Sell Your Soul

No Jesus Christ

Cali sat in between Dillon and George on the couch, giggling as Dillon tickled her side. Jay came back into the room with more tequila and Jack, and Cali clapped her hands. He smiled and filled a shot glass with tequila. He slid it across the table to her, and she looked around, smiling.

"What now?" she asked.

"Now," said Dillon, thinking. "Now, take the shot. Bite the lime. Lick the salt. And kiss-" he looked at the other three guys- "Matt."

Matt raised his eyebrows, but he said nothing. A smile slowly creased his face, and he sat back in his seat. Cali smiled at him.

"Ready," she said.

"Go!" said George.

Cali picked up the shot and threw it back. She only stopped to clear a bit of the haze, before she took the lime slice out of Dillon's hand and bit the small wedge. Jay was pounding the table with his hands as Cali bent down and licked the small pile of salt off the table. Matt grinned, knowing what came next. Cali looked up from the salt and saw him smiling. This made her smile too, and she climbed over the table.

She grabbed Matt around his shoulders and pulled him closer. Her lips met his, and they both caught a taste of each other's alcohol. Matt smiled, and he pushed his tongue into her mouth. She giggled and bit his lip.

Dillon and George and Jay looked at each other awkwardly. Dillon pulled on Cali's foot, trying to get her attention. She kicked him off and moved closer to Matt. George grabbed her around the waist and pulled her off him, much to the dismay of both of them. Jay smacked Matt over the back of his head, but Matt said nothing. He sat back again, his eyes never leaving Cali. George's hands were still around Cali's waist, but she was clearly too drunk to care. She slid the shot glass back across the table to Jay.

"What's next?" she giggled.

Dillon stared at her and said, " about we skip the kiss from now on?"

"I didn't mind," Matt mumbled, which caught another smack from Jay.

"I think it's my turn now," George said. "Hit me up, Jay."

"Okay, but you aren't putting those lips anywhere near me," Matt said.

"Oh, so now you mind?" Dillon laughed. "Well it counts for all or none, buddy boy."

Matt looked at Cali, and she winked at him. He turned back to Dillon and said, "Give George the shot then. What are we waiting for?"

"Okay okay- last one then we all do a shot," said Jay.

Cali leaned back against Dillon and watched as George took a shot, bit the lime, and licked the salt. He looked at Matt, and Matt looked at him. George scrunched up his nose and leaned across the table. Matt didn't move, just waited for George to do it and get it over with. But he didn't. He hesitated a moment, and he looked at Dillon.

"You gotta do it," Dillon said. "Or pay up. $200 each."

"This better be worth me saving $800," George grumbled. He quickly leaned forward and kissed Matt.

"Oh! Oh!" Dillon fell on the floor laughing, and Cali joined him. George took a long drink of Jack, swirled it around in his mouth, and swallowed. Matt spit on the floor and sat up.

Jay handed out more shot glasses and said, "Alright, everyone now!"

He filled the glasses with tequila, and everyone held one up. Jay pounded his fist on the table, serving as a countoff. They each threw back their shot at the same time, and Cali squealed with laughter as her head spun in a circle. Matt stood up, and she did the same, as headlights pulled into the driveway. Matt grinned at her, and she jumped on his back. He ran to the door and opened it.

"Charlie!" they said at the same time.

Charlie looked at both of them and smiled. Cali jumped from Matt's back into Charlie's arms. He caught her, a bit surprised. She kissed his cheek and was giggling until she saw Maria coming down the driveway after he did. She sobered up almost immediately, and her heart sank. She had the sudden feeling Charlie hadn't had to pick anything up from a guy named Dave. She dropped from Charlie's arms and looked up at him. He wasn't smiling.

Cali looked back between Maria and him, and she gritted her teeth. Maria said nothing as she walked by Charlie, Cali, and even Matt. Cali felt like chasing after her and ripping her hair out. Instead, she turned to Charlie.

"Upstairs," she said. "Now."
♠ ♠ ♠
Uh oh...Charlie done a bad thing...

What's gonna happen now? Stay tuned! More tomorrow fo shizzle.
