Sell Your Soul

Don't Ever Leave

"If you need me, I'm right here," said Charlie.

"I have three other tattoos," Cali replied. "I'll be fine, m'dear."

"I know, but I want to be here for you."

Cali kissed him and said, "You will be here. And besides, they are pros. They know what to do."

The tattoo artist came back with his needle. Cali sighed and looked at Charlie. He grinned and took her hand. She sat up straight in the chair as the artist cleaned her skin with rubbing alcohol. The needle fired up, and- just to keep Charlie happy- she squeezed his hand.

The needle felt different against her breast than it had with her wrist, hip, and back. Less bones to rattle, she guessed. Charlie chuckled a bit.

"I can't believe you're actually doing it," he said.

"Why wouldn't I? It's hot," laughed Cali.

"You won't forget me, that's for sure."

"I couldn't forget you anyway."

Charlie smiled and looked down at her. He watched as the artist traced the letters of his signature, and he laced his fingers through hers. She closed her eyes and concentrated on the sound of the needle. She tried to breathe as little as possible so as not to disturb the artist. Charlie knelt down and watched him with eager eyes, but Cali thought he was focused more on her boobs than the hand drawing on them.

"This is gonna look really awesome," said Charlie.

"Why else do you think I'm getting it?" Cali replied.

"Cuz you love me," Charlie said.

Cali smiled, but she didn't say anything. The artist gave her a look that made her silent, but Charlie read her smile.

The tattoo didn't take as long as her other ones had. Mostly because it was one color and didn't need colored in. Charlie paid for it, even though she had insisted on paying. He kissed her, so she let him buy it. They left in time for the sun to be setting, and Cali sighed. Charlie started the car and looked at her.

"Charlie?" she said, not looking back.

"Yeah, Cal?" said Charlie.

"I love you."

"I love you too. Honestly. I've never been this crazy about anyone. I haven't stopped thinking about you since I met you. It's crazy."

Cali turned to him. "Nobody has ever treated me like you do." She put her hands on top of the car and looked him in the eyes.

"We should get home," said Charlie. "George said he was grilling tonight."

Cali smiled and stepped into the passenger side of the car. Charlie could be sweet, but if it got too sweet, he felt uncomfortable. Just like her. But it was true. She'd never felt like this, even after a week or so. She looked down at her new tattoo. Property of Charlie Scene.

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I know it was short, but bear with me. My fingers hurt. Lol.

Love you guys!