Status: Slowly active.

The Things You Do To Me

We were young and times were easy ;

“Laura, Laura, Miss. Paquette?” The paparazzi shouted at the 16 year old girl as she walked across the disserted street to the white escalade waiting for her.

“Is it true? Is it true that you and Nick Jonas are dating?” One male asked the teen, the older man jumping in front of her.

Startled she jumped backwards and into another group of men, the camera equipment slapping into her backside. Calmly she pushed her ray ban sunglasses up her nose more, her brownish reddish head pointed down at the asphalt as she took large strides. “We’re not dating.” She answered plainly; the echo of their feet ran though her small ears.


She looked up at the sound of a voice calling out her name, his loud voice making the paparazzi’s seem so high and squeaky. She quickly picked up her pace and ran the rest of the way when she realized the voice came from her bodyguard, Ken. She yelped as her ankle made a contact with the edge of the car, Ken then grabbing a hold of her arms and helping her into the vehicle more.

Laura buckled her safety belt together once she was completely in, her green eyed gaze stayed clear of the paparazzi who were banging their hands against the window, flashes of white showed that even though she was in a tinted car they would stop at nothing to get the littlest bit of dirt on her. Ken slipped his body into the driver’s seat, his fist pounding on the horn. Laura cracked a smile as he stepped on the gas, all the slime balls running out of the way, swearing at him as he sped off down the road.

“Are you okay?”

Sighing she looked out the window, strands of her hair knotted together from the mad dash to safety. “Yeah, they just wouldn’t leave me alone. They kept asking the same question, the question about Nick and me dating.”

“How long are you guys going to keep it a secret?” Ken asked looking at the out of breath teen superstar from the review mirror. “Hey, isn’t his birthday coming up soon?”

Taking out her iPhone Laura scrolled through her contacts. She could feel an awkward conversation building up, and she didn’t want to look at Ken when he asked the question. “I’m not sure, until we feel comfortable I guess. And yeah, he’ll be seventeen Wednesday.” A smile making itself known on her heart shaped face.

Stopping at a red light Ken turned around and looked at her, his lips turned into a smirk which only happens when he knew he was going to get some gossip. “Are you going to see him on his birthday?”

She gently shook her head, the ends of her hair swaying at her collar bone. “I can’t. I’ve got studio and he’s in Canada. I’ll call him and send my love; it’s all I can do really.”

The car slowly started moving again as the light turned green, the black Hummer behind them honking for them to move already. “Can’t you take a day off and say you want to visit family, but secretly go see him? Oh oh oh, do you L-O-V-E him?”

Wiping away some built up eyeliner away from the corner of her eyes, an idea sparking within her pink brain. “You’re a genius Ken, no wonder I chose you to be my bodyguard.”
She said as she leaned up to the driver seat and kissed his cheek softly. “Wanna help me with it? And to answer your rather uncomfortable question,” Laura began, her top teeth biting into her lower lip. ”I kinda do, but I’m not going to say it first. No way, no how will I bring it up first.”

Laura let out a chuckle as Ken furrowed his eyebrows, lines forming in the middle of his forehead. “Now why in the world would I want to miss out on helping my starlight become a rebel? I gave you the idea so I think it’d be justice if I helped plan it.” He smiled back at her, his eyes glistening with happiness as he continued to drive down the highway.

“I swear you’re a teenager in an old man’s body. There is no way old people can be this cool, well almost as cool as me that is.” Laura pretended to brush dirt of her shoulder and looked back at a playfully glaring Ken causing her to giggle. “But seriously you’re one of the coolest people I know.”

“If only I could say the same about you. Oh, did I just say that out loud?” He mocked earning a glare from Laura. “Anyhow,” He sang, “Let’s talk ideas about reuniting you and poodle boy.” His hands steered the SUV into her drive way, once parked his fingers grabbed the car keys and pulled them out of the ignition.

“Yeah about that...” She said hesitantly. “I hope you’re quick with ideas, because he’s calling now. Do something!” She yelled throwing the phone at him. Laura quickly jumped in the front seat as Ken fumbled around with the slick iPhone slipping from his grip each time he seemed to get a hold of it. “Put it on speaker you hobo!”

Once he was finally able to hold on to the expensive cellular device, Ken pressed the speaker button followed by the small green phone. “Hello, Ken speaking.” Ken said into the phone like a sectary would do.

Laura heard a muffling noise followed by a confused Nick. “Hi is Laura there?” He asked. She could see him rub the back of his neck as he paced around his room as he spoke to her bodyguard.

Ken smirked over at her. “No she isn’t. Can I take a message?”

Laura found her palm slapped across her mouth, her eyes squinted as she tried not to laugh. She could only think of what Ken would do once Nick passed along his message. Laura wondered first of all if Ken would even play along or tell Nick she had been listening to the whole time.

“Um could you just tell her to give me a call back? I need to ask her something.” Nick’s voice rang out of the receiver.

“I don’t know when she’ll be available.” He said looking outside the window, his face blank. “So why don’t you just tell me if it’s so important?” Laura stopped smiling noticing the change it Ken’s voice. It was no longer teasing, but more of a serious tone.

“Ken give me the phone.” Laura whispered. “Ken, give it to me!” She said again when Ken shook his head ‘no’.

“Well my mom and dad said they could fly her out to Canada for my birthday. I was just calling to ask her if she would like to come out and celebrate it with me.”

Laura looked at Ken with pleading eyes, her lips puckered into a puppy dog pout look. “I’m pretty sure she’s busy. I’m sorry. But when I see her again, when she has free time I’ll be sure to tell you she called. Goodbye, poodle boy.”

Laura went into panic mode after Ken had hung up with Nick, after he was so rude to him. “Why would you say and act like that towards him? That was so mean Ken!”
Ken just stared at her with no emotion. The car was silent as they both looked at each other; a small staring game lagging on.

“Laura, listen. I was going to say yes that you could go, but a better idea popped into my head.” Ken said as he unbuckled his seat belt and turned to face her, but his hand only pulled the cell phone back to his ear.

“Who are you calling now?” She asked annoyed and uneasy.

The intimating man grinned back at the blank girl. “Poodle boy’s parents, that’s who,”


Laura shuffled around the box, her hands placed on the card boarded sides as she readjusted her position. “Whoever said card board boxes are comfy lied.” She thought to herself.

She could faintly hear the voices of other people walking into the room, footsteps coming
closer to her. Laura looked up as far as she could when she heard someone thumb on the board, the room growing creepy silent after that. Next she heard clapping and laughter, but the words were to muffled for her to understand. Patiently Laura waited, her lips tugging into a smile as she anticipated the exact moment it happened.

“Go ahead, open it.” She heard a motherly voice tell her son.

Sitting Indian style in the medium sized box Laura looked up at the folds, strands of light peering in as the sound of masculine hands began tearing apart the brown paper.
Squinting she looked up and smiled as he eyes readjusted to the light, certain shapes blocking out some of the blinding light, but not enough for her to see clearly.

“Laura?” She heard his voice ask.

Blinking and gently rubbing her eyes Laura was able to see Nick standing over the box, his lip pulled back in a toothy grin. “Bonjour, birthday boy.” She said standing up and wrapping her hands around his neck when he pulled her into a hug.

“What are you doing here?” He asked pulling back and looking her slime figure up and down. “Ken said you couldn’t come.”

Chuckling Laura walked over to one of the tables and took a seat. “Well I’m here to celebrate you birthday duh,” She laughed. “Oh and Ken lied, or as he would call it, wanted to surprise you. Did it work?”

All of the guests, cast member of the sequel of Camp Rock went back to mingling as they knew if they tried talk to him they would simply be ignored. Nick always seemed to block everybody out when he and Laura were together, something people had just gotten use to by now.

“Of course I’m surprised; I thought he was mad at me or something. He was like ‘Blah blah blah, meany butt head. Goodbye, Poodle Boy.’ And then he hung up on me!” He exclaimed, his arms hovering in the air as his lips tugged into a toothy smile. “What’s with the poodle boy crap anyway?”

Giggling and blushing Laura shrugged. “I don’t know, it’s just something he calls you. I’m not gonna lie, it rubbed off on me. I call you poodle boy when it’s just me and him, I hope you don’t mind.” She told him batting her eyes innocently.

Wrapping his strong arms around Laura’s small shoulders Nick pulled her into his side, his left arm then wrapping around her waist, keeping her pressed tightly against him. “I don’t mind, you can call me anything you want.” He spoke softly, just meant for her to hear.

They stood in silence, each of them watching everybody else mingle and snack on food as the contagious beats from the satellite radio kept on playing through the large speakers.

“Do you wanna go outside?” Nick asked her as she tapped her foot along with the music.

“Très bien… I mean okay.” She said speaking French accidently, something that commonly happened when she was comfortable around people and relaxed.

Smiling sheepishly Nick stood and leaned Laura his hand to help her up. “You’re so cute when you speak French.”

Blushing, Laura placed her hand in his and stood to her feet. Looking down she let her hair fall over her face, hiding the crimson red that now covered her naturally pink cheeks. “Thanks,” She said shyly, her hand receiving a reassuring squeeze from Nick.

Nick gently lead her to the balcony placed just beyond the sliding glass door in the activity cabin on the set of Camp Rock 2, the chilly wind brushing her hair back as stepped out on the wooden patio. Walking over to the oak ledge Laura put her arm on the cut tree and stared out into the lake, the moons light reflecting off the dark water.

“Laura,” Nick began, taking a short break to clear his throat. “You don’t know how happy I was when I saw you in the box, you made my birthday special, something to remember.”

Grinning Laura looked up at him and planted stray strands of her hair back behind her ear, the wind tussling it around easily. “No problem, it’s definitely something I’ll always remember as well.” With that she stood up on her tippy toes and placed a sweet and simple kiss on his plump puckers, the usual butterflies began to flutter around in both of their tummies; the temperature seemed to get hotter for each of them, their heads slightly becoming light.

Pulling back Nick ran his finger tips on her soft cheek, his fingers hooking behind her ear leaving his thumb to brush her cheek bone. “You’re beautiful.” Nick whispered to her as the moonlight caught her feminine face, making her eyes glisten. Leaning his face to hers again, Nick let his masculine hands rest on her waist as her hands traveled up to his wide shoulders.

Both teens kissed back, time seeming to stand still as they both floated onto cloud nine.
Moments later a breathless Laura reluctantly pulled back from her boyfriend, her eyes blinking as fat infants in diapers flew around her, little bows and arrows planted in their pink hands.

Once Laura got back in her right mind she saw Nick look deep in thought, as if he was arguing with himself in his head.

“You okay?” She asked as she laced her fingers together on the back of his neck. Nick nodded, but it wasn’t enough to satisfy her wandering her mind. “Nick, I know you better than that. You can trust me, you can tell me anything.”

Swiftly closing his eyes Nick gulped and nodded his head more confidently this time.
Parting his lips he started speaking with a nervous tone, something that told Laura this was something important to Nick. “If I tell you something big, promise not to freak out on me?”

Laura searched his eyes for anything type of emotion, all she got in return though was a begging look. “Promise,” She spoke softly. “Nick, you’re worrying me. What’s wrong?”

Nick breathed deeply, his stomach sinking as he thought of how to say the words the right way. Once getting them in order he began to speak. “Well we’ve been dating for six months now and I’ve never been so happy before, like I am with you. So you being here, surprising me with my birthday has showed me how much I like you.” He said, his voice shaky as he fought to get the words out and not cower away and try to push the whole conversation out of his stressed mind.

“I realized today that I love you. When I’m with you I feel so happy, like nothing can bring me down. I just wanted you to know. You know how I don’t like secrets in relationships.” He added laughing nervously at his attempt to make a joke.

Laura though only heard ‘I love you. When I’m with you I feel so happy, like nothing can bring me down.’ Staring at Nick she cracked a grin and just smiled like a fool. “Je t’aime aussie.” Giggles escaping her lips as stomach did flips, butterflies flapping their colorful wings throughout her whole body. Every nook and cranny seemed to be touched with some sort of emotion, something she couldn’t explain.

His beautiful face falling Nick was left confused by her words. “What does that mean?” He asked hoping it wasn’t a no.

“It means I love you too.” Her smile lifting into a full ear-to-ear grin, her body jumping lightly as Nick’s smile returned.

Bringing their lips to meet each other’s again, both of the love birds kissed back with passion under the moonlight, the air picking up and twirling the fallen maple leaves to dance gracefully at their feet. A minute later Nick whispered in Laura’s ear how this was the best birthday ever, his warm breath causing goose bumps to rise on her skin.

“Did you know if you rearrange the letters in your name you get sock ninja?” Laura said swaying from side to side as both sat on the bench, entangled within each other.

Cocking an eyebrow Nick looked over at Laura and chuckled. “That was really random.”

Laughing Laura simply rested her head in the crook of Nick’s neck. “I know, but you love me for it.”

Laura felt Nick’s lips press against her hair. “That, I do.” The words stumbling out of Nick’s mouth, each of them content with their lives. They had found each other by chance, they loved each other more than anyone else, and nobody was going to change that.
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This story is for my friend Laura, so please give a little love AKA feedback.

I have chapter two written, and I'll be posting it within a couple days.
Thank you Kaitlyn for the amazing banner!!!