Status: i'm losing subscribers. D: I might delete this....

...And Here Comes Another Boy Band


"If you tell him I'm telling your parents that you're dating James and I'm telling Kendall that your parents want to meet him tonight!" Joanna threatened Chloe and I.

We stopped in our tracks and turned to look at her. "You suck," Chloe pouted.

Joanna smiled satisfied. "That's what I thought," she said sticking her tongue out at us.

"Actually, there's a problem," Ryann said seriously.

"What's that?" I asked curiously.

She smirked at Joanna. "I don't have a secret so I can tell him!" she said as she started to run.

"No!" Joanna groaned.

"Yes!" I cheered and Chloe and I ran after Ryann.

"No!" Joanna repeated and ran after us.

"Hey, no running in my lobby!" Mr. Bitters yelled after us.

We ignored his yells and continued sprinting towards the elevators almost knocking people down. We quickly got on and yelled at the doors to shut before Joanna got on but it was too late. She glared at us and we smiled innocently at her. When the doors opened Ryann pushed Joanna out of the way and ran. Chloe and I hopped over Joanna and ran after Ryann. Joanna screamed at us and I couldn't help but laugh.

"Almost there!" Ryann yelled.

She stopped suddenly as Matthew came out of his room and stood in front of her with his guitar and a raised eyebrow. "What are you doing?" he asked us. "

"Can't stop and chat now bro," I said quickly.

I looked back and saw Joanna coming. "Go Ryann!" I yelled pushing her.

"We have to get to the boys before Joanna," I explained quickly and then I ran after Ryann with Chloe close behind.

"Move Matt!" I heard Joanna yell.

We finally made it to our destination and Ryann rapidly knocked on the door. "I'm coming!" a girl's voice yelled on the other side.

The little girl we saw at the restaurant opened the door. "What do you want?" she asked.

"Are the boys here?" Ryann asked quickly.

"Yeah, they're-"

We hurried in before she could finish. "Quick shut the door!" Chloe said quickly shutting and locking the door.

"What're you doing?" the girl asked unsurely.

We hurried inside. The guys were playing a game of hockey. Not the machine game. They were literally playing hockey. We watched them tackling each other trying to hit the puck with their hockey sticks.

"Hey boys, girls are hear!" the little girl said loudly so they could hear.

They immediately stopped attacking each other and looked at us. We smiled and waved at them. They took their hockey stuff off and walked over to us. Then there were knocks on the door and we could hear Joanna.

"Don't answer that," I said quickly to the little girl who was about to go get it.

"What's up?" Kendall asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I'm going to murder you girls!" we heard Joanna yell.

"Well," Ryann started. "Joanna wanted us to tell Logan something."

"Me?" Logan asked unsurely, raising his eyebrows.

"Yep," I confirmed nodding.

"Um...what is it?" he asked nervously.

The door opened before Ryann could answer him. We turned around and saw that the little girl opened the door and Joanna came in. Her cheeks were bright red and she glared at us. We smiled innocently at her.

"Hey, look, Joanna!" Ryann said in mock surprise.

"She's here so she can tell you herself," Chloe said smirking at Joanna.

"Oh, what?" Joanna asked innocently, raising an eyebrow. "That Noah's parents want to meet Kendall or that they think boys with long hair are bad news and therefore Chloe is afraid to tell them about her crush on James or that Ryann here obviously is crushing on Carlos but doesn't want us to tease her about it? I mean you girls could've told them this yourselves," Joanna said with a shrug.

I stared at her with my mouth wide opened. Chloe's eyes were wide and her cheeks were the brightest of reds and Ryann was glaring daggers at the smirking Joanna. "Wow," the little girl said.

"You're dead Howard," Ryann muttered. I turned to look at the boy's priceless expressions. If I wasn't so shocked, angry and nervous I'd laugh.

"So, your parents want to meet me?" Kendall finally spoke. I blushed and looked down at my feet and nodded.

"A girl that I like actually likes me back?" James exclaimed. I smiled slightly and looked at Chloe. Her cheeks were still red and she looked down at her feet.

Carlos didn't say anything. He just stared at Ryann with his mouth opened slightly. Logan stood uncomfortably between James and Carlos. "So, what did you want to tell me?" he asked Joanna.

She looked at him and her cheeks heated up. "I-I um..."

I smirked at her. "She likes you," I said simply.

"Wow," the little girl said again. "All of you are weird."

I looked at her. "Whose sister is this?" I asked raising an eyebrow and looking up at the boys.

"That'd be my sister," Kendall said.

"Should've known," I said nodding.

"So, while you guys continue to stare at each other like idiots, I'm going to head out to the pool," his sister said turning around to grab her things and leave.

"So, your parents want to meet me?" Kendall asked again.

I nodded looking at him this time. "Ryann told them about our little dinner last night and they want to meet you," I explained.

"Wow, when?"

I shrugged. "Whenever."

"Tonight?" he suggested.

I bit my lip. "Sure."

The room was filled with an awkward silence after that. Everyone looked anywhere but at each other. It was totally and completely uncomfortable. Then a lady entered the apartment. She raised her eyebrow at us. "Why are you all just standing around?" she asked.

"Oh, hey mom," Kendall greeted her.

"Are you kids going to sit around all day or what?" she asked glancing at each of us.

"Actually, I'm going to go meet Noah's parents tonight," Kendall explained putting his arm around my shoulder.

"Oh, and she's your girlfriend now?" his mom asked slowly raising her eyebrow.

"Oh, no, we're just friends," Kendall explained with a nervous laugh.

His mom nodded looking at me. "And the rest of you?" she asked looking at everyone else.

"We're just going to hangout by the pool or something," Logan answered with a shrug.

Kendall's mom nodded. "And where's Katie?" she asked looking around. Katie must be Kendall's sister's name.

"She's at the pool," Kendall said.

"Ok, well, have fun," she said.

She went into the small kitchen and we left the apartment. "Your mom doesn't like me," I said as we walked down the hall.

"She does," Kendall disagreed.

"She didn't seem too thrilled when she asked if I was your girlfriend," I explained.

"Well..." Kendall trailed off.

"You were a complete jerk to us before," Carlos said simply.

"Carlos," Kendall hissed.

"Its okay, I know," I sighed.

"You know what I think?" Ryann asked suddenly. "I think that Chloe should also take James to meet the parents."

"Ryann," Chloe whined.

"That's actually a good idea," James agreed.

"No, it's not," Chloe disagreed.

"Well, I'm coming along anyways."

Chloe and I both groaned. This should be entertaining, right?
♠ ♠ ♠
as I wrote this it felt like I was there, running trying to get to the boys before Joanna. My heart was beating fast and everything. ha, I loved writing this chapter. [:

p.s I love Katie, she's adorable.