Status: Slowly active.

The Things You Do To Me

But I could see, it's not the same ;

The buzzing of the alarm clock woke Miss. Paquette to a very early start. Sitting up she fought a yawn and listened. She could hear the air conditioner rumble loudly in the black morning. She could feel the chilly air on her bare arms, and the unfamiliar fabric beneath her. She could smell that she wasn’t in her usual home, no; she didn’t even have to open her eyes to tell she was in a hotel suit.

Keeping her eyes closed she shoved the thin blankets and thick comforter off of her petite frame. Swinging her legs to the edge of the queen sized bed, she let her feet dangle before placing them onto the carpet. Slowly getting up she let herself take a few moments to regain her balance.

Peaking at the area around her from under eye lashes Laura walked into the bathroom where she turned the shower faucet on hot. Stripping from her clothes she stepped into the steamy water, letting it slowly wake her up. Turning the water off she grabbed the towel and wrapped it around her body as she stepped out of the tub, the smell of lavender and orange filled the foggy room.

Walking over to the fogged mirror Laura took a small hand cloth and wiped the glass clearing it so she could examine her face. Water drops ran down her face in an epic battle to drip off her chin and onto the floor. Grabbing another towel Laura bent down and wrapped her wet hair into the cloth. Twisting the ends together she stood back up straight and threw the ends over her back. All of her brownish red hair was inside the white towel, keeping her face dry.

Cleaning her face with her cleanser she felt herself waking up more and more. Grabbing her tooth brush and paste she began to scrub and her pearly white teeth. Spitting into the sink and cleaning her brush off Laura left the bathroom to get her clothing.

She spotted her clothing on the couch across the room against the tan wall. Walking over to it Laura stopped in amazement as she saw the large window across from her bed. She didn’t remember seeing that last night, but then again she was practically dead asleep.

Taking a few steps back she closed the curtains to the outside world and jogged to the awaiting couch. Avoiding the table with a vase of flowers she grabbed her clothing and ran back into the bathroom as if she were racing herself.

Closing the door and dropping the cloth from her body Laura slipped into her undergarments followed by her outfit that consisted of: a dark and destroyed mini skirt from Hollister co. and a strapless tank top that was a very bright gold. Unwrapping the towel around her hair, Laura shook her hair free and scrunched it up playfully with her fingers as she studied it.

“What to do, what to do?” She asked no one in particular.

Spotting the hair dyer she reached for it instantly and plugged it into the outlet. Moving the dial to cool and put the setting on high she bent over and began to dry her hair. Once her hair was dry and flipped back up and began to brush out the knots. Taking her makeup kit in hand she unzipped the bag she had left in here over night and replaced the dyer with her straighter.

While that was heating up Laura started applying a small amount of foundation to her skin. She never was the one for makeup, but she found that since she had gotten into this business she liked experimenting with different styles. She skipped the blush since her cheeks were naturally pink and went for the eye shadow. Taking a natural brown into her brush she began to swiftly work it into both of her lids. After she finished with the brown she flipped the brush over and took a neutral pale and rubbed it onto her brow bones.

Seeing a gold shadow she picked it up and brought it up to her eyes to see if she should try for something other than a natural look. Deciding to go for it she picked up a small brush and lightly gathered some of the dust onto the tip and ran it up from her lid to her crease. Doing it for the other eye she looked at herself in the mirror where she cracked a smile. It went nicely with her top, bringing out the light brown pigments in her green eyes.

She finished her look up by applying a little eye liner and mascara. She clipped a silver necklace around her neck and slipped a ring around her right ring finger before picking the hair straightener. Grabbing her side bangs with her fingers she held her silky hair out and brought the two flat irons on both side of her thin hair. Clamping down she fluidly dragged the hot iron down to the end of her hair and went over it a final time before working on the other side.

“Laura,” a voice called from outside the bathroom.

She put the iron down and stared at the door through the mirror, her eyebrows merging together. “Yeah?” She questioned the person on the other side of the door.

“You need to eat breakfast and then you have a call in interview with Ryan Seacrest at seven thirty,” Ken said.

Sighing Laura unplugged her straightener and put her things away. “Alright, thanks for reminding me.” She said casually.

Opening the door she saw her favorite bodyguard staring out the large window. “I didn’t know this was here,” he said to her when he noticed her presence.

“Tell me about it,” she breathed as she stood next to him. “It’s rather sad that neither of us noticed it last night.” She laughed at the memory of him carrying her into the room.

Chuckling he nodded, “just goes to show how observant we are.”

“I was asleep,” she defended, “I had no idea where I was this morning. So you’re the one who isn’t observant.” She joked.

Ken just nodded and dragged out a “right, okay,” before turning to the new teen sensation. “Ready?”

Pulling an emotionless face she shrugged. “I guess, I just have to get my stuff in my bag then I’ll be ready. We’re eating in mother’s room right?” She asked him as she turned to the bathroom to gather her PJ’s and supplies.

Returning almost instantly with her things Laura grinned up at Ken before walking to the entrance of the room. Opening the door Laura and Ken walked out of the suit and down the hallway to Laura’s mother’s suit.

“Guess what Ken?!” Laura shouted at him. Glancing over at her he asked what. “I wanna be
Yoda when I grow up, or Billie Joe Armstrong. “ She grinned at him.

“You’re a strange child,” he said shaking his head at her as they stopped in front of the door.

Taking the key card out of his pocket Ken slid it through the slot, waiting a second before the red light to turn green and let them inside the room. Walking in Laura saw a long wooden table set in the center of the room.

“Maman,” She called out to her mother “où vous sont?” She called out for her mother as she searched the kitchen. “Mom, where are you?” She asked again.

Laura heard the sound of footsteps from the next room followed by the door creaking open. Her mother, father and little brother walked out and over to her. They all exchanged hugs and smiles.

“How’d you sleep?” Her father asked as he sat down at the table.

Looking as room service brought in plates Laura let her eyes double in size at all of the food. “Like a baby, and hopefully if I eat enough I’ll do it again tonight.” Her tongue flicked over her lips as she smelled all of the aromas filling the air.

Her father chuckled, causing Laura to look up at him. She noticed that he had his planner out, his left thumb gliding over the screen. “Well you shouldn’t sleep to much tonight,” he said after he paused and stared at the screen.

“And why is that?” She asked clueless.

Her father set the phone down on the table, grabbed his fork, and stabbed the Canadian bacon. “Well, Roger sent me your schedule. He signed you up for an audition.” He said.

Taking her fork slowly in her hand Laura scanned the food. “What kind of role?” She wasn’t sure if she liked the idea of working. She was in school at the moment and wanted to focus on that. Sure she would have a tutor, but she didn’t like combining her work and school. She was very picky.

“A movie one,”

“Mmkay… What kind of movie? Horror, romance, mystery, comedy?” Dad, you know I hate horror movies.” It was true, she hated horror movies. So acting on one wouldn’t necessarily be acting, she would be honestly scared out of her mind, even if it was all fake.

Her father watched as Laura buttered her biscuit. “Well, it’s a thriller, mystery, fantasy, a lot actually. Roger said the movie is going to be based on a novel, The Lovely Bones. It was best selling for some time. He expects it to do really well with the right actors. You in?”

Laura took a bite from her ham and thought about her options. It sounded really good, and maybe she could just get a minor role and not the main. After she finished chewing she spoke. “Sounds fantastic, I’m in. Think I can get a script and read over it?”

Her father nodded simply as he eagerly replied to Roger’s text. “Oh Laura!” He said, “You need to go ahead and call Ryan Seacrest for your interview.”

Nodding she got up and took out her cell phone. “I’m going out on the balcony, later gators.”

Walking over to the sliding glass door she cupped her hand to fit around the handle and pulled the door outwards. Stepping into the early morning she could see the sun try and peak its way over the rolling hills and buildings. Sighing Laura opened her phone and saw that it was seven fifteen.

Typing in the radio station number Laura brought the receiver up to her ear and listened to the ringing.

Hello, Kiis,” Then man on the other line said.

“Hey, this is Laura Paquette. I have an interview with Ryan in fifteen minutes.” She said as she paced the small perimeter.

Alright Laura, we need you to confirm that you’re really who you say you are.” The mystery man told her.

Rolling her eyes Laura sighed. “What do I need to prove to you I’m Laura?” She asked.

What’s the codename?” She could hear the smirk playing on his lips.

Whipping her head over to the inside of the room she opened the door. “My father didn’t tell me anything about a codename. Lemme ask him, hold on, please.” She tried her best to be nice. Seeing her father at the table she put her hand over the speaker and asked him.

She chuckled at the answer and walked back outside where she returned the phone to her ear. “Pumpkin seeds are yummy. Happy?” She caught herself smiling even though he wasn’t able to see her.

Alright, I guess you’re the real Laura. I’ll connect you with Ryan, hold on.” Laura went and sat down on one of the supplied chairs without answering him. She listened to the music that was being played and just breathed. She was relaxing and didn’t want to be disturbed.

She had always disliked talking to Ryan Seacrest. Not because she didn’t like him on a
personal level, it was just that he would pry into people’s personal life. Laura liked her privacy.

Laura, so glad you called.” Ryan said enthusiastically. “How are you?

Laura smiled at how happy he sounded. She couldn’t lie; he was good at his job. “I’m doing great, glad to talk to you again. How about yourself, how are you doin?” She countered.

I’m doing wonderful, glad to have you back.” Laura found that hard to believe, this was only her second time talking to him, there is no way he was so happy to talk to her. “Well let’s get down to business, shall we?

Mentally groaning Laura agreed. “We shall.”

Before she had time to close her mouth Ryan shot a question at her. “So what are you up to these days? Are you planning on playing in any movies, TV shows, a new album possibly, anything?

Laura nodded and readjusted her feet. “I may. My dad just informed me that I’m going to an audition tomorrow for a movie, and if I get it then I’ll be doing that.”

What movie?” He pressed.

“The Lovely Bones, I’ve never heard of it before, but the title sounds really good so…” She said trailing off.

Oh, that should be interesting, good luck. But you know who else is auditing for that movie?” Ryan asked. “You know him.


Guess,” Ryan said like a little kid.

“Seacrest, I honestly have no idea who else is trying out.” She said. “Will you please just tell me?”

Laura heard Ryan sigh then his naturally excited voice boomed into her ear drums again and all over the air waves. “Okay, I’ll tell you and everybody else who’s auditioning once we come back from a break.

After ten minutes of pure nerve racking silence Ryan came back with a voice that scared Laura. “Are you ready to find out who the mystery man is?

Getting nervous Laura swallowed the lump trying to grow in her throat. Even though some would call her insanely famous, she still got star struck around other celebs. “Billie Joe Armstrong?” She wanted to be right.

Chuckling Ryan let her down easy. “No, close though. Joe Jonas.

Laura looked out over the horizon plainly. “Are you serious?” Her tone flat. “Joe Jonas has nothing on Billie, sorry to his fans. I’m a Billie Joe girl.” She smiled contently to herself.

The sound in Ryan’s voice was altered from his normal cherry self to a more confused tone. “Why aren’t you happy about maybe working with Joe Jonas? I thought you were close to the Jonas boys.

She found herself biting her lip. She had managed to keep it all out of the press, but here it was staring her in the face. “I’m not really close to them anymore,” she said slowly, unsure what questions she would receive or how it would affect her once people found out her and Nick had broken up.

Did you and Nick break up?” Ryan asked.

Shocked Laura let her jaw drop. “Who said we even dated. We’re just so busy that we don’t have to time talk, our friendship isn’t ruined.” She said trying to take back giving out to much information.

Laura felt her cheeks burn as Ryan laughed. “Laura, we’re not stupid, it was obvious you and Nick Jonas dated. You guys were crazy about each other. What happened?

Groaning out loud she wanted to end this conversation. “What happened to talking about the movie?” She gasped. “Or my old single?”

One thing lead to another,” Ryan said chuckling. “Hopefully seeing Joe, you and Nick will get back together. I was rooting for you guys; cutest thing since Niley.

Laura gagged at his words. He said all of the wrong things. She felt her heart break a little which made her more upset. She had spent months trying to move on, keeping her mind off
Nick. She was doing great to, she hadn’t thought about the Jonai and what once was in weeks, and then one interview ruined it all.

“You just keep thinking that Seacrest,” she said casually, brushing off the sting she felt in her heart.

Are you going to tell us what happened; why you guys broke up?” Laura wanted to laugh at the begging in his voice. Anyone could tell no one had ever turned him down before, and she loved it.


Well, I would continue to press into your personal life, but it seems we ran out of time. Next time Miss Paquette.

“Thank goodness” She said loud enough so he could hear.

Hey! I heard that.” He said, she was sure he was pretending to pout.

Laughing Laura replied. “Good, you were supposed to. Thanks for having me, bye Ryan, bye America!” Then before he could reply she hung up. “Thank God that’s over.”

Walking back inside she decided to finish breakfast. Setting her phone down she grabbed the orange juice and tried to clear the interview from her mind, forgetting everything that had happened. Over time she had gotten good at forgetting things that would hurt if she ever thought about them, so in no more than two minutes she had forgotten all about the interview.

Setting her dishes in the sink Laura walked into the living room of the hotel and sat down on the couch where she watched her brother play Wii Fit.

“Laura, do you wanna play?! He asked, smiling at his big sister.

He knew there was no way she could deny him, and she knew that as well. “Sure Alec.”
Getting up she walked over to him and took the Wii remote. After battling him in balance games she heard her phone buzz on the table.

Jogging over to it she flipped it open and stood gawked at the screen.

From: Poodle boy.
Time: 8: 12
Read or Ignore

Reluctantly she opened the message. She hoped it was him wanting her back, telling her it was all a mistake, but her small chances of hope were crushed. She knew that it was mutual, but she still knew deep down it was a mistake. Sighing she read the message to herself.

Hey. I heard you on with Ryan Seacrest. I just wanted to say good luck with the audition. – Nick.

She scoffed. He had to text her even after he could visibly hear how distressed she was over the whole topic. “Jerk,” she mumbled as she deleted the text, followed by his number from her phone.

She felt a pang of guilt hit her as she did so, it was hard for her to break away from someone she was so close to, but she knew if she ever wanted to completely get over him she had to remove everything that she physically could. Everything that she had control over, that belonged to her, it had to be gone. Slamming her phone shut she threw it at the cushioned couch and rejoined her brother.

Stupid Ryan Seacrest,” she thought “he always has to ruin everything.
♠ ♠ ♠
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So I'm sure some are you may be a little confused. This chapter is three months after chapter one, Nick and Laura broke up two months after chapter one. I know, I know. There was no Jonas dialog, but there will be some next chapter. It'll be Joe. <3 Ou la la, oui? Yes!

Disclaimer: I am not trying to steal anything from The Lovely Bones. I'm simply using the movie in the story. I am not claiming anything from the movie or book as my own. If I use anything from those two I will give credit to the rightful owner. In other words, I ain't tryin to steal nothin.
