Status: i'm losing subscribers. D: I might delete this....

...And Here Comes Another Boy Band


Boys, boys, boys

"Cats and bats and knats and fat?" Chloe said.

"Who'd listen to music about cats and bats and knats being fat?" Ryann asked rolling her eyes.

"Who said they were fat?" Chloe retorted.

"Girls! We need everyone thinking straight so stop it," I snapped. Ryann rolled her eyes again and Chloe sighed.

"I have nothing!" Chloe admitted.

It was about 8'oclock in the morning. An hour before we were actually expected to get up. Linda decided an hour early wouldn't hurt. So we got out of bed and refreshed ourselves. Now we were in the studio with a plate of bacon, a box of donuts and coffee. There was a pile of balled up papers on the right side of my foot. I didn't sleep well last night and I had to get up early, my mind wasn't functioning right.

"How about boys?" Linda asked.

"Boys?" I repeated.

"Boys," she said simply, smiling.

"What about...boys?" Joanna asked raising an eyebrow.

"Write a song about boys. Isn't there one involved somewhere? A guy you all liked or hate or dated? Is there a bad breakup or something? That's what people want to hear," Linda said excitedly.

We exchanged unsure glances. Boys? All female singers write songs about boys. Some male singers write songs about boys. It's getting kind of old. "Don't they want to hear something different?" I asked. "Like dogs and cats and family situations?" I suggested.

"No, no, no," Linda said shaking her head. "It's boys. Every girl loves a good love song," she said smiling that red smile of hers. I looked at the girls and they had reluctant looks on their faces. I shook my head at Linda. "Just try it and lets see how it goes," she suggested.

I sighed. "I guess it couldn't hurt," I said.

Linda smiled at us and then stood up. "I'll be back to check on your progress," she said and then left us alone.

"I hate boys!" Ryann yelled in frustration, minutes after Linda had left.

There were at least twelve sheets of balled up papers added to the pile now. How can you write a song about a boy without it sounded cheesy? How can you write a song about a boy without it sounding like all of the others? I sighed loudly and threw my head back. I rested it on the back of the comfy chair I was sitting in and looked up at the white ceiling.

"Let's write a song about a puppy and tell her it's about a boy," Chloe whined from her upside down position in her chair.

"It's not just the fact that I can't write a song about a boy," I said. "I can't think of anything."

The door opened then and Linda came in, her heels clicking on the tiled floor. She smiled at us. "So, what do we have?" she asked.

"Nothing," Joanna answered.

"Boys are stupid and a bad topic to ponder on," Ryann said angrily, getting up from the floor.

"Well, I had something written up just in case you girls couldn't think of anything," Linda said grinning as she handed me a sheet of paper.

I sat up and stared at her with raised eyebrows and then took the paper from her. I looked at with furrowed eyebrows and then looked back up at Linda's smiley face.

"Is this a joke?" I asked.

"No, it's what they want to hear."

Ryann snatched the paper out of my hand and then erupted in laughter. She held her sides as she laughed harder. "This is insane, we're not singing this," she said handing the paper back to Linda.

"You girls need at least five songs for your demo. You can't come up with another song, so it's this or back to Texas for you girls," Linda said threateningly.

I looked at all of the girls and sighed. I snatched the paper from Ryann's hand and Linda smiled as I stood up from my seat. "Fine," I mumbled. "We'll do it."

"Hey boy, yeah, you boy. I like you. Do you like me?" I said in a monotonous tone into the microphone. I groaned. "I can't do this!" I yelled. I took off the headphones and stormed out of the studio.

"Noah, what's wrong?" Chloe asked coming out of the studio.

"I don't want to sing that song," I said. "I don't want it on our demo."

"But if we don't do it we're heading back to Texas," Chloe reminded me.

I sighed and turned to her. "I know."

The door opened and Linda walked out. "Okay girls, how about I give you a break. You can freshen up your minds and think and then around noon come back here to give me what you have," she suggested.

"Okay, thanks Linda," I said.

"No problem," she smiled and then walked away.
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yes, this si a Big Time Rush fan fiction.
I promise they're coming soon!
stay with me.