Sell Your Soul

To A Friend

Cali sighed. Matt had had to drive her home because she was so drunk, and now it was nearly two in the morning. Her buzz had faded, but it left a bitch of a headache in its wake. She stared up at the paint peeling on the ceiling.

Her stomach growled, but she wasn't really sure what she was hungry for. Maybe it was just standard for her to get hungry after being drunk. She figured crackers or Oreos couldn't hurt, and she shrugged at her own idea.

She stood up and went down the hall to the kitchen. Her head was doing circles, and she leaned on the wall for support. She closed her eyes, attempting to regain her balance, but she couldn't. She fell to the floor, and she lay there against the wall for awhile.

She took a deep, staggered breath. Her mind reeled, and she closed her eyes again. Gradually, her breathing slowed, and she fell asleep.
George sat in the chair, occasionally looking over at Cali. He had come into her apartment to return a couple of CDs he'd borrowed, but he found her laying in the hallway. He'd thought she was dead at first, and he rushed to her. He'd heard her sniffle a bit, though, and he relaxed. He'd picked her up and set her on the couch, covering her with a knit red blanket. She smiled in her sleep, but she never opened her eyes.

Now, George was zoned out, staring mindlessly at the television and holding a beer. A sci-fi show was playing, but he was barely paying attention. He set his beer down and closed his eyes. Cali turned over onto her back and groaned. He looked over, opening his eyes, and smiled, but she shivered.

"Ch..." she mumbled.

George muted the television and leaned closer. She was talking in her sleep.

" you..."

He was a bit struck by this, but he kept listening to the unaware girl. She pulled the blanket closer to her and rolled onto her side, facing the couch.

"Don't...don't go..."

Go? Go where? George knelt down by the couch.

"Cali?" he whispered softly.


"Cali, you're dreaming," said George, a bit louder.

"Stop...stop!" Cali was getting louder. "I sti...still need..."

"Still need what?" George said, though he didn't think she heard him.

But she must have, because she said, "You..."



"Who? Who is it?"

Cali was silent, her breathing steady and quiet. George furrowed his eyebrows and frowned. He went over and sat back in the chair. He unmuted the tv, but Cali murmured something. He leaned back over to her.


"Need who, hun?" said George.

Cali turned her head to the side, and she twitched a bit.

"Cali, tell me who you need," said George. "I'll get whoever it is. Maria? Matt?"


"Jorel? You want Jay?"

Cali was silent again, and George clenched his teeth in frustration. It was hard to talk to an unconscious person. She shivered again, and he covered her with another blanket. She smiled in her sleep.

♠ ♠ ♠
Whoa...that was unexpected! What'll George do now?!?!

Comment! Sorry there's not a lot. :/