Sell Your Soul

Reverse This Curse

Maria stood at the stove, watching the water in the large pot coming to a slow boil. Cali flopped down in one of the barstools across from her. She smiled. The two had lived here for almost a month now, and it was only getting more exciting for both of them. Maria had been promoted to assistant manager at work, keeping her busy all the time. Cali, with the help of Charlie, had started to take some online classes to at least get a small degree. This had made Maria happy, and in turn, everyone else in the house.

In a month's time, though, things had also taken an unexpected turn. Which is why Cali sat here now, looking at Maria anxiously. Maria smiled, but Cali did not return the gesture.

"Cal, what's up?" asked Maria, using the pet name Charlie had given her. She dumped some noodles into the boiling water.

"Nothing," Cali sighed. "Much."

"Much?" Maria echoed. "I expect your roll in the hay with Charlie last night was nothing short of tiring."

"As always," Cali agreed. "I actually came to talk to you about something else. Somewhat related to this, I guess."


Cali took a deep breath and looked about to see if anyone was listening. When she was sure they were alone she said, "Matt came onto me this morning."

Maria laughed like she'd just been told the best joke ever. Cali bit her lip and touched her nose ring, waiting for her to stop. After a minute, Maria said, "You're kidding, right? That's too funny."

"I'm not kidding," Cali replied. "I came out of the bathroom after my shower, and he tried very hard to get me alone."

"Yeah, okay. Where was Charlie?"

"Still asleep. I'm telling you the truth, Maria. It isn't funny. He's your boyfriend, and you ought to know."

"He's just been horny lately, okay? Give him a break."

"Maria, I very seriously am telling you this, and you aren't listening."

Maria glanced up from stirring the spaghetti noodles, and, upon seeing Cali's worried face, said, "I'll talk to him, but I can't promise he won't distract me from the problem."

"Thank you," Cali said. "I just don't want you to think I would do something like that to you on purpose."

Maria snaked around to the other side of the counter and put her arms around Cali. "I know you would never intentionally hurt anyone."

Cali nodded, and they heard someone say, "Well, I'll be damned if it ain't my two prettiest girls I ever laid eyes on."

They turned to see Dillon leaning against the wall. He grinned and lifted his eyebrows. Cali smiled sweetly at him, but Maria rolled her eyes and groaned. Dillon stood up off the wall and came to put his arms around the two of them. Cali took in the scent of cologne and whiskey, and she felt comfortable.

"Well, Mr. Alvarez," she giggled. "To what do we owe this surprise?"

"I have been sent to ask if either of you would be interested in a game of strip poker later tonight. Do I have a direct answer?"

"I'll be there," said Cali with a wink.

"I don't know..." said Maria, looking at Cali.

"Well, I can wait a bit," Dillon said. "Meanwhile, your food is gonna explode." He nodded to the stove. Maria cursed at him and went to stir the noodles.

Cali patted Dillon's cheek and said, "Ah, Dilly, what would we do without you?"

"I got a few ideas," Dillon replied. He chuckled and tickled Cali's side. She squealed and nearly fell off her chair when George caught her.

"Careful, there," he said, setting her back up on the chair. "Have much to drink yet or what?"

"None, actually," Cali replied.

"Then let's keep it that way," he said. "More for me anyways."

"More what?" said a voice familiar to Cali. She smiled and turned to see Charlie walking toward her. He wrapped his arms around the chair and laced his fingers through Cali's.

"Uh oh, fool," sighed Dillon. "Cali and Scene are gettin' cozy."

Cali smacked him in the chest, and he pretended he was severely hurt. Jay and Matt entered the room as well, and Maria was glad when Matt took the pot of the stove and drained out the water. She kissed his cheek, and he smiled.

Jay sighed, "Well, gang's all here. What now?"

"Caliente says yes!" Dillon exclaimed. "I don't know about Maria though." He reached across the counter and gave her arm a light pinch.

"Fuck off, Dillhole," Maria hissed. "You just wanna see me get naked."

"That makes two of us," Matt snorted. "Then again, I get to see it whenever I want." He winked at her, and she turned a dark red.

"I wouldn't mind it either," added George. He wiggled one of his eyebrows at her. "You in?"

"Everyone except you is, darling," Jay said.

The room was silent, everyone watching Maria's body language for signs of an answer. Mat slowly put his hands in her back pockets and rested his chin against the back of her neck. She felt his breath against her skin, and she moaned.

"Alright...I'll do it," she groaned.

The guys all cheered loudly, including Cali and Charlie.
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Oh snap! This is getting intense ;D.

Time lapsed a little cuz I wanted to move forward a bit.

More excitement soon, I promise you that.

Comments are fricking cool!