Status: Running Very Slowly

Testing the Water


Exciting news.

I’m working on a rewrite (and eventual continuation) of this series. It will begin with the prequel to this story, Break the Ice, before continuing onto a rewrite and eventual ending to this story. A final part in the trilogy is also planned. This series was a project I started over seven years ago but never finished, in big part due to being unhappy with the juvenile writing of my thirteen year old self and feeling a little lost with the direction of this story. So I am very excited to be starting a complete rewrite of this series in hopes of finishing it, including all three parts.

With the parts that I’m rewriting, I’d like to stay as true to the story as possible, but some things will be changed in order to deepen the plot, maintain continuity, include more factual information and so forth. There will also be more to the storyline, so hopefully this project will be nostalgic as well as exciting for all of you previous readers. I’m super excited to be working on this project and can’t wait to see how it turns out. I have created the story page which you can get to by clicking here. I posted the first chapter today!

I am so excited to reconnect with this story, the characters as well as all of you! Now let’s get back the roots and start to break the ice.
♠ ♠ ♠
I apologize to those of you who received this message twice. I just wanted to ensure that readers who joined in later (as well as those who were there from the start) are aware of the rewrite.

Thank you!

Chapter one is available by clicking here.