

"We're here, baby doll," whispered Charlie a moment later.

Cali opened her eyes. The bar was packed with people, but Charlie pulled her from the car as soon as it halted to a stop. Matt and Maria were not as fast to get out of the car, but they eventually did get out and follow. George, Jay, Aron, and Dillon were already slamming back drinks when they got there. Dillon stood up and put an arm around Cali and Maria.

"Oye. Caliente y Mariachi. Come get a drink with ya daddy," he said.

Charlie and Matt stood back, laughing, as he pulled them to the bar. Cali looked back helplessly at them. Charlie smiled and winked. Dillon ordered a round of drinks for everyone, but Maria declined hers. George looked anxiously at it, so she slid it down the bar to him. He pointed to her and smiled.

Cali drank a shot as a black-haired guy approached her from the other side of Dillon.

"Hey, sexy," he said. "Where can I find me a girl like you?"

Cali rolled her eyes and said, "Get lost."

"You sure I can't buy you a drink?" he asked.

"She said get lost," said Dillon, standing up.

"Alright, alright," said the guy. "I'm going." He slowly backed away from them, his hands raised.

Charlie glared at him and wrapped his arms around Cali's waist. He touched his lips to her ear and whispered, "Let me know if you have problems with that guy, okay?"

Cali nodded and kissed him. Matt nudged Dillon off his seat and sat down in between the girls. He put one of his hands on Maria's thigh and smiled. She leaned over and pressed her lips to his cheek.

"After we're done here you wanna..." he whispered.

Maria chuckled, "When we get home. Wouldn't want those two catchin' a peek again." She indicated to Charlie and Cali, exchanging words and giggling.

"Aha, good idea," Matt agreed. He poked the tip of her nose, and she laughed.

"What are you two kids laughin' about?" said Jay, coming up behind them.

"Nothing much," replied Matt. He elbowed Jay in the stomach.
Cali's voicemail beeped as she deleted her message from Kyle. That guy was always so worried about her, like a big brother. She smiled gently just as the shady guy from earlier came up next to her.

"Boyfriend leave?" he asked.

"I'm not going to say it again," said Cali. "Go away."

"Can't see a girl like you with a guy like Charlie Scene."

Cali turned to leave, but he grabbed her wrist. She tried to get away, but his grip got tighter. She twisted in pain, and he grinned. He covered her mouth with his hand.

"Shhh," he said in her ear. "Nobody will hear you..."

Hesitantly, she bit his hand. He cried out, and she managed to step back.

"Charlie!" she screamed as the guy grabbed her from behind again. "Maria!"

Charlie appeared in the doorway in time to see the guy kick her in the back of the knee. Cali fell, and Charlie launched into action. He punched him square in between the eyes, making him stumble backwards and let go of Cali. Charlie punched him again, this time on the side of his head. He fell and smacked the other side of his head against the wall. Cali screamed and covered her eyes when she saw him bleeding from his nose.

Maria, Matt, and the rest of whoever else was in the bar had come to observe, and Maria covered her eyes in Matt's arm. George pulled Charlie back before he could punch him again, and Jay pulled Cali's face into his chest, hiding the scene from her. The bar manager came back and saw.

"Who the fuck did this?" he demanded. His eyes turned to George and Charlie. "I should have known. Someone call 911!"

Cali cried into Jay's shirt while George attempted to calm Charlie down. The manager bent down to take the guy's pulse.

"He's still breathing," he said. "Just unconscious." He turned to Charlie. "Why'd you do it?"

"He fuckin' attacked my girlfriend!" shouted Charlie.

The manager looked at Cali and said, "True?"

Cali nodded.

"I'm sure the cops won't be too harsh with that," he replied. "Alright, everyone else move along!"

The crowd dispersed slowly, but the guys and Maria all hung back. Soon the air was filled with sirens and flashing lights. Charlie shrunk down against the wall, his hands covering his face. Cali knelt down beside him, her eyes still filled with tears, and she kissed him.

"It's not your fault," she whispered. "You'll be fine."

He looked at her. His usually cheery face had gone sober and dark, and all emotion had left his eyes. She sat down beside him and rested her head on his shoulder. He took a deep, shaky breath.

"Cali, I'm sorry," he said.

"Don't be," replied Cali. "I'm glad you were here."

"If I get arrested for this, I'll know it was worth it. How's your knee?"

"Hurts like a bitch."

"Well, they can't deny physical evidence."

The door to the bar opened, and two police officers and two paramedics walked in. They spotted the small group gathered in the back, and they filed to them. The cops each took turns asking the group their accounts, and once the paramedics had succeeded in waking the guy, they asked his story.

Luckily, the bruise forming on Cali's knee was enough to arrest him, and Charlie breathed a sigh of relief. Cali kissed him sweetly.

"Still wanting your surprise?" she said.

Charlie thought for a minute before saying, "If you don't feel like resting, then neither do I."
♠ ♠ ♠
:O Le gasp!

Comments? I might have time for another before beddy-bye time ;)