Status: Coming Soon!

Kingdom of Vengeance

When are you coming home?

Ellie sighed as she stared out the window watching the sun set over the Pacific Ocean with the store phone attached to her ear. Her little brother, Eli, had once again phoned the store wondering when his sister was going to get home from work.

“Eli I will be home soon I promise I just have to clean the store and lock up” Ellie tried comforting her brother as she walked over to the table of shirts and fixed them. The clothes in the store were always a mess because of all the teenagers that just come and rummage through them not even bothering to refold them.

“But Ell you were supposed to be home four hours ago!” Eli whined into the phone making Ellie sigh once again. It was true she was supposed to be home hours ago but the person who was supposed to come in had called in sick which left her to be the only one to close the store. The store Ellie worked at was a clothing store called Envious. She works at the store six out of the seven days of the week because all the hours Ellie could get would help Eli and her financially.

“I know Eli but I was the only one who could cover the other shift! I promise in like forty-five minutes I’ll be home” Ellie retaliated. Eli huffed on the phone and mumbled an alright see you soon and hung up.

Eli was thirteen years old, only seven years younger than Ellie. Although there is a seven year gap between the two, they are the best of friends due to the fact they are the only person each other has. Eli and Ellie’ parents had passed away a few years prior which left Ellie in charge of taking care of her little brother.

After getting off the phone with Eli, Ellie rushed around the shop sweeping up and making everything tidy for the next day of business. She finished up a little earlier than expected but turned off the lights and locked the door behind her. Only sighing in content for a moment before she realized she had to be back early the next morning.
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So a little short but hey its the beginning!
Just little details about Eli and Ellie and where she works...
This story will get better!
Hope i can do some justice to Gracy V's story plot.....
Comment please :)