Sell Your Soul

Darling I Want to Destroy You

Charlie put his hands on Cali's hips. She smiled up at him, and he smiled back at her. He brought his lips to her ear and whispered, "We've worked our magic on them. How about us?"

Cali kissed his cheek and said, "I don't think so, slick."

"You are such a tease," he chuckled.

"I know," replied Cali. "I'm sorry."


"I've just had a bad experience with guys, and it's hard for me to let people in. It's not that I don't want to, I just don't think I can."

"Don't worry about it." Charlie closed his eyes and rested his chin on Cali's head.

"Hey, Charlie? I think those girls at the bar are looking at you."

He turned and looked where she was pointing. At the bar sat three women, staring hungrily at Charlie. He wrinkled his nose and looked back to Cali. She bit her lip and looked away.

"You aren't mine," she said. "Go ahead."

"I don't want to," replied Charlie. "Come on, Cali. Let's get outta here."

"But it was your idea to come here."

"I don't want to be the topic of a catfight. Besides, I wanna go check out how Matt's doing." He grinned slyly, making Cali giggle.

Charlie handed his sweatshirt to Cali, and she slipped her arms into it and zipped it up. He took her hand, and they left the bar. Just before leaving, Cali looked back at the three women and smiled innocently. They saw her, she knew, and one of them looked like she was ready to kill her.

They found that Maria had driven her car around to the back of the bar. Cali had to keep herself from falling over when she saw Maria's bra in the back window. Charlie covered his mouth to silence himself, and he clutched Cali for support as he laughed hysterically. The two stood five feet from the car, holding each other and laughing like school children. Cali felt tears running down her cheeks, an often occurrance when she laughed this hard. Even Charlie was turning red in the face.

"Okay, okay," he laughed. "We gotta tap on the window. Matt's gonna kill me!" He took a couple steps toward the car, Cali close behind.

They saw Matt laying on top of Maria, both of them naked, and Cali had to keep from laughing again. Charlie reached out slowly, and he pounded on the window. The two looked up and saw him and Cali laughing insanely.

"I'm gonna kill you, Scene!" shouted Matt. Charlie took off running as Matt jumped out of the car wearing only his boxers. He chased after Charlie, screaming insanely as Cali doubled over with laughter.

"You're next, Cali," hissed Maria from the car. She struggled to get her clothes back on, glaring at Cali.

Cali shook her head with laughter, and she continued to watch as Charlie tripped over his own feet again, causing Matt to catch up and tackle him to the ground.

"You shoulda seen your faces!" laughed Charlie. "That was priceless!"

Matt punched him in the stomach, but Charlie was still laughing. Cali leaned against the car, and smiled. These guys...
♠ ♠ ♠

I loved writing this! Hope you liked reading it.
