‹ Prequel: Stop & Erase
Sequel: I Promise You


You think I'm still hung up on you But baby it's not true

We Sat there for the next few minutes in Akward Silence, He was Thinking oh god when A guy takes forever to answer a question its Either Horrible News or Just Stupid. I Watched the Second hand Tick again and again . I heard Nick Start to Speak " I Love you Lacey So I Would love To be More than Friends if That's OK " He said I smiled More and More by each word, I kissed Nick for a Short Second " Thank you Nick " I said he Smiled and Hugged me.
The Next Morning I woke Up before anyone eles I noticed Alex was home also I Started to Make Breakfast and Invited . Demi and Joe Over for Breakfast along with Danielle Denise Kevin and Paul and Frankie. I Finsihed making Breakfast and walked to my room Joe Brought Nick Some Cloths Over. I Opened the door to see Nick Standing up " hey" I said " Oh hey Lace" He said walking over and hugged me and Kissed my Cheek " Hey Nick, well Your mom dad Kevin Joe Frankie Demi and Danielle are over for breakfast and Alex is home so Yeah Joe brought you some Cloths so Go get Dressed" I said Handing him the cloths and walking back to the Kitchen. Everyone was Scattered around the Kitchen Talking I sat at the island in the Middle of the Kitchen. Soon Nick came down stairs and kissed me again and then got some food.It got Dead Silent and everyone stared at us " What the Hell was that " Alex said I looked at him " what?" I asked " you , him , you him, when , how ," was what he Repeated till Kevin hit him on the back of the head " thanks I said to Kevin. everyone laughed " Alex just shut up and enjoy this lovely morning OK" I said and he laughed and glared at me. Later than Day me and Nick Decided to go to the Park we also Took Elvis with us so Nick could walk him. He Held my hand as We walked threw the Park. There were Leaves Falling Trees and leaves turning Golden Colors. Colors of the Fall a Few kids running around with their Friends or Parents, But no Paparazzi. We just sat on a bench talking " Lace I Love you " Nick said I smiled " l Love you Too Nick So........." I Trailed off looking around the Park at the Many Different Colors " Lace Will You Be my Girlfriend?" He asked that got my attion Snapped back to him He looked at me abit unsure for a moment I smiled and nodded and he kissed me, We smiled and soon walked to Nick's house everyone was there . " hey Lacey, Nick we as Kevin me, Demi, and you guys are doing a music video later today after we Record it " Joe said we smiled and nodded.
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There short but they are updates : )