Sell Your Soul


Cali looked at her cards. She knew she was screwed. There was no worse hand she could have been dealt, and she was sure Charlie had done it on purpose. She tried not to give away her situation, but Dillon made eye contact with her. He pantomimed her taking off her shirt, and she rolled her eyes at him.

"I got four aces," said Matt, laying down his cards. "Anyone got anything better?"

"How do you end up with all four?" Jay said. He threw his cards down and slumped back in his chair.

George and Charlie shook their heads, and Maria tossed her cards in as well. Cali looked from Dillon to Matt to her cards. Either way, she would have to give up something. She sighed and set her cards down- a one, two fours, and a king. Dillon smiled.

"Guess it doesn't matter what I have," he chuckled. "Any way you look at it, Caliente's gotta take her shirt off." He put his cards down and said, "Show us that tattoo, my dear."

Cali flipped him off, but she had to do it. Charlie put his hand on his chin, silently smiling, as Cali pulled her shirt off. She crossed her arms over her stomach and glared at Dillon.

"You're next, Dillhole," she retorted.

And he was. It was immediately obvious he had been dealt a load of shit, and Cali and Maria shared a laugh of their own as he was forced to give up his pants. Charlie leaned over to Cali and kissed her. George, who had been taking a drink, did a spit take and sprayed Jack Daniels all over Jay.

"Fuck, man!" Jay shouted, smacking George across the face. "What the hell?"

"Not my fault!" George replied. "Charlie and Cali keep doing that every time I try to eat or drink."

"What?" said Cali. "This?"

She pulled up on top of Charlie and pressed her lips to his. He dug his fingers into her hips, and she pushed harder against him.

"Get off of him! Fuck!" screamed George, covering his eyes.

Cali smiled innocently at George and said, "Jealous much?"

"Of you," cackled Dillon.

Cali giggled and leaned over to George. She kissed his cheek and took his bottle of Jack from him. He shook his head as she took a drink. Charlie, with Cali still on top of him, stood up. She tumbled from his lap, spilling a bit of whiskey on her bare chest. She giggled again, and the guys all knew she was tipsy. Maria giggled a bit too. Matt stood up with Charlie.

"Scene, can I talk to you?" he asked. Charlie shrugged, and they left the room.

Cali stood up, and her head reeled. Jay grabbed her elbow before she could fall over, and she landed on his lap. He laughed with her, but Maria shook her head. Cali was nearly falling out of the bra she was wearing. Dillon didn't seem to mind; he was looking over the table at her, and he smiled evilly. Maria picked up a bottle cap and threw it at him.

"What was that for?" said Dillon as it hit him in the mouth.

"Don't be creeping on my girl, Dill," Maria replied.

"Your girl?" said Dillon. His eyebrows shot up. "If she's your's, why don't you show me how?"

Cali giggled drunkenly again and looked at Maria. Maria shook her head.

"Fuck you, asshole," she said.

Matt and Charlie came back in the room, and Cali closed her eyes.
Cali squeezed her eyes tighter against the light streaming into the room. After a minute, she found it useless, and she opened her eyes. She felt a pair of arms around her, and she smiled. She touched his hand, and he kissed the back of her shoulder.

"Sleep well?" he asked.

That didn't sound like Charlie. She looked down. Tattoos weren't the same either. In fact...this one on the right, she'd seen somewhere else.

"Yeah," Cali replied. "You?"

"You were pretty drunk, but it was fun," he replied.

Cali shifted a bit.

"We should see how Charlie and Maria's night went-"

"Matt?!" Cali shrieked as she tumbled from the bed.
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Using Melanie's idea. Thanks chica! Hope you liked it!

Comments are amazing, just so you know :)