Sell Your Soul

Follow You Home

"What do we do now?" asked George.

"Just wait I guess," replied Dillon.

"Waiting is overrated," laughed Matt. "What you need to do is wake her up manually. Just watch."

He quickly stood up and left the room. Cali looked at Charlie, puzzled, but he said nothing, just shrugged. Dillon leaned close to Maria's chest and listened to her heart. He nodded and looked at Cali.

"She's still alive," he laughed. "If that's any consolation."

Matt ran back into the room carrying two huge cups of ice water. He grinned evilly before pouring the water over Maria's face. Cali watched, horrified, and the guys fell to the floor laughing. Maria gasped and sat bolt upright. She looked pissed, and she looked around frantically around for whoever had done it. She saw Matt smiling, and she stood. She grabbed him by his shirt collar and brought him closer.

"Matt, you're an asshole," she growled.

He just laughed, "How do you know my name?"

Maria blushed and dropped him. She wiped the cold water from her face and said, "Cali, let's go."

"Maria, you shouldn't be driving," said Cali. "You fainted, and I don't want you to do it again."

"I'll drive," suggested Charlie. "And Dillon can follow in his car so I don't have to walk."

"Sounds good to me," said Cali. She smiled sweetly at Charlie. "Maria?"

"Fine," she answered through gritted teeth.

Cali said good bye to the others, but Maria left without another word. She slid in the back seat, with Cali riding shotgun next to Charlie. Maria was suddenly embarrassed that she'd had "El Urgencia" blaring full volume, and Cali looked back at her nervously. She tried to smile, but Maria would have none of it.

"Sorry," she said to Charlie.

"Don't worry about it," replied Charlie. "I've been ambushed with worse."

Cali sang along quietly, occasionally giving directions to Charlie. Maria sat silently in the backseat, observing the pair. She grinned and let out a giggle. Charlie glanced back at her, then turned his attention back to the road.

They reached their apartment with no troubles, and they stood outside, waiting for Dillon to find a parking space. Charlie took a pen out of his back pocket and grabbed Cali's arm. She was startled at first, but she saw he was writing a number down. He clicked the pen shut.

"You call me if you have any problems, okay?" he said.

"I-I- okay," she stammered. "Will I see you again?"

Charlie looked around and saw Dillon waving him over. "I gotta go, Cali. Stay beautiful," he said as he walked away.

Maria took Cali by the arm and half pulled her up the steps. "You know he likes you," she said.

Cali shook her head. "He's famous, and I'm just Cali."

"I saw the way he looked at you," replied Maria. "I know he likes you."
♠ ♠ ♠

Last one for today. Hope you like it!