Sell Your Soul


Charlie led the way to the living room, and Cali followed close behind like a lost puppy. She smiled sweetly at the two men on the couch, and then again at the two sitting at the table. Charlie put his hand on her shoulder.

"Guys, this is Cali," he said. "Cali, this is Dillon, George, Matt, and Jorel. You might know them better as Funny Man, Johnny 3Tears, Da Kurlzz, and J-Dog."

Cali bit her lip and said, "Hey."

"She's not staying," said Dillon without looking away from the tv.

"No, I'm having my friend pick me up," replied Cali. "I didn't mean to trouble you all."

"You didn't trouble us one bit," said Matt. "Funny, stop being a dick."

"I'm not being a dick, we just don't need another person in this fucking house," mumbled Dillon.

Charlie offered Cali a Pepsi, and she took it, thanking him. His eyes never left her, though she had gone to sit by Jorel. He looked at her, not saying anything, but instead he turned to Charlie and said, "Don't forget to take out the trash, Scene."

Charlie flipped him off and answered, "Do it yourself, Jay."

Jay laughed. Cali studied Dillon. He didn't look like he was normally an angry person, but she decided to give him his space anyway. He'd obviously had enough on his plate without her adding to it. She sighed loudly, and cracked open the Pepsi. George looked at her and chuckled quietly, which, in turn, caused her to look at him.

"What?" she asked.

"You're a Charlie girl, aren't you?" he laughed.

Cali blushed and replied, "I'm not into you guys as much as my friend- shit!"

"Your friend's name is Shit?" said Dillon, joining George in a fit of hysterical laughter.

"No, Maria," said Cali. "I forgot how much she loves you guys, and I asked her to come pick me up. Shit, she's gonna flip."

Jay nudged her with his elbow and said, "Eh, we can handle fangirls, no problemo."

"I don't think she can handle you," said Cali. "I should just walk somewhere and have her pick me up-"

"Cali, this is the hood," said Dillon. "We can't just let you wander off."

"Oh, look- Dillweed does have feelings," said Charlie. "I said that same thing when I told you she passed out at the bar, and now you wanna be all sentimental."

"Shut it, Jordy, or I'll kick your ass," replied Dillon. "Cali, your friend- Maria?- wouldn't happen to be Mexican or anything would she?"

"That's what this is about?" said a stunned Charlie.

"No, and don't say that to her or she'll go apeshit on you," said Cali. She took a drink of her Pepsi.

"Why?" asked Dillon.

"She hates stereotyping people, and she doesn't want it done to her. Just because her name is Maria, doesn't make her Mexican."

"Oh," was all Dillon said. Then he was silent.

Just then, the doorbell rang. Cali stood up, and Charlie handed her her sweatshirt. Dillon stood up as well and walked to the door. He opened it.

"Is Cali h-h-h..." then there was a loud thud and Cali rushed to the door.

A girl with short blond hair lay on the front steps. Dillon was hoisting her up, and Cali's jaw dropped.

"Maria!" she exclaimed. "What- what happened?"

"I don't know- I opened the door, and she fainted," replied Dillon. "Let's go put her on the couch, and we'll wait for her to wake up."

Cali followed him back to the living room, but Charlie stood open-mouthed in the doorway. He slowly turned and shouted, "Dude, you are totally doing exactly what I did!" To himself he added, "What a doucher."
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I heart comments.

Let me know what you think :)

I loooove Charlie Scene (not as much as Johnny Christ, but still...)