‹ Prequel: Crush

I Promise You

It's somethin' true That we do Just somethin' natural

I groand Half awake. Demi and Dani Dragging me from Store to Store, Trying on Dress after dress. If you couldnt tell Im in the middle of Plaining my wedding and im Not aloud to rest till i find the perfect Dress as Dani and Demi Threatend me. It was about 2pm when I found the perfect dress, It was Strapless, with Blue and Silver Designs On it Then we got their Dresses They were knee Length Dark Midnight blue With a Silver band around the waist, wiith Black Shoes and They each had a white Rose in their hair they were fuly bloomed so it was Beautiful. After I Spent the whole day with them I finally got home it was about 9pm I unlocked the door and saw Nick Watching Tv with Elvis " Hey Nick" I said Carrying my bags into our closet.I heard the tv get turned off and our bed room door squeak as he pushed it open abit more " Hey lace Do enough shopping?" he asked laughing at all the bags " You have no clue what I was Put threw Nicholas Two Pregger Women and trying to get a wedding done they scared me I was dragged into store after store and they made me carry home my dress and shoes and their dress and shoes " I kept rambbling Nick kissed me " wow if you like this about the wedding Makes me Wonder about a Baby" He said Kissing me again " So did you eat already?" I asked he nodded " what about you ?" He asked " no i didnt eat but Im Not Hungary " He nodded " ok well I think its Time to go to bed" he said. and we both fell asleep in each others arms waiting for the wedding day to come.