Status: Running Very Slowly

Testing the Water


The next week went by completely uneventful, leading up to Brittany’s Birthday.

After quickly straightening my hair, I applied a slight bit of makeup. I pulled my new dress over my head, and zipped the back up. I finished up getting ready and made my way downstairs.

“Hey you ready?” I asked, seeing Sid sitting on the couch watching TV.

“Mhmm,” He mumbled turning the TV off and getting up. “What time is it?”

“Only 7, but whatever.” I responded, as we made our way to the door.

“Eh, it’s okay. We need to pick up Geno on the way anyways.” I nodded. “Want to drive?”

My eyes widened. “What do you think Sid?” I laughed, “I’m so used to my brothers doing anything to keep the keys away from me.” He laughed as well.

Sid threw me the keys, and I stuck them in my coat pocket, as I put on my shoes and coat.

The two of us got into the car, and I drove about fifteen minutes, over to Evgeni’s. I stayed in the car, as Sidney ran up to the door and informed Geno we were here. Within a minute, they both reappeared and made their way over to the car. Sidney hopped back in, shotgun, while Geno got in the backseat.

“Hello Nicki.” Geno smiled, through his rough English.

“Hey Geno!” I shot him a smile through the mirror, as I backout of his driveway, “How are you doing?”

“I’s good. You?”

“Pretty good.”

The conversation remained fairly quiet, aside from the brief talk of the party, and some hockey.

A little while later, we reached the hall where Britt’s party was to be held. The three of us got out of the car, and I beeped the car locked. We walked up to the main doors and entered.

The whole place was dark, with an exception of the bright lights flashing around the room. We hung up our coats and made our way into the main room. The dance floor was filled with people, and food was lined along the right wall. I was Brittany across the room, so I started to walk over, “Bye guys. I’ll see ya around.”

I walked over to Brittany and greeted her with a hug. “Hey! Happy Birthday!” I exclaimed.

She gave me a huge smile, “Thanks.” There was a short pause before she spoke again, “Nice shoes.”

I let out a lasting sigh before responding. “I couldn’t let them go completely to waste.” I looked down at the bright red heels I had gotten at Christmas. Even if heels really weren’t my thing, I had to admit: they didn’t look too bad, and did completely add to my height –an area I was lacking.-

The two of us talked for a little while until I saw Tyler near the front doors. “Hey, I gotta run. I’ll talk to you later?” She nodded as I walked across the room again. “Hey you.” I smiled, as he looked away from his jacket he was hanging up and over at me.

“Hey.” He smiled, and then met his lips with mine. After breaking apart he spoke again, “How are you doing?” His hand was in mine as we walked into the main room –again.

“I’m good.” I smiled, “Wanna dance?” I asked as a slow song came on.

His arms fell to my waist, “Of course.” And mine wrapped around his neck.

The night was filled with lots of dancing and fun. We were talking a break from the dance floor, so I decided to make my way back over to Brittany. “Hey Britt.” I smiled, and then took a double take, “Joey! Oh my God. I didn’t know you were here too!”

He shot me a smile, “Yeah, Britt invited me. And I brought my girlfriend too, I want you guys to meet her.” He walked away for a brief moment before returning, with a familiar face at his side.

I swore, Brittany’s jaw, and my own, dropped at the same time. Standing right infront of us, with hands intertwined with Joey’s was Lydia.

I though, was the first to speak. “Wow. You’ve got to be kidding me.”

Lydia's eyes widened, as Brittany then took it among herself to speak. "What the fuck Lydia!?"

Joey looked taken aback at our sudden outburst, knowing nothing that was going on. "Just a minute!" I snapped, walking away quickly attempting to find someone. Finally, after a few minutes, I found who I was looking for. "Flower! Get your ass over here."

"Jeez Nicki, I know you're pissed and all bu-" He started.

"Don't even go there. I have a question, did you come here with Lydia?"

"Uh, no. We met up here."

I nodded, "Were you with her the whole time...?"
"No..." He answered, "But what's with all the questions?"

I just shook my head before replying, "You'll see. Come on."

I grabbed his hand in my own, and pulled him over to where Joey, Lydia, and Britt were. Looks were shot around our small circle.

Joey spoke, "What's going on..."

I raised my eyebrows, "Joey, meet Marc, Lydia's other boyfriend. Marc, meet Joey, Lydia's other boyfriend." Both of them widened their eyes in shock and looked over at Lydia.

"It's really not what it looks like!" She cried out.

"Bullshit." Britt chirped in. "What is it then?!"

"Urgh!" Lydia shouted, before running off. I saw many people glance in her direction, but then shrug it off. Every party has at least one person leave crying.

Both of the boys had saddened look on their faces, but what really could you expect. "Joey." I gave him a dismissive wave, before I walked away slowly, with Marc at my side. Once we were a few paces away, I stopped and gave him a huge hug. "I'm sorry Marc, I really am."

He pulled away from the hug to stare me in the eyes, "What are you sorry for? You just showed me what I needed to know. It's better for me to find out now, than in six months!"

I let out a deep sigh, "I know, but still, breaking your heart hurts me too." I paused, "You're one of the bestfriends I've ever had Marc, I love you." I fell back into the hug, and he returned the favor.

"I love you too Nicki."

I stood back, "Come on. Even though the mood might be a bit dampened, Britt still has to open presents." I shot him a small smile, and he walked along-side me over to Britt. Some people were still dancing, but -the close friends, I'd say- gathered, sitting around Britt who took to opening her presents. I walked over to sit next to Tyler who had raised eyebrows, wondering what had happened just minutes earlier. I shook my head, informing him I'd tell him later. Flower looked slightly out of place, so I just patted the floor next to me. He gave me a smile and sat in the spot I had pointed out.

I glanced around at our circle, the people seated included: Tyler, Marc, Jordan, Sidney, Kris, Max, Geno, Brooks, a few people I didn't recognize, and myself. Britt started digging through her gifts, picking each at random.

"Hey!" She smiled, "A Timcard!" I rolled my eyes and laughed at her gift, "With a picture of someone on it..." She paused, "Thanks Sidney!" That was just a Sid thing to do, give her a giftcard with his picture on it.

"Brooks! You're an idiot." Brittany shook her head slightly seeing her gift. It was a pile of free skate sharpens. I had to agree with him nonetheless, her skates were awfully dull.

"I try." He smiled.

"From TK, Flower, and Jord..this aught'a be good." She laughed. After unwrapping the gift, and opening the box, she found a set of shot glasses "Nice guys." Giving them a thumbs up, she continued through her gifts.

"What the fuck?!" She exclaimed. I held back a laugh, by putting my face into Tyler's shoulder. "Nicki! You're a messed up person." She shot a playful glare over.

I acted innocent, "What did I do...?" She shook the small box in her hand, and I burst out into a fit of laughter. Only I would be creative enough to get my bestfriend birth control for her Birthday. "Hey, look in the box again."

She glanced back in. "A teddy pair, heels, and a Pens shot glass." Britt shook her head, laughing. "You really are a freak."

Brittany went through the rest of her gifts, leaving just one left. My guess? Kris' present for sure.

A moment later, her eyes widened and jaw dropped. "Oh my God!" She squealed, and held up a necklace. It was a black jewel carved into the shape of a rose, with red highlights through out, placed together on a simple chain.

I looked over at Tyler, "Don't get any ideas." He said with a hint of humor in his voice.
♠ ♠ ♠
Longest chapter...ever! :]
And, ooooh, drama :O

I only got 2 [I think...] comments on the last one :(
Are people still reading?

3 comments for the next chapter, pretty please (: (:

Oh, by the way, if you read this...say "incredible" somewhere in your comment x))